Tuesday 23rd June


If you are attending school today you MUST complete you Maths lesson in the morning before you attend school. Do not do you English or Reading lessons.

If you are remaining at home you may complete your lessons as normal. We hope to live stream lessons soon so you can follow along from home, as a result of this we have changed the timetable to reflect that soon we will be doing two of our core lessons in the afternoon.

9.00 - 9.15 Spelling/Handwriting

9.15 - 10.15 Maths

10.30 - 11.00 Investigate Week!

11.00 - 11.15 Break

11.15 - 11.30 'Typing Club' practice

11.30 - 12.15 Optional activity

12.15 - 1.15 Lunch

1.15 - 2.15 Reading

2.15 - 3.15 Writing


If you have not yet completed you Handwriting booklet, please complete the next page in your booklet! Don't rush; take your time to perfect your joined-up handwriting.

Spelling: Complete the 'Syllable Sushi' activity on Readiwriter.


Choose your own Maths starter. Your options are -

CGP Book: Carry on with your Maths CGP book from the pages you have reached

You should be doing one of these activities a day, try to vary and do different things.

Complete Workbook Pages 109-110 then watch the video below to mark your answers.


Investigate Week!

This week is investigate and Sean has updated his website with all sorts of new scientific activities for you to try. Head over there by clicking the link below and complete one or all of the amazing experiments on offer!

Typing Club

If you began using Typing Club in Year 4 and have already completed the levels below, then please continue on from your current level.

Click on the link below and complete Your next two Typing club lessons


Optional Activity

Head over to our optional activities tab at the top of the page and choose something you'd like to do to complete your learning for the day!


Please read the Florence Nightingale text, then complete the quiz below.

Florence Nightingale.pdf


Watch this video then fill in the form.