Week beginning 08/06/2020

Week beginning 08/06/2020

Weekly Quiz

Topic: Imagining where you live during ....

Choose one of the challenges below and write a short report on what you would see, where you would live, what you would eat and what would you be doing during that Age. Remember to justify your ideas with good reasons.

Challenge: Do all three!

Stone Age

What might have where you live looked like during the Stone Age?
Would there be humans living there? Why?

Bronze Age

What might have where you live looked like during the Bronze Age?
Would there be a village? Or just a hut or two?

Iron Age

How would have the people, of where you live, lived in the Iron age?

Would the children have gone to school?

<---Look at the BBC Bitesize page for background about the different ages in Britain.


Try this BBC Bitesize series of lessons on Friction.

We covered this during the Science morning when parents came in!