The Representation of Women in Media

About The Project

When the majority of popular media consists of women being sexualized, a major psychological toll is taken on the consumers, specifically teens. We wanted to shed light on how prevalent the hyper sexualization of women is in today's society, even in children's shows and movies. Everywhere you look, women's bodies are objectified and expected to fit an impossible norm, inspiring a rise in anxiety, depression, and eating disorders in women. Through our project, we wanted to help women understand that their bodies are normal and unrealistic beauty standards have no truth to them.

"We only post when we look our best, makeup done, happy, with friends, when in reality half of the time we are laying in our beds wishing we looked like someone else.”

Representation of Women in the Media - Lily Molinaro

Audrey Thomas (she/her)

My name is Audrey and I’m a junior at Lane! I stumbled across Women in Lit when I was looking for an elective to take junior year, and I ended up loving the class. I was interested in this project topic after seeing the effects different forms of media have on people’s mental health and well-being, especially nowadays. I wanted to help show people how edited and unrealistic things in the media can be so that future generations don’t get caught up feeling like they have to change themselves to fit society’s standards.

Lily Molinaro (she/her)

My name is Lily and I'm a junior!! I have always been interested in women in literature and I was so excited when I discovered this class. The way women are represented is extremely harmful to so many people's mental health and self-image, creating certain expectations and stereotypes that simply cannot be met. The topic of this project is something I have always thought about and i'm so glad I got to make this zine. It's really important for people, especially anyone who identifies as a woman, to realize that uniqueness is beautiful and there is nothing "normal" about beauty standards.