Week beginning 206/07/2020

Fancy a daily warm up? Try one of these.



This week's Wellbeing is also your Literacy task. The task is designed to give you a chance to take a moment and reflect on your lockdown experiences so far, think about how they have affected you, then to get you to think about all the possible, positive things that could happen between now and when you come back to school.

In addition, we would like you to enjoy your last week of 'school'. This doesn't mean we don't want you to do any work! But take time to think about how much you have achieved. Think of all the new skills you have learnt - life skills and learning skills. Think about the fact that you have lived through a period of History that will be taught to your children and grandchildren. And think about how you would like the world to be like after this is over - or even how you would like where you live to be different.

Email us if you have any ideas or thoughts you would like to share!


Why not use this week to think about Lockdown in an artistic way. Can you create a piece of Art that shows the world what you did and felt during Lockdown? Maybe you could write a song, create a dance or perform some acting that you have written about it?

Remember all the skills and ideas that Mrs Hirons and Miss Carvell taught you over the first part of Lockdown. Once you have created something, send it in to us, we would love to see it!

Here is some art that other pupils of all ages have created.

PE: Create a new sport

There are always new sports being created. One of the most famous recent ones has been Parkour - the sport of urban assault courses. Here are some of the latest ones:

  • Earthing - combining sprinting and swimming (not at the same time!)

  • Bio-ball - table tennis without the paddles

  • Aqua-cricket - Cricket in a swimming pool!

  • Disha - teams use the voices to steer a partner around an assault course. Oh yes, the partner is blindfolded!

Can you create a new sport? Here are the rules:

  1. It has to take place either in your home, in your garden or at school.

  2. It must be safe! While there is always a risk of hurting yourself in sport, your game cannot be so risky that someone will get hurt.

  3. It has to be competitive - people or teams have to be able to compete to see who is the best.

  4. It has to have easy to understand rules. Apparently, football has the most rules of any sport. American Football (NFL) has almost 70,000 words in its rulebook just about rules!

You can send us in the rules, and we would like to see either drawings, photos or videos of how to play your sport.