March 2019


#techconnect 4.0

Saturday, 9th March saw our largest ever #techconnect conference! Over 220 teachers attended the day at Auburn Riverside High School to learn from their colleagues about powerful ways to use technology in the classroom and how to engage students in 21st Century learning skills.

The day began with an inspiring keynote address from maker advocate Heather Lister who spoke about the need for a change in how we view student success and how skills like communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking will prepare students for a future filled with artificial intelligence and automation.

Attendees selected from a vast range of sessions to delve deeper into future ready skills. The topics ranged from getting started with Pear Deck and Seesaw, to hands-on sessions with maker spaces and virtual reality, to coding and engineering in the classroom. Every session was buzzing with energy as participants were able to connect, learn, and plan with their colleagues around these exciting ideas.

The success of this event is due to the dedication of our district teachers and their enthusiasm for providing students with an empowering, tech-rich education.

We look forward to seeing you in 2020!

Tech Tools

Skyward/Qmlativ Update

Within the next few years, Auburn School District will move from Skyward to Qmlativ. The projected shift is for the 2020 - 2021 school year. Qmlativ is Skyward’s updated Student Information System. It offers many changes and upgrades to the system Auburn has been using:

Please watch for more information on our new student information system going forward.

For more information, check out Qmlativ's website.

Don't forget about our Skyward support pages:

Skyward Support for Teachers

Skyward Support for K-12 Office Staff

WeVideo Restrictions

Those of you who have been using the free version of WeVideo with your district email may have seen the above screen, if you have used the service in the last few weeks. This is due to an update in WeVideo's terms of service, which says:

Free accounts are not intended for use by an organization - School, Business or other. WeVideo defines organizational use as multiple users from the same email domain. When a single organization has multiple free accounts and high volumes of use, WeVideo considers the amount of use in aggregate and in total across all users in the organization and applies additional limitations beyond our published limitations for the personal free accounts. 

Essentially, no-one in the Auburn School District can use the service for free anymore. If you are interested in using video projects with your class, you can either:



New Instructional Chromebook - Collaboration.mp4

Each month your Tech Tips Newsletter is highlighting teacher use of Chromebooks that addresses 21st Century Learning Skills in the classroom. This month's highlight features an example of collaboration in an elementary classroom.

Trina Lutes-Johnson, a learning specialist at Lake View Elementary, shares how her students practice paired programming skills during Computer Science instruction. Trina's students use Chromebooks to access and share the ownership of online problems similar to what happens in many modern workplaces.

If you are using technology in a forward-thinking way and would like to share your work with students and the 4 Cs in the newsletter, please reach out to your Instructional Technology Support Specialist.

Data Security

Password Security

On March 8, 2019, the Department of Technology staff made two changes to network password requirements. All ASD network/email passwords now require the following:

These changes take effect whenever you change your password. The network password is the password that syncs across your desktop, email, and Google account.

NOTE - these changes do NOT affect Skyward.

Please contact your Building Technology Coordinator if you have any questions. Thank you.

Don't forget to enroll in the district Password Reset tool on Symbaloo.

Teachers and students can enroll to reset their own network password if they forget it.

Student Extensions

Thank you to all those who submitted names of extensions that students are using to support their education. Instructional Technology staff have turned off student extensions that have not gone through an instructional and data security review.

To see which extensions are approved or denied, please check out the Data Security page. Scroll down to the "Terms of Service Review/Approved Extensions" spreadsheet and click on the "Chrome Apps & Extensions" tab at the bottom.

If you would like an extension added to the review list, please have your Building Tech submit a work order with the name of the extension, a URL to it in the Chrome Web Store, and what instructional activities students will be doing with that extension. Thank you.

Shout Out!

Thank you, #techconnect 4.0 Presenters!

Without you, this event could never happen.

Andrew Allen - Cascade

Amy Anderson - Ilalko

Maeghan Bowman - Mountainview

Shayna Brown - Riverside

Lacey Burchett - Lake View

Mark Butler - Olympic

Orlyn Carney - Olympic

Jeremiah Carter - Mt. Baker

Christina Celver - Hazelwood

Michelle Comstock - Terminal Park

Erica Covey - Arthur Jacobsen

Ali Daschbach - Olympic

Michelle Flanders - Washington

Necia Hansen - Mountainview

Christa Jeffreys - Lakeland Hills

Jessica Lee - Mountainview

Trina Lutes-Johnson - Lakeview

Michael Martin - Ilalko

Cassidy McQuiston - Hazelwood

Jen Classen - Dept. of Tech.

Katie Mikel - Cascade

Tim Pfab - Dick Scobee

Stacy Pirone - Riverside

Wayne Rumbaugh - Mountainview

Matthew Samms - Auburn High

Art Spencer - Arthur Jacobsen

Sarah Spring - Chinook

Nicole Svendsen - Ilalko

Jessica Udd - Lakeview

Jill Woodruff - Alpac