Week Beginning 15th June

Monday 15th.

Watch the clip and choose one of the tasks to do.

You could:

  • Write and draw the story as a comic strip

  • Write the story of Geoff's life - a biography.

  • Write key diary entries in the role of Geoff

  • Create advertising jingles for the new Bean range

  • Design, explain and advertise a new ‘bean can size’ or bean invention

Tuesday 16th

Dealing with a dragon.

“This is as far as I take you.” declared Kamali, “That was the deal.”

“But…the way back?” asked Kupe.

“You won’t need it !” smiled Kamali, and with that he vanished.

The caustic scent of sulphur drifted up to Kupe and Marco, they knew they were close. A low rumbling tremor shook the floor around them. Despite the dread that instantly overcame them, they grasped the overhanging roots and began to climb down.

Even the legend of Ryoko did not do her justice. Transfixed by her glowing eyes, burning like molten metal, they knelt before her, heads bowed… and waited.

Choose one of the tasks below. You could:

Describe the journey to this place. What happened? What were the discussions?

Design a dragon, describe it using a labelled diagram.

Write instructions for how to look after a dragon.

Imagine you are Ryoko, the dragon, what are you thinking and doing as these people arrive?

Write a diary entry as Kupe showing this journey, or one of your other journeys

Wednesday 17th.

Grammar focus 1.

Follow the link to watch the video and complete the activities.

Thursday 18th

Grammar focus 2

Follow the link to watch the video and complete the activities.

Friday 19th.

Reading Comprehension.

You only need to read the prologue.

Although feel free to read on into chapter one if you want to!

Once you've read the prologue, answer the questions on the slides below. You'll need paper and a pencil/pen.

Friday 19th

Comprehension Questions

Wild Boy.pptx