Wellbeing, Art, RE and PE

If you would like to share any of your work with us, please email it to year1@asasps.org

You could take screenshots, photos or just send us an email telling us how you got on!

Week beginning 8.06.20



We are going to be learning about Judaism.

Play the PowerPoint and click on the different items to find out more about them to start our new topic.


Try to do one of the daily challenges on the Active June calendar every day.

If you want more of a challenge then have a go at completing a "PE with Joe Wicks" session every day (lots of fun if you haven't tried a session yet!).

Or you could try:





Our art this week is linked to our Science topic. We would like you to make, draw or paint a plant picture.

It could be a picture of a garden with flowers and trees, or a vegetable patch. It could be an interesting plant you have seen on a walk. You could take some photos and make a photo collage or draw a picture or draw a diagram of a plant and label it.