Polding Winter Trials

Polding Winter Trials - Bathurst - Friday, 29th April - 2022

A big thank you to all involved with the Polding Winter Sports Trials.

There were a few nerve racking days as we had a huge influx of sports boys / girls and their families to our diocese. The rainy weather and the chance of ovals being closed meant the stress levels were extremely high!! I don't know what we were worried about as the day finished in brilliant sunshine!

We have received positive feedback from all four sports and the selectors have picked strong teams for the PSSA Championships.

A huge thankyou to the following staff members for all their time and effort in ensuring the success of the trials.


11's League: Ken McNamars - St Edward's, Canowindra

12's League: Grahame Statham - St Raphael's, Cowra

Boys & Girls Hockey: Lyndal Marshall - St Patrick's Lithgow

Girls Football: Naomi Clark -  St Mary's Wellington

Boys Football: Josh Dunn - St Mary's, Orange

Netball: Amber Teale - St John's, Dubbo

Thank you to Cassie Toole - St Patrick's Lithgow & Emma Bolton - St John's Dubbo

Team Managers:

11's League: Brad Toole - All Hallows, Gulgong

12's League: Jacob Parslow - St Philomena's, Bathurst

Boys Hockey: Hayley Farrugia - St Patrick's Lithgow 

Girls Hockey: Larissa Gallard  - St Raphael's, Cowra

Girls Football: Matt Knight -  MacKillop Bathurst

Boys Football: Martin Felice - James Sheahan, Orange

Netball: Prue Best - St Joseph's, Gilgandra

Congratulations to the following students who made possible V probables and the Polding Team:

12's League: 

Possible and Probable Players: Eddie Flynn - St Matthew's Mudgee, Sam Large - St Mary's Dubbo, Hunter James - All Hallows, Gulgong, Charlie Sturt - St Mary's, Orange, Jack Sara - St Mary's Orange & Levi Thurston - St Pius, Dubbo

Polding Team Players: Eddie Flynn - St Matthew's, Mudgee, Sam Large - St Mary's Dubbo

11's League:

Possible and Probable Players: Bill Holden - St Matthew' s, Mudgee, Judd Zinga - Catherine McAuley, Oliver Gersbach - St Mary's Dubbo, Harrison Aird - St Mary's Dubbo, Jake McElligot - All Hallows Gulgong, Finn Sutcliff - St Mary's, Dubbo, Lachlan Dunkley - Catherine McAuley, Orange, Billy Dean - Catherine McAuley

Polding Team Players: Jake McElligot - All Hallows Gulgong, Finn Sutcliff - St Mary's, Dubbo, Lachlan Dunkley - Catherine McAuley, Orange, Billy Dean - Catherine McAuley

Hockey Boys: 

Possible and Probable Players: Beau Hughan - St Patrick's, Lithgow & Henry Martin-Clarke - St Philomena's, Bathurst

Polding Team Players: Henry Martin-Clarke St Philomena's, Bathurst

Hockey Girls: 

Possible and Probable Players: Grace Yeo - St Joseph's Oberon, Layla Gibbons - Holy Family Kelso, Mia Grabham - Holy Family Kelso, Bella Crawford - Cathedral, Bathurst, Zoe Fulton - Cathedral, Bathurst, Chloe Howard - Cathedral, Bathurst & Anna Toohey - St Laurance's, Dubbo

Polding Team: Grace Yeo - St Joseph's Oberon, Layla Gibbons - Holy Family Kelso, Mia Grabham - Holy Family Kelso, Bella Crawford - Cathedral, Bathurst, Zoe Fulton - Cathedral, Bathurst, Chloe Howard - Cathedral, Bathurst

Football Girls:

Possible and Probable Players: Jacquobie Blennan - Holy Family Kelso, Holly Wilkinson - Holy Family Kelso, Amity Smith - Holy Family Kelso, Maggie Freebody - St Matthew's Mudgee

Polding Team: Maggie Freebody - St Matthew's Mudgee

Netball Girls:

Possible and Probable Players: Emma Tremble - St Raphael's, Cowra

Polding Winter Trials - Bathurst - Friday, 23rd April - 2021

Polding Winter Trials:

Bathurst hosted the Polding Winter Trials on Friday 23rd April. It was a beautiful Bathurst Autumn day and we had a wonderful day of Netball, Boys & Girls Football (Soccer), Boys & Girls hockey and 11's & Opens Rugby League. We were lucky to get support from many groups in the  community including: Bathurst Netball Association, Bathurst Football Association, Bathurst Hockey Association and St Patrick’s Bathurst Rugby League Club. The competition was strong among the visiting diocese: Lismore, Maitland- Newcastle, Armidale, Wilcannia- Forbes, and Broken Bay.

A big thank you to our convenors:

Rugby League: Ken McNamara (St Edwards Canowindra) & Grahame Statham (St Raphaels Cowra)

Netball: Amber Teale (St John's Primary Dubbo) & Emma Bolton  (St John's Primary Dubbo)

Hockey: Cassie Toole (St Patrick's Lithgow) & Lyndal Marshal  (St Patrick's Lithgow)

Football: Martin Felice (james Sheahan Orange)

All Bathurst teams performed well and displayed great sportsmanship and respect to all involved in the trials. Special congratulations to the following children who made the Polding Teams.

11's Rugby League:

\William Jessiman - St Matthews Mudgee

Eddie Flynn - St Matthews Mudgee

Sam Large - St Mary's Dubbo

Gus Bohringer - Catherine McAuley Orange 

Opens Rugby League:

Charlie Pilon - St Mary's Dubbo

Thomas Maas - St Mary's Dubbo

Archie Aird - St Mary's Dubbo

Billy Sykes - St Mary's Dubbo

Jimmy Monk - St Mary's Dubbo


Mia Grabham  - Holy Family Bathurst 

Addisen Welch - St Patrick’s Lithgow

Brayden Walke - St Joseph’s Molong


Jaxon Burton - Holy Family Bathurst

Clancy Toshack - St Mary’s Dubbo