Black & Latina Women in Music

About The Project

Black and Latina Women in Music is a project that focuses on the struggles and accomplishments of both Black and Brown female music communities. In rap and reggaeton, two male dominated music genres, women of color have been misrepresented and deprived of their proper recognition. From gender roles to media representation, this project brings attention to an issue that isn’t new but is hopefully on the road to improving in our growing society.

"Being young and female in America, you watch a lot of T.V., and you grow up on false images of what love truly is. We think the man with the best rap will protect and save us, about it's not usually that way. Then you learn love is something deeper and purer in form." - Lauryn Hill

Women in Lit Project - Madisyn Burke

Madisyn Burke (she/her)

Damarys Duran (she/her)

Hi! We are Madisyn (‘23) and Damarys (‘24)! After years of knowing each other from middle school we were super excited to take a class that promotes ideas that we support, such as current world gender issues and the underlying battles women and other minorities face. As Black and Brown young women we find music to be a big part of our lives and culture. Being able to share the realities of being both a woman and a woman of color in music was an inspiring and enjoyable experience and we hope we were able to empower and shine a light on the talent in our communities.