The Bad Tempered Ladybird

Don't forget to share some of your photos or videos via Tapestry or 2Simple. We are looking forward to seeing some of your creations and your completed activities this week!

This week all of your learning activities are going to link to the story of The Bafd Tempered Ladybird, by Eric Carle

The Bad Tempered Ladybird

  • You can hear the story of The Bad Tempered Ladybird here, if you don't have it at home!

  • The bad-tempered ladybird picks fights with every animal he meets, but he soon learns the importance of friends and turns into a far nicer, happier bug. What nice and kind things could you do this week to spread happiness in your home ? Maybe you could tidy up without being asked to, or make a card , help wash the pots? Remember to send in your pictures of you spreading happiness!

  • Can you use information books or ask an adult to help you use the internet to find out about all of the different colour ladybirds that can be found?

  • Do the different colours mean anything? Do all ladybird's have the same number of spots ? I wonder if you could make a ladybird fact file using a printed picture or a drawing. Don't forget to label your picture and add your interesting fact by writing down what you have found out in a sentence!

  • The ladybird as we know is grumpy and unkind to the other animals in the story. How could they have answered the bad-tempered ladybird when he challenged them to a fight? Could they have said anything other than “if you insist”? Can you share ideas about different things the animals could have said or done to help change the bad-tempered ladybird’s mood? Think about what makes you feel better and helps you stop feeling grumpy, cross or angry. Can you make a poster to share your ideas with us?

telling the time
  • Open this PowerPoint and practice reading the times on the clock face. Can you tell the time to the hour?

  • How could you make your own clock? With paper and a split pin? Maybe a paper plate and movable hands, or chalk a clock face in your garden / driveway? Do you have a hula hoop ? That would make a great clock face for you to add the numbers to it!!

Telling the Time

  • Can you watch this clip to learn about telling the time. In our story this week, the Bad Tempered Ladybird meets different animals at different times during the day. What do you do at different times of the day? Do you know what time you go to bed, or eat your lunch? Perhaps you could draw pictures for 3 different events during your day and add a clock with the time on it to let us know what time you do each activity?

ladybird doubles
  • Have a look at the Ladybird doubles Power Point.Think about the amount of spots on his back and what it means when they are the same each side? Can you work out the total, or double? If you drew some ladybird bodies, you could have a go at putting the same number of spots on either side and writing down what you see as a number sentence!

  • Perhaps you could learn your doubles off by heart, to 5 and if you fancy a challenge, maybe up to 10?

  • Have a look at this image.Can you use it to help you label the different parts of the ladybird's body? Remember to use your phonics to help you build the words you need!

  • After watching this clip that explains how the ladybird grows and changes, can you name the different stages of the Ladybird's life cycle?

  • Perhaps you could draw pictures and use arrows to create a diagram or maybe you could represent each of the different stages by using craft materials? I think black buttons would be a good way of showing the larva stage, what can you come up with?

  • If you enjoy crafting and making, it would be lovely if you could design your very own ladybird. Would he be bad tempered like the ladybird from our story? Maybe he could have a super power? What colour would you make it and would he have to have spots on his back? Could you invent your very own ladybird using drawings, painting or junk modelling?