January 2022

Tech Tips

Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr

Monday, January 17th marked this year’s celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. While this day honors the great Dr King, it is also a reminder that the work is not finished. It provides us with an opportunity to explore the growth that has happened as a result of the Civil Rights Movement and also the areas of racial injustice that still exist today. As you celebrate and honor Dr King with your students this year, consider how you are moving beyond surface level learning and digging deeper with the issues that Dr King was fighting -- such as racial and social justice -- for and the connections to today.

Learning for Justice has a podcast series called Teaching Hard History and features an episode titled, “Teaching the Movement’s Most Iconic Figure.” We have linked this resource below along with others to support your work.

Image by Ho Che Anderson

Instructional Technology Coach Opening

The Department of Technology has a vacancy for a Secondary Instructional Technology Coach.  This is to replace one of our current team members who has taken a promotion at another district.  The position has been posted in Frontline and is open for applications.

Any teachers who would like to work to implement the District vision for technology, and who enjoy working with other educators, are encouraged to apply.  The first screening will be at the end of January, with an aim to hire in early February.

Please contact Gavin Lees if you have any questions about the role.

Tech Tools


A favorite tool of many teachers has received some recent updates! Previously, users would have to be connected to topic or group to record a video in Flipgrid. Now you can simply record a video, get a share link, and have the video saved to your profile. Posting an article response in Classroom? Students can now easily have more choice in how they upload a response without extra prep work on the teacher side. Need to record a video for your students? You can take advantage of the fun features in Flipgrid, download your video, and upload it for your students. Interested in finding new ways to use Flipgrid with your students? Reach out to your Tech Coach! 

Visit Flipgrid's blog to read more, or hope over to their Help Center to find additional resources

Find more of our recommended Ed Tech Tools on the Instructional Technology website!


Winter Training Series- January 14th- February 25th

The Winter Training Series has a collection of online asynchronous and synchronous professional development sessions for staff. Join the following sessions for important Qmlativ (formerly known as Skyward) updates, returning and new sessions focused on equity and technology concepts and practices (Techquity), as well as, synchronous sessions on Media Literacy with guest speaker- Jennifer LaGarde

Synchronous Sessions

Fact vs Fiction with Jennifer LaGarde: Part One 

Creator(s)- Jennifer LaGarde

Target Audience: PK-12 Certificated, PK-12 Classified

Meets FCS02

January 19th 4:15 - 5:45PM

Session Description: Learn from nationally-renowned educator Jennifer LaGarde how to help your students fight disinformation and think critically.  See how other teachers and librarians are fighting "fake news" and bring some of these practical strategies into your classroom.

All attendees will receive a free copy of Jennifer's book "Fact Vs Fiction: Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the Age of Fake News"!  Email Gavin Lees to request your copy.

1.5 hour synchronous session

Before you begin this course, please Sign In using the Winter Training Series - Sign In/Sign Out. 

Click Here to Join

📅 Calendar Reminder 📅  

Fact vs Fiction with Jennifer LaGarde: Part Two 

Creator(s)- Jennifer LaGarde

Target Audience: PK-12 Certificated, PK-12 Classified

Meets FCS02

January 26th 4:15 - 5:45PM

Session Description: Learn from nationally-renowned educator Jennifer LaGarde how to help your students fight disinformation and think critically.  See how other teachers and librarians are fighting "fake news" and bring some of these practical strategies into your classroom.

All attendees will receive a free copy of Jennifer's book "Fact Vs Fiction: Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the Age of Fake News"!  Email Gavin Lees to request your copy.

1.5 hour synchronous session

Before you begin this course, please Sign In using the Winter Training Series - Sign In/Sign Out. 

Click Here to Join

📅 Calendar Reminder 📅  

Skyward (Qmlativ Version) Teacher Access Training 

Creator(s) - Inst Tech Team  

Target Audience: PK-5 Certificated

January 18th 4:15-5:15

January 25th 4:15-5:15

February 1st 4:15-5:15

February 15th 4:15-5:15

Session Description: Qmlativ is the new and improved version of Skyward!  Come learn how all your critical teaching features (attendance, grading, reports, etc.) will look in the new system, and see some new features that will make your life easier. 

1 hour asynchronous/synchronous session

Click Here to Join

1/18/22📅 Calendar Reminder 📅  

1/25/22📅 Calendar Reminder 📅  

2/01/22📅 Calendar Reminder 📅  

2/15/22📅 Calendar Reminder 📅  

This is an image of the Qmlativ logo.

Skyward (Qmlativ Version) Teacher Access Training 

Creator(s) - Inst Tech Team  

Target Audience: 6-12 Certificated

January 18th 3:00-4:00

January 25th 3:00-4:00

February 1st 3:00-4:00

February 15th 3:00-4:00

Session Description: Qmlativ is the new and improved version of Skyward!  Come learn how all your critical teaching features (attendance, grading, reports, etc.) will look in the new system, and see some new features that will make your life easier. 

