Week beginning 22/06/2020

Music from Mr Giles!

Just for Year 4s! A message from Mr Giles:

Ukulele Dice Roll Challenge

Roll a dice (or roll one on an app on your tablets/other devices) and have a go at the number of the song below that your dice lands on! For example, if I rolled a 4, have a go at song number 4 or if I rolled a 1, have a go at number 1! Enjoy! 😊

Song 1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUXAd...

Song 2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eqwW...

Song 3- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxvB1...

Song 4- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fd2m...

Song 5- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIMVc...

Song 6- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbexj...

If some of these songs have chords you haven’t done yet in lessons or ones that you find too hard – perhaps spend a little time having a go at the hard or new chord(s) and then try revisiting the song that you picked. If it is too tricky for you, roll the dice again and have a go at another one! Have fun with it 😊


Practice singing Allouette.

It's a very unusual song. Why is it unusual and why do you think it is a French nursery rhyme?

Wellbeing/Performing Arts

We have 2 videos to watch this week. The first is a guessing game - maybe you can play it with a family member? The animal sounds can remind us of the variety of life outside of our homes, and how, no matter what the challenge, life carries on.

The second is a song from The Sound of Music called "My Favourite Things". Listen to the lyrics, and think about what your favourite things are. How could remembering that help you when things feel like they are not as positive as you would like? If you would like a challenge, could you write your own favourite things song or poem?

RE: Why do people think that life is a journey?

A milestone is an important moment in a person's life. For instance their 21st birthday, or the day they get married - even they day they pass their driving test!

I'm sure none of you have got married yet!

What are your important milestones? Do share any with your family or friends?

Last week you looked at different religions. Let's start with Christianity. What do you think are the important milestones for Christians? Why do you think they are important?

Your task is to write about your important milestones, and explain why they are important to you.

Then, using your own knowledge, family, friends and even the internet, can you write about important milestones for Christians, and explain why you think they are important.

PE: Fitness Blog Week 2

As the weather turned last week, we would like you to think about how can you keep fit indoors -without destroying your home!

Make a list of the activities that you could do safely.

Which of those could be about improving fitness?

Which could be about improving strength?
Which could be about improving skills?

Try some of the activities, then make your own assessment about which of the activities would most benefit you, and explain why.


Can you write an algorithm?

This week we would like you to write a simple algorithm to complete a simple task. It could be to make a sandwich. It could be to put on a pair of socks. You can choose. Write down each step, and then ask a family member to follow your algorithm EXACTLY - did they get it right?

If you would like to do something similar, you can always use Scratch or any other programming language to create an algorithm. You can send us the code, and we can try and guess what the task is!

If the algorithm you create doesn't work, can you discover what has gone wrong? This is a process called 'debugging'. What are the bugs, and how can you fix them?