Modern Feminism's Birthplace

About The Project

Many people do not know what Performance Art is or the significance it has had within modern day movements. This project focuses on the impact Performance Art has had on feminism and the way it influenced the issues that the modern day feminist movement focuses on. It explores artists throughout the decades and their contributions to the art world, how they interpret feminist issues within their performances, and their impact on the New Wave Feminist and Modern Movements.

"Performance Art will forever have been one of the most influential movements within Feminism. Without these artists, we would not have been able to take down barriers and make it to where the movement is today."

Performance Art: The Birthplace for Modern Feminism

Kayah Tracz (She/her)

My name is Kayah Tracz and I am a junior at Lane. I chose to take Women in Lit in order to explore topics that are not traditionally explored in most English classes. I love art and have taken a plethora of art classes at Lane and outside of it, therefore, sparking my interest in this topic. I chose to do my project on Performance Art because it was a kind of art form that I was not familiar with. My work mainly focuses on photography and design so I wanted to learn more about a medium that was so far away from mine. I knew that Performance Art played a big part in the New Wave Feminism of the 90s and wanted to explore that in depth.