December 2018


New Teacher Devices are Coming! (One if by LAN, two if by C++)

The new 360-Touch Chromebooks for teachers are coming. Teachers will receive them with their annual building deployments (see schedule below).

All Librarians, ITSSs, BTCs, and ATLA participants & cadre leaders have received their new 360-Touch Chromebook and stylus. They are learning how to use the device and providing the Instructional Tech Team with feedback to support the deployments occurring after Winter Break.

For more information, check out the Instructional Technology website.

Deployment Schedule

January AMHS Dick Scobee Hazelwood Lea Hill Olympic Pioneer Terminal Park Student Support Services February ARHS Gildo Rey Ilalko Lakeland Hills Mt. Baker Rainier March Alpac Cascade Chinook Evergreen Heights Washington West Auburn April AHS Arthur Jacobsen Lakeview

Hour of Code

Many ASD schools celebrated Hour of Code Week, December 3rd through the 7th. Through coding their own apps, students learned about algorithms, loops, conditional properties, and stochastic numbers. This year, the biggest hit was the Dance Party app, where students unleashed their creativity to code routines to some of today's biggest pop hits - some of them became rather elaborate!

Check out photos of the celebrations from some of the schools.  

The Tech Team looks forward to celebrating with ASD classrooms again next year!

Tech Tips

Extensions by Approval Only

Example of malware in Chrome extensions

In light of feedback from teachers and parents, along with the need to align to best practice for data security, ASD will be transitioning students to an “approved only” list of Chromebook extensions beginning in February.

To avoid any disruption to teaching and learning, your input on extensions used in classes is needed. Please complete this form to have extensions reviewed and added to the approved list (linked on the form). The form will remain open until the end of January. After that date, teachers can request additions to the list by submitting a TMA work order. 

The security risks of certain Chrome extensions are outlined in this article from Wired.

File Stream & Office Products

If you have issues with Microsoft Office Products saved in your Google Drive File Stream, the problem may stem from how File Stream is trying to help you. Two people can work on the same Google Doc simultaneously without issue. However, two people cannot work on the same Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file at the same time. If you're logged into your File Stream on two different computers (say at home and at school), then Google thinks two different people are working on the same Microsoft file at the same time. To fix this, do the following:

Google Maps - My Maps

Not only can students use Google Maps to explore our world, but they can create, collaborate, and share layers in My Maps. Ideas include sharing the location of Ancient Civilizations, sharing the location of relatives worldwide, comparing distances and areas between states and nations, and more.

For more information or ideas about lessons with My Maps, check out these links:


21st Century Learning Skills

To empower ASD students, the District Strategic Plan leverages 1:1 technology to access 21st century learning skills, aka "The Four Cs": 

These cross-curricular concepts are central to creating future-ready learners and building more student-centered classroom experiences. Over the next few months, the Tech Tips Newsletter will highlight some of the ways in which Auburn teachers are using technology and the Four Cs.

This is not a new set of standards, or something extra to integrate into your classroom, but simply a new way of looking at what's already happening in your lessons in order to be more intentional around the use of technology. If you'd like to know more, or let the Tech Team know about how you are using these concepts in your class, reach out to your Instructional Technology Specialist!

Data Security

Cyber Security Standards for Students

The new WA State Standards for Educational Technology, based off the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Students, include standards intended to directly teach students about protecting their privacy and information online. What are you teaching in your grade band?

K-2 Digital Citizen d. - With guidance from an educator, students demonstrate an understanding that technology is all around them and the importance of keeping their information private. . 

3-5 Digital Citizen d. - Students demonstrate an understanding of what personal data is, how to keep it private and how it might be shared online 

6-8 Digital Citizen d. - Students demonstrate an understanding of what personal data is and how to keep it private and secure, including the awareness of terms such as encryption, HTTPS, password, cookies and computer viruses; they also understand the limitations of data management and how data-collection technologies work. 

9-12 Digital Citizen d. - Students manage their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track their navigation online. 

Shout Out!

Teachers Learning About Computer Science!

The latest offering of ASDCS101 on November 29th nearly packed the JPF Board Room! Thirty-eight participants attended, doubling previous attendance for a single CS offering, with 11 out of 14 ASD elementary schools represented. Participants gained awareness of CS Standards, learned the value of unplugged lessons, and identified CS integration points to use in their classrooms the next day. Teacher attendance data from CS trainings shows that Computer Science instruction is expanding rapidly across the Auburn School District!

Teachers in attendance on November 29th represented Alpac (Christian Phay & Jodi Sutcliff), Arthur Jacobsen (Jacqueline Stone & Erica Covey), Dick Scobee (Amy Flores, Judy Jones & Keri Weygint), Evergreen Heights (Leah Carroll, Donna Casanova, Staci Erickson, Elaine Ray & Brittany Robello), Hazelwood (Christina Celver, Jennifer Harris, Amy Kaleta, Jocelyn Lewis, Darlene Swanson, Erin Wickstrom & Scott Wickstrom), Ilalko (Amy Anderson & Nicole Svendsen), Lake View (Sheri Mertens), Lakeland Hills (Susan Schuman & Melissa Sergis), Lea Hill (Sharon Andrews, Gina Cardenas, Shana Jenkins, Glynnis Kijak & Candace Wall), Pioneer (Angela Hill, Julianne Huntsman & Melissa Verlander) and Terminal Park (Stephanie Andersen, Michelle Comstock, Jessica Finnsson, Devan Sweeney, Leslie Uffalussy LaFayette & Chris Williams). Way to go!