Indigenous Women in Media

About The Project

Indigenous Women in Media is a project explaining how Indigenous Women's representation has changed through time in different types of media There has been little to no Indigenous representation in media leading to false information being spread. There has been progress in representation, but there is still a lack of information involving Native women in media. Throughout this project we hope to educate the community and highlight women who are advocating for this same issue.

"Truth lasts forever, over the decades of time. It doesn't go away. It resonates from one generation to the next, far beyond the time I will go to my grave." -Sacheen Littlefeather

Women In Lit Semester Project

Elena Hernandez Cornelio (she/they)

Hi, my name's Elena and I am a senior at Lane! I decided to take Women in Lit after hearing about the class through a friend. I was very excited that Lane offered a class dedicated to women as in many of my other English classes are centered around literature written by white men. Through this course I have been able to discover new authors and have discussions on topics which I deeply care about.

Being involved in spaces for marginalized communities I knew that through this project I wanted to spotlight groups of women who have been silenced for years. With the help of my partner, Saharay, we were able to come up with the project idea of showcasing Indigenous women. We especially wanted to focus on the media as this is where much of our generation gets its information. Through this project I wanted to illustrate how social media has both harmed and allowed for Indigenous women to advocate for their own communities.

Saharay Lopez (she/they)

Hi my name is Saharay Lopez and I am a Senior at Lane Tech. I joined Women in Lit because I’ve always wanted to take a class that focused on literature made by women and not just the classic literature written by white old men. I wanted to make a project that explained the struggles that Indigenous Women are facing in the media. My portion of the project was specific to Indigenous Women in Film because there is so much misinformation about Native Women through their portrayal in movies. Countless stereotypes depicted on screen and the lack of good representation of Indigenous Women can cause harmful effects in the real world. I wanted to share some good representations in film that others can support.