Wednesday 3rd June


9.00 - 9.15 Spelling

9.15 - 10.15 Maths

10.15 - 11.00 Reading


MATHS FOCUS GROUPS - This week, focus groups will be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am. There will ONLY BE ONE SESSION on those days, no longer 1 session for each class. Links to join the group will be POSTED ON CLASS DOJO in CLASS STORY and on your GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Only attend if you need help with our Maths work.

11.00 - 11.20 FOCUS GROUP: MATHS


11.00 - 11.15 Break

11.15 - 12.15 Writing

12.15 - 1.15 Lunch

1.15 - 2.15 Art

2.15 - 2.30 'Typing Club' practice

2.30 - 3.15 Optional activity


Please complete the 'Syllable sushi' or 'Picnic Panic' activity on Readiwriter.


Choose your own Maths starter. Your options are -

CGP Book: Carry on with your Maths CGP book from the pages you have reached

You should be doing one of these activities a day, try to vary and do different things.

Maths Review

Roman numerals was a very short topic and today is your Roman numerals review. Unlike usual you will be completing the google form below for this review. Try to complete the answers from memory rather than having the symbols in front of you but if you are really stuck you can look them up to help.

When writing Roman numerals as an answer you must write either all in capitals or all in lowercase with no spaces. If you write differently to this the answer will be marked incorrect and you will not be able to redo the question


Please reread chapter 5 by clicking on ONE of the below links (either listen or read yourself):


Today we will revise the work on synonyms and antonyms as well as semicolons to solidify our understanding.


Head over to Phoebe's art website using the link below. In the Year 5 section scroll down to Week 4 - 19/05/20 Creating your Pre-Raphaelite composition and have a go at the activities Phoebe has put up for you!

Typing Club

If you began using Typing Club in Year 4 and have already completed the levels below, then please continue on from your current level.

Click on the link below and complete lessons 66 and 67

Optional Activity

Head over to our optional activities tab at the top of the page and choose something you'd like to do to complete your learning for the day!