
Week beginning 29.06.20

If you would like to share any of your work with us, please email it to year2@asasps.org

You could take screenshots, photos or just send us an email telling us how you got on!

We hope you are enjoying our story of the Firework Maker's Daughter. This week we are going to finish chapter 2 and write a recount.

We have also updated our main English page with the new writing challenges for July.

Lesson 1

Click on the link.

Follow the lesson.

Remember your paper and pencil!

This week your 10 spelling words to practise are:

father path

class bath

grass hour

pass move

plant prove

Lesson 5

Today you are going to imagine you are Lila and write a recount.

We look forward to reading your recounts. Remember to send us an email with a screenshot or a photo.

Don't forget that you can practise all the Year 2 spelling words on Spelling Shed.

If you have forgotten your log in then drop us an email on the address above and we will get it out to you.