Read & Write Overview

Although Read&Write is marketed for students with literacy needs, all students can benefit from its features. The text-to-speech options can be used to listen to longer passages instead of reading them -- improving listening comprehension and engaging students' auditory and visual senses. Talk&Type allows students in a science lab to take notes and record observations orally, freeing up their hands to work. 

The highlighter options can be used for note-taking in any classroom; students can use the Read&Write toolbar to underline passages they find important on a website or while using iPad apps, or to record voice notes as they browse. To develop their writing skills, students can build sentences using Read&Write's word prediction tool, and then work in groups to make complex sentences or paragraphs on a given topic. The vocabulary feature, which automatically creates a list of words and definitions based off of highlighted text, could also come in handy as a glossary or study tool.   

Choose how to get started!

Features Tour- Video guides showing each feature and how it can be used

Training Guide- Google document highlighting the features