Week beginning 08/06/2020


Lifeskills are skills for life ...

Life is all about learning things that allow you to enjoy your life even more.

This challenge might take a while, but it is definitely worth it! Remember, check with an adult before doing a task.

Complete the following housework challenges:

  • Tidy a room (your room?)

  • Make a meal for an adult

  • Clean a piece of furniture

  • Put the washing away

  • Wash up

  • EITHER do some gardening OR put the rubbish out


The Creation Story

The Creation Story is the first thing we read about in the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis. It describes how God created the world and everything on it.

Below you can find a youtube story, and the actual text from the Bible. Choose one of the tasks below.

Task 1: Why do you think the Creation Story is so important to Christians, and other religions? Read or watch the story carefully and use it to help your argument.

Task 2: Can you rewrite the Creation story in a different genre. Can you do it as a play script? Or a diary? Or even a non-chronological report (like a Fact File)?

Task 3: Can you draw the Creation story on a single piece of paper. Can you do it like a comic strip? Or maybe a collection of images that make up the whole story?


This week's challenge is to pick 1 physical activity (and no, getting out of bed doesn't count), and try to improve on it every day. For example:

How many Star jumps can you do?

How quickly can you run the length of your garden?

How many press ups can you do?
How many keepy uppys can you do?


Sing along to the song! The words are underneath

Challenge: Write out the lyrics in French. Can you find the English lyrics and match them to the words?