
Week beginning 6.07.20

If you would like to share any of your work with us, please email it to year1@asasps.org

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We hope you enjoyed writing about the Terrifying T-Rex.

This week our English is linked to our Superheroes Topic - we are going to use the book Supertato by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet.

Don't worry if you don't have a copy of the book as there is a link below to the Books Alive YouTube page where you can listen to the story. In fact you can read the first 5 Supertato books on this site.

Lesson 1

Read the story Supertato. Draw a picture of Supertato in the middle of a piece of paper then write words round him to describe him. Remember you can describe what he looks like and how he behaves or his personality. For example:

red cape

black mask



Click on the link above to see how to draw Supertato.

Lesson 2

Today you are going to use those fantastic describing words you wrote yesterday to write a character description of Supertato.

Remember to write in sentences .

Challenge - can you write 2 paragraphs. One describing what he looks like and the other describing his personality and how he behaves using the story to help you.

Lessons 3 and 4

Write your own Supertato story.

You could write a new adventure for Supertato or you could think about where Supertato came from. How did he become a superhero? What are his super powers? Who made his super hero outfit?

First you need to plan your story - remember it needs to have a beginning, middle and end. You can write some ideas or draw a story map so that you can practise telling your story before you write it.

Then write your story, remembering to write in sentences and check your punctuation. Think carefully about the vocabulary you choose - include some of the super words you wrote on day 1 to describe Supertato.

We look forward to reading your Supertato stories!