Week beginning 6th July


Hinckley & Bosworth School Sport & Physical Activity Network (HBSSPAN) are looking for a new mascot and would like you to design one! Have a look through the powerpoint to see the values that HBSSPAN stand for, such as teamwork, leadership, equality, enjoyment and excellence and see if you can design a mascot that reflects some of these values.

The closing date is July 31st! Make sure you have read all the guidance on the design sheet and filled in everything you need to!

HBSSPAN mascot powerpoint.pptx
HBSSPAN mascot activity sheets.pptx


Stay positive, stay resilient - look at the top tips for thing you can do in July!

Moving on to Y6

Don't worry about moving into Y6. We do have fun as well as working hard. It may be quite different for some of you, but stay positive and think what a great year you've got ahead - your last one at primary school!

All About Me

Normally we'd be doing all sorts of transition activities and your teachers would be getting to know you and you'd be getting to know them!

As this can't happen, we'd love to know more all about you!

If you can, print this sheet off and use to tell us all about you. If you can't print it off, or if you'd rather, then design and complete your own all about me sheet. Try to include as many of the headings that are on this sheet as you can though and you could even add a few more! Don't forget to email a picture to us though so your class teacher can see it!