Evolution of Women's Activism

About The Project

Our project sheds light on the struggles and triumphs within women's activism over the years. It shows how women's movements have fought against sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression to achieve full gender equality in law and in practice. As the years progress so does the strength and inclusiveness of the movement and as we provide more knowledge you become more aware of some things you can do to continue the fight.

"An idea built the wall of separation between the sexes, and an idea will crumble it to dust." - Sarah Moore Grimke


Kameron Robinson (he/him)

My name is Kameron and I’m a senior. I enjoy lots of things but the top would be singing and playing piano. Math is my favorite subject but "Women In Literature" is a class that caught my attention the most so I joined. Through this class I learned so much about what gender norms are in this society. Honestly it is a shame to see people as a whole still revert back to the past to help create the future. This class has shed light on so many issues that we don't even think about. It is time to make a true change for the better.

Darvell Wilcoxon (he/him)

I'm a senior at Lane Tech who decided to pursue Women in Lit to be a part of something greater than myself. As a student in this class I have gained tons of knowledge about things I can do to help the women around me and as a person that's something I'm very passionate about. Some of those who've inspired me the most have been women in various fields even all kinds of different sports have been women. I've seen women breaking down gender norms all my life so hearing about these crazy roles women are supposed to play in this life we have to live makes my head spin, we have a job as a society to delete these from our mind and progress as people rather than genders.