Week beginning 22nd June


There's no area sports this year so instead you can compete virtually!

Virtual Athletics

LSLSSP Virtual Athletics entries are now open! Are you ready to take on the challenge?

The Virtual Athletics Challenge consists of 4 activities which each individual can take part in, at school or at home, inside or outside, mainstream or inclusive. The 4 activities are as follows:

1. Speed Bounce / inclusive option – chair touches2. Ladder sprints / inclusive option – wheelchair slalom 3.Standing Long Jump / inclusive option – seated Shot Put 4. Target throw / inclusive option – seated target throw

Prizes to be won!

Prizes will be awarded for the top 3 scores in each year group and gender.

A prize will also be awarded for the primary and secondary school that submit the most entries.

Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!

We encourage you to tweet your involvement to @LSLSSP using the hashtags #TeamLSLSSP #Commit2Fit20 #HealthyAtHome

For all of the information you may need and for certificates, then click on the link:



The positivity jar is a lovey idea. Follow the instructions to make your own!


Heroes for freedom and justice.

Watch the Video - it is quite long so you may want to do it over two days.

You could:

1) Research further into the life of Rosa Parks and write a biography/factfile.

2) Retell this story.

3) Write an explanation of what Rosa did, why and what impact it had - what happened because of what she did?


We're still focusing on the natural world. See if you can follow the tutorial to create your own landscape art. Don't forget to send in your pictures!