Wednesday 13th May


9.00 - 9.15 Spelling

9.15 - 10.15 Maths

10.15 - 11.00 Reading

11.00 - 11.15 Break

11.15 - 12.15 Writing

12.15 - 1.15 Lunch

1.15 - 2.15 PE

2.15 - 2.30 'Typing Club' practice

2.30 - 3.15 Optional activity


Please complete the 'Picnic Panic' or 'Syllable Sushi' activity on Readiwriter. Remember: I am giving 3 dojo points for every Mathletics/Readiwriter certificate!


Warm up: Daily 10. See the picture below for the settings (I suggest clicking 20 secs for the time limit as these might take a bit longer).

Please watch the video below BEFORE you click onto the quiz!!

Make sure you have your Maths No Problem books ready...


Have a read and answer the quiz below


Illustrations!!! A huge part of game books are the pictures, they help your reader to visualise the character they are playing. So today your English task is to create some artwork to go with the game book you have written. This artwork could take many forms so be creative, but you could: make a book cover including title and you as the author, you could draw an image of the main character in lots of detail or you could do a picture of one of the scenes that took place in your book. You can use whatever you like to make the picture.

Once you have completed this PLEASE SHARE A PICTURE WITH ME ON DOJO, If you struggle doing this you could put you picture on a google slide and share it with me or maybe even attach it to an email and send it to

The most AMAZING ones will be sent off and maybe even make it into next week's assembly!

Look at some of the images below for inspiration:


Typing Club

If you began using Typing Club in Year 4 and have already completed the levels below, then please continue on from your current level.

Click on the link below and complete lessons 48 and 49

Optional Activity

Head over to our optional activities tab at the top of the page and choose something you'd like to do to complete your learning for the day!