Week Beginning 8th June


Our unit over the next few weeks will focus on people who fight for freedom and justice. We will start with the Old Testament and look at the story of Moses. Watch the video- it is quite long so you may have to watch it over two sessions.

Task 1: Why do you think many Christian people choose Moses as an example of someone who fights for freedom and justice? Read or watch the story carefully and use it to help your argument.

Task 2: Can you rewrite the story of Moses in a different genre. Can you do it as a play script? Or a diary? Or even a non-chronological report (like a Fact File)? A cartoon strip?

Task 3: Can you draw a significant moment from Moses' life. You can choose any medium to do this in.


This week we are focusing on sketching and drawing that links in with our science. Watch the video and have a go. Remember it doesn't have to be perfect, but keep practising and you'll get better! Don't forget to show us

Well Being

Have a look at Leo's word of the day and don't forget to check in with how you are feeling and doing today.


For your fitness challenge this week, spell Monday, summer, walk, bird and umbrella! Try for this daily!