Wellbeing, Art, RE and PE

Week beginning 22.06.20

If you would like to share any of your work with us, please email it to year2@asasps.org

You could take screenshots, photos or just send us an email telling us how you got on!


This week our PE challenges are linked to Literacy.

Click on the link for 3 Active Anita challenges that you can try - all you need is some paper and a pencil.

Active Anita Tracker wk 2 -Wednesday.pdf


This week we are going to learn about the Jewish festival of Shavuot.

Read the PowerPoint carefully. Think about what sort of food is eaten during the festival. Draw a plate of food that might be eaten during the festival. Or you could prepare a plate of food for your family to eat and send us a photo of it.

all about shavuot.ppt

PSHE - talking about our feelings

Life is very different from "normal" at the moment and sometimes it can be hard for children to talk about how they feel. One way to help us talk about our feelings is to use emojis - they can help us think about how we feel and they are fun to look at.

Here is a sheet of emojis that you could use to help your child talk about their feelings.

Children - can you design your own feelings emoji?

It could be a face, an animal or an object. Write the feeling or emotion underneath your emoji and send us a photo of it.


Arts Competition

Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust have launched an NHS Superheroes Arts competition. If you enjoy drawing, painting, taking photos or writing poems then why not have a go!

All the details are on the flyer.

Closing Date: 4th July

NHS drawing comp.pdf

Other Ideas

Outside Learning

If you enjoy being outside then try the outdoor bingo card or the street tree.

street tree.docx

If you want to relax and chill try some of the Cosmic Kids yoga and mindfulness videos - there are lots to choose from on their YouTube page.


For Lego Enthusiasts

Try some of these Lego challenges (week 2).

week 2 and 3 lego.pptx