Tuesday 28th April


9.00 - 9.15 Handwriting

9.15 - 10.15 Maths

10.15 - 11.00 Reading


MATHS FOCUS GROUPS - Link to join your class meeting will be POSTED ON CLASS DOJO in CLASS STORY. Only attend if you need help with volume.

11.05 - Bazalgette

11.30 - Vancouver

11.55 - Taranaki


11.00 - 11.15 Break

11.15 - 12.15 Writing

12.15 - 1.15 Lunch

1.15 - 2.15 Topic

2.15 - 2.30 'Typing Club' practice

2.30 - 3.15 Optional activity


Please complete the Unit 5 Focus task (do not complete the extension task yet). If you need extra space, please use your lined exercise book.


Warm up: Hit the button (division facts). Click on the image below:

Please complete pages 162 and 163 in your Maths No Problem book. Then watch the video below:

Please complete page 16 in your CGP Maths book. Don't forget to check your answers.


New class text: Hetty Feather!

We will be starting a new novel that is related to our topic called Hetty Feather, written by Jacqueline Wilson! Go onto google classroom and complete the Jam Board task called Hetty Feather cover analysis.

I want you to write a prediction based on the cover what you think will happen

Write 3 stickies about what you notice/ see on the cover

Write 3 questions about what you wonder about the book

Write 3 inferences about what you think about the characters/ setting

An example could be "I think Hetty is a child who has a job because she appears to be wearing uniform.

Skim through the text 'Goodnight Mister Tom' to find the answers to these true and false questions.


Today you will start working towards writing your own game book.

You will be writing a decision trio.

This is made up of a setting/character description, then offering two choices. The following two boxes show the outcomes of the choices - on the left is always a NEGATIVE outcome, on the right a POSITIVE one.

You are going to write one decision trio and submit it to your teacher.

Today the setting your character is in is VICTORIAN LONDON, there are some pictures on your google classroom link to help you visualise this.


The rest is up to you.

Look at the image below for an example decision trio then head over to you Google classroom to get writing!

Vancouver: https://classroom.google.com/c/NzI5NDI1NzkwMzla

Bazalgette: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjM4Nzg4NjgxMDZa

Taranaki: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjM4NzcwMDkxOTVa

Typing Club Practice

If you began using Typing Club in Year 4 and have already completed the levels below, then please continue on from your current level.

Click on the link below and complete lessons 28 'review e & i' 29 'practice e & i'


Topic - Victorian London TIMELINE

When was the Victorian era?

Today you are going to research when the Victorian period STARTED and ENDED in Britain and find out some of the interesting things that happened in this era.

YOUR TASK: Create a timeline either in your exercise book and send us a picture on Dojo, or you could use Google docs or Google slides and share the document with us.

Try to include the start and end date of the Victorian era (HINT: it's in the video about Queen Victoria above) and as much extra information as you can find.

These websites will help you to do this:

Optional Activity

Head over to our optional activities tab at the top of the page and choose something you'd like to do to complete your learning for the day!