February 2019


New Library Vision for 21st Century Literacy 

Partnering with Your School Librarian 

With the ever-changing media landscape, the proliferation of unreliable news, and a deep web of academic resources that exist outside of Google, it is becoming ever more difficult for students to find meaningful reading material -- for work or leisure.  With that in mind, Auburn SD Librarians have adopted a new vision that outlines how they will empower students with future-ready skills.

Read the vision document below, and think how your school librarian can help you, your students, and their families to be empowered with literacy.

Auburn Library Vision

Tech Tools

Adobe Spark

To become media literate, our students need to be able to produce as well as consume.  That means creating their own:

Adobe Spark is a free tool that allows them to do all of these, and more! Students can log-in with their Auburn Google account and get started on creating rich, engaging projects for class.

Please note: This tool is currently for middle- and high-school only (due to COPPA restrictions).  An elementary version will be available in the future.


Communication with Chromebooks

New Instructional Chromebook - Communication.mp4

This month, we feature how teachers around the district are using their Chromebooks to address the 21st Century Learning Skill (one of "The 4 Cs") - communication.

This video features Lindsey Keaton at Mt. Baker Middle School, Jessica Lee at Auburn Mountainview High School, and Thomas Olson at Rainier Middle School. They use Chromebooks to support students articulating thoughts and ideas; communicating for an authentic audience; listening for meaning; and using a variety of communication tools.

If you are using technology in a similarly forward-thinking way and would like to be featured in the newsletter, please reach out to your Instructional Technology Specialist.

Data Security

Mandatory Training

Every Auburn School District employee needs to have completed mandatory training via Safe Schools on Email and Messaging Safety and Protection Against Malware. Please either log in to Safe Schools or check with your building administrator to confirm that you have completed both modules.

Online Resources & Student Data

Teachers, please remember to check out the online tools inventory for all online programs you wish to use with students that collect student data. Online tools need to go through a Data Security Review process to confirm that they are protecting student data according to state and federal law. 

If there is a tool you want to use that isn't on the list, fill out the Terms of Service Review Form. It will be reviewed by the Instructional Technology team.

Shout Out!

TAP Reviews

AHS TAP (Transitional Assistance Program) students use their Chromebooks for journaling, daily planning and reporting from their community jobsites and outings. Recently, they visited the Starting Gate restaurant and wrote up a review of their experience. Using Flipgrid they filmed the review and have shared it on Facebook. The TAP Review plans to expand and cover other local businesses.

Shout Out to Hector, Jonathon, Tre & Mrs. Merilo for a great job incorporating technology into everyday life! 

Tech in Structured Learning Classrooms

In early January a dozen Auburn SD teachers leading Structured Learning Classrooms (SLCs) met to collaborate around effective use of recently distributed devices. Gathering with leadership from the Assistive Technology team, participants shared successes and barriers surrounding implementation of touch screen Chromebooks with fellow SLC teachers. Discussion around Clever badges, applications for instruction and best practices provided clarity for teachers to continue utilizing the devices to positively impact their students.

Shout Out to Nina Alderete, Lacey Burchett, Diana Dray, Leslie Frazier, Tara Fulton, Toni Latawiec, Lael May, Cassidy McQuiston, Stephanie Peterson, Lori Sheehan, Lynne Snyder, and Wendy Titus!