Tuesday 31st March

Tuesday's Timetable

9.00 - 9.15 Handwriting

9.15 - 10.15 Maths

10.15 - 11.00 Reading

11.00 - 11.15 Break

11.15 - 12.15 Writing

12.15 - 1.15 Lunch

1.15 - 1.35 Book review

1.35 - 2.15 Flipgrid Debate

2.15 - 2.30 Typing Practice - Focus on 'd' and 'k'

2.30 - 3.15 Optional Activity

Thought of the day!


Complete the Unit 3 Focus task for Handwriting. If you need extra space, please use the lined exercise book provided in your Home Learning pack.


Spend 5 practising your times tables on TT Rockstars and then move on to the In Focus task.

In Focus task

Please complete the Guided Practice below. Make sure you are checking the scale for each question!

Complete 'Worksheet 9' on page 146, then check your answers in the video below.

Complete page 9 of your CGP Maths book. Check your answers in the back of your books when you're done.


Reread the text, 'the Unluckiest Boy in the World', and complete the True or False questions below.


Complete your next steps (on your Doc from the previous lesson). Both videos are the same, use the second one if the first doesn't work.

As shared in the assembly yesterday, Rose would really love to hear about what you have been reading. We would love to hear all about it too! Click on the image above which will take you to the Book Reviews flipgrid page and tell us all about your book. Make sure that you are on the Year 5 page.

Include details such as: the title, the author and what the book is about. Also, please let us know whether you would recommend this book to someone else or not and why.

Debate: Should computers one day replace teachers?

Click on the Flipgrid image below (do NOT use the questions one you've been using already) and post a video of your answer to the topic above. In your response, think about:

  • Whether you agree or disagree?

  • Why do you feel that way? Give reasons.

  • Is there any evidence that supports your point of view?

You can watch what other students in year 5 think and respond to at least 3 of them. Please make sure you are responding in a respectful manner (remember: we're watching you!)

Typing Skills - 'd' and 'k'

If you began using Typing Club in Year 4 and have already completed this level, then please continue on from your current level. If you are new to typing club, please read the information below.

Today we are going to be focussing on keys 'd' and 'k' of the keyboard. Watch the video below so that you know where to begin and where to end your typing practice for today. Once you have finished Nicole's video, click on the link below and continue your typing practice. Remember to have a go at the challenge if you can!


Optional Activity

Head over to the Optional Activities page and select an activity of your choice to complete your day's learning.