November 2021

Tech Tips

November is Native American Heritage Month

During the month of November, we spend time honoring the first people of our land. This is an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the culture, history, accomplishments, and contributions of Native and Indigenous people. To support you in adding resources into your curriculum this month and throughout the year, we have included a variety of resources. 

You may spend some time learning about the late We:wa, a Zuni Native American fiber artist, weaver, and potter.  As a Łamana, the late We:wa learned the traditional skills of the tribe done by both men and women. Łamana is the recognized third gender in the Zuni tribe and is revered in their culture. This interactive Google Doodle also features the illustrations of Mallery Quetawki, a Zuni Pueblo artist.  

Google Doodle Celebrating the Late We:wa

A background of colorful feathers with the words November National Native American Heritage Month written on top

Land Acknowledgement

The Auburn School District exists on Indigenous land. Just as our schools and offices exist along the Green and White Rivers, so too did the Smalkamish, St'kamish, and Skopamish, and other Indigenous people, who lived in places like the large village of Ilaqo, Soos Creek, and Burns Creek.  We acknowledge the ancestral homelands of the descendants of those who became the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, who were original caretakers of this land, keeping balance and beauty for thousands and thousands of years.  We are grateful to respectfully live and work as guests on these lands with the descendants and members of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, who have called this land home since time immemorial and forever more.

This land acknowledgement is one small act in recognizing the importance of continuing to care for the land and acknowledge our important relationship with the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe.  

Primary Teacher Professional Development Opportunity

#ClassClassTechTech is a new primary-focused event, where teachers in the Auburn School District learn from each other about technology and how to best support Auburn students. Join your peers in learning how technology in primary grades can enhance, engage and empower learners! 

Interested in Presenting at #ClassClassTechTech?                                                 Register for #ClassClassTechTech today!

Tech Tools

Earth View Chrome Extension

Earth View by Google Earth is a Chrome extension that brings images from around the world to you whenever you open a new tab. It has a link to Google Earth to click and explore the place in the world the image shows, and it even keeps track of the ones it has shown you. This would be a great conversation starter with students, or even just a fun way to explore different parts of the world on your own. 

Classic Google Sites

If you still have a site in the old (classic) Google Sites, you will no longer be able to edit the site after December 1. All Classic Google Sites will disappear after January 1, 2022.

For more information about migrating a Classic Google Site to the New Google Sites, visit Google's Help page.


A computer keyboard with the words "Professional Development" written where the Shift key should be.

7Tech Hours Registration

Save the date! ASD and your Department of Technology are excited to offer the following optional training sessions for certificated staff and instructional paraeducators interested in the following topics. Certificated staff will receive clock hours, $150 stipend for 7 hours of training, or $75 for a half day. Classified staff will receive applicable FCS hours and the same stipend. Click on the button below to find out more about the sessions and to register.

Full Day Events

Half Day Events

Digital Citizenship

Quick Digital Citizenship Activity

Teachers may be aware of some of the trends and "challenges" that are circulating on social media that encourage young people to engage in dangerous or anti-social activity.  Sometimes our students aren't aware of the consequences of these trends.  Engage your students quickly in some Digital Citizenship with this discussion.

Ask your students:

November Reader Challenge

Send us a photo of the worst piece of misinformation or misleading post you've seen recently.

Click here to upload your photo.

The five best entries will win a prize!


Google Additional Services (YouTube and more)

A huge thank you to everyone that has encouranged students to turn in their Tech Survey! Starting on November 8th, students that have not turned in a Technology Survey to opt-in to Google Additional Services will no longer have access to YouTube and other Google supported tools (Google Drive and Classroom will not be impacted). Families can still opt-in by going to Skyward Family Access or contact your child's school for a printed form.

Instructional Technology Website Maintenance

The ASD Instructional Technology website is currently under maintenance. Website construction  should be complete by November 30, and  an improved Instructional Technology website will be online by the end of the month. 

Data Security

International Email Access

Are you traveling outside of the USA* and would like access to your email?  To protect staff and student data, we currently do not allow access to our Microsoft accounts from outside the country.  This is due to hacking attempts that have come from foreign countries.  We can, however, make exceptions for known staff for a specific window of time.

If you would like this enabled, please complete this form no later than five working days before you travel:

* Including territories (Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, etc.)

Image of a globe showing western Europe and northern Africa.

Shout Outs!

October Trivia Winners

Congratulations to the following staff who answered correctly that Jim Thatcher created the first screen reader in 1986 , and were randomly chosen for a Starbucks gift card and EdTech swag:

Image of Stephen Baruck holding a Screencastify branded water bottle and looking happy.

Stephen Baruck - Ilalko  (3rd grade)

Photograph of Wendy Okada holding a Screencastify branded t-shirt and looking happy.

Wendy Okada - West Auburn High School

Lisa Berry - Lake View Elementary

Diane Zaida - Mt Baker Middle School

Stephanie Provost - Washington Elementary