Week beginning 22/06/2020

Week beginning 22/06/2020

Weekly Quiz

  1. What 4 nations make up the United Kingdom?

  2. Which of these would make someone build a settlement nearby? Water, Tesco, Gold, Stars

  3. What happens if you hit oobleck liquid? Oobleck is a mixture of cornflower and water.

  4. How would you measure the impact of friction on a moving car?

Science: Healthy Nutrition

To wrap up and summarise this unit on Animals and Nutrition, we are going to look at human nutrition. This week we would like you to think about what healthy nutrition is, and how it affects humans.

All living things have the following characteristics:

Movement - all living things move

Respiration - all living things breathe in air for the oxygen, then breathe out carbon dioxide

Sensitive - all living things react to other things that affect them eg: heat, cold, light, dark hunger etc

Growth - all living things grow from one form or size to another

Reproduction - all living things create smaller versions of themselves to grow and keep the species alive

Excretion - all living things get rid of their waste from food, respiration etc

Nutrition - all living things need food in order to survive and grow

As you can see, Nutrition is a critical part of being alive!

Look at the videos below. Use them to answer the following questions:

  1. Are you a healthy eater? How could you eat more healthily?

  2. Why would you want to eat more healthily?

  3. Why do you think humans like to eat foods that are not good for them?

  4. What would be your favourite healthy dinner? Design a plate of food - you can cook it, draw it, stick photos on ... whatever you want to show us a healthy meal

Geography - my local area

A quick simple task today. Use a local map, google maps, google earth, local friends or family or something similar.

Make a list of interesting Geographical objects around your area. Is there a castle? A strange lonely hill? A huge forest? An ancient road? Try and find at least 10 things.

Use that list to work out how much you know about your local area. Do you know where these are? How would you get to them. Can you get to them or are they behind a private fence?

What are the nearest towns or villages near you? Are they North, South, East or West of where you live? How close are they?

When you have answered these questions - can you tell us, did anything surprise you?