1 hour asynchronous/synchronous session

Click Here to Join

1/18/22📅 Calendar Reminder 📅 

1/25/22📅 Calendar Reminder 📅  

2/01/22📅 Calendar Reminder 📅  

2/15/22📅 Calendar Reminder 📅  

Asynchronous Sessions

This is an image of the Seesaw logo.

*Techquity - Student Engagement with Seesaw 

Creator(s) - Ann Goodwin 

Target Audience: PK-5 Certificated

Session Description:  In this session, PreK-2 grade teachers will review many key features of Seesaw and earn their official Seesaw Pioneer status. They will also consider how Seesaw can be used in their classroom and find connections to Culturally Responsive Practices. 

1.5 hour asynchronous session

Click here to join

* Techquity - Student Voice 

Creator(s)-  Instructional Technology Team

Target Audience:  PK-12 Certificated

Session Description: Using technology to access Culturally Responsive Practice 5, bringing student voice and choice into the classroom to accommodate differences in learners. 

1 hour asynchronous session

STEM Qualified Session

Click Here to Join

* Techquity - Blended Learning

Creator(s)-  Instructional Technology Team

Target Audience: PK-12 Certificated

Session Description: Using Culturally Responsive Practice 7 to offer students way to learn in a collective manner. 

1 hour asynchronous session

STEM Qualified Session

Click Here to Join

* Techquity - Starting Strong With Students

Creator(s)-  Instructional Technology Team

Target Audience: PK-12 Certificated

Session Description: Using technology to access Culturally Responsive Principle 1 to affirm students' culture and identity, and foster a stronger classroom culture. 

1 hour asynchronous session

STEM Qualified Session

Click Here to Join

Reminder: Tech Connect - March 19th 

Auburn's annual technology conference is returning! Following two years of cancellations, due to COVID, the Instructional Tech team are excited to announce that 2022 iteration of Tech Connect will take place at Auburn Riverside High School on 19th March, 2022.  It will feature a number of engaging sessions, led by Auburn teachers, to help you bring 21st Century learning into your classroom.

The keynote speaker this year will be Ken Shelton (you may remember him from our Fall Training Series) who will bring his passion for "techquity" back to Auburn, and inspire us to use technology to meet the needs of all of our students.  Find out more about Ken from his Twitter and Website.

Logo for Catlin Tucker podcast titled The Balance

The Balance Podcast - Dismantling Stereotypes with TechConnect Keynote Ken Shelton

Educational Technology leader Ken Shelton joins best-selling author and podcaster Catlin Tucker for a 45 minute discussion around dismantling stereotypes, cultural intelligence and challenges facing educational institutions. Listen in on Ken's perspectives around balanced learning, reaching educational justice and technology-based inequities before joining him at Auburn School District's TechConnect 2021 event in March. 

Digital Citizenship

The Power of Words - Common Sense Media

As our students continue expanding their digital lives, it is important for them to practice empathy while interacting with others. Our youngest students can think critically about the words used online in classroom meetings, collaboration opportunities and group projects.  Since everyone interprets things differently, it is important for them to imagine the feelings someone else is experiencing while they interact online. 

Ask your students:

Check out more digital citizenship and media literacy lessons for you students at Common Sense Media.

Data Security

Woman looking frustrated at a laptop.  Thought bubbles contain possible passwords for her login - all are a jumble of letters and numbers.
Image from Gulf Today

Self Password Reset

All staff now may reset their own login password via the website linked below.  There is no need to call the Helpdesk or your BTC/TSS any longer!  This will reset the password you use to log into your PC, as well as the Google password for Chromebooks and for signing into G Suite.

This link is also available on the staff Symbaloo page for easy access.

Shout Outs!

December Trivia Challenge Winners

Tammy House -  Bowman Creek Elementary 

Becky Blosser - Olympic Middle School

Not pictured: Kim Bunker (Gildo Rey Elementary), Kelsey Chestnut (Alpac Elementary), Sondra Renz (Auburn Mountainview High School)

Farewell to Carrie Marting!

Although she only joined us in August of 2021, Carrie Marting from the Instructional Tech Team is moving on bigger, brighter things as the Director of Communications for Tukwila School District.

During her time here, Carrie quickly established herself as a passionate advocate for staff and students, particularly in the realms of Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy.  Her early support for the Auburn Online program was vital in supporting teachers to make this innovative project a success, and the resources and training that she has created to help with our Skyward Qmlativ upgrade will ensure that this is a smooth, easy process for all staff.

Please join us in wishing Carrie all the best on her future endeavours!