Try each trick as you move through the slides.Topics Include: signing into Chrome, bookmarks, tab tricks, managing multiple accounts, settings, and more
Google Classroom: Chromebook Training - Getting to Know Google Chrome

The Chrome Web Store

Chrome Web Store
Extensions - Click and Learn Slides
Chrome Extensions MANAGEMENT - Short Click-and-Learn Slides

Reminder: Only extensions that have been enabled by the district are available to install.

Request Extensions

Request Button

App or Extension Request: If you would like to use a specific, educational Chrome Extension or Google Marketplace app, check the EPS list of extensions that are currently open to staff & students. If the one you want to use is not there, submit a Technology Help Desk work order. Be sure to include: 


Troubleshooting Tips

Clear Browsing Data


Decorative Icon

Update Your Chrome OS (Operating System Version)

Your Chromebook operating system (Chrome) is supposed to update automatically but sometimes it gets behind. If it gets more than two versions behind, it stops auto-updating.  (Sheesh!)  Follow the steps below to update Chrome so you are running smoothly.

Updating Google Chrome on a Chromebook

Updating Google Chrome on a PC (desktop computer)
