Hello and Goodbye.

This is the last home learning of the school year, make sure you give it your best efforts! Please don't forget to share some of your photos or videos via Tapestry or 2Simple, or email your work and photos to Eyfs@asasps.org.

This week some of your learning activities will be about what a brilliant first year at school you have had (although a little strange!) and thinking ahead to the exciting changes that may be heading your way in the new school year.

  • This is a lovely story that helps us to think about change. Change can be scary, especially if it means you have to say goodbye to people and experiences that you enjoy and who make you feel safe. We want you to think about the message in this story because it helps you to reaslise that when you have to say goodbye to one thing, you also have to say hello to something new and different. That is the best bit, because it can be really exciting!

  • Can you think about being in your new class and new year group after the summer holidays? Is there something that you are excited about? Are you looking forward to learning something or meeting new friends, playing in a different playground?Maybe you have some wishes for next year? Could you write down 3 things that you are excited about or make 3 wishes for year 1? Perhaps you could find a box and decorate it, or make a special box and in it, add your 3 wishes or 3 sentences that tell us about what you are looking forward to!

  • Have a chat to an adult at home. Can you talk to them about some of your achievements in Reception? What have you learnt to do over the year that you couldn't do before? What are you most proud of? Perhaps you could make a poster and draw and label all of the super things you have accomplished during your first year at school. It would be lovely to see some of your 'proud posters'!

all about me booklet.pdf
  • Have a look at this All About Me booklet. Could you use some of the ideas inside to create your own booklet or 'pupil passprt' full of infomation that may help your new teacher get to know you?

  • Have you ever madee a self portrait ? If you have any paint, felts or crayons or even paper plates and craft materials at home, why not try creating a paining or represantation of yourself and bring it to school after the summer holidays to share with your new teacher!

  • If you're not camera shy, could you be brave and video a message for your new class teacher? Introduce yourself and share some personal infomation so they can get to know you..ask an adukt to email to school, it could be fun!

  • If you didn't get a chance to look at this link from last week, follow it now (see above). Click on a sounds to re-vist it and remind yourself of the special friends that make each of the sounds. There are 27 for you to look at. The ones at the top are initial sounds, which we know you all know, so please scroll down and have a look at the more tricky sounds like ow and air. Once you have watched the short cip about each sound, there is a game for you to play.

  • Have a look at the power points below. There are lots of activites listed on the 'quick activities' powerpoint . They will give you lots of opportunities to practise using and to recognise vowel sounds . It will really help you to remember the graphemes and this will be really important for you as you become a year 1 pupil!

  • Next year I bet your new class teacher will be really impressed if you are already familiar with words that are real and those that aren't ! Use your phonics to blend and read the nonsense and real words in the second power point below. Can you tell an adult at home which words are real and which words are nonsense?

  • See if you can all go over the 45 high frequency words. Some of them are tricky so won't sound out... be careful! As a challenge you could also see how many you could spell correctly?

phonics powerpoint.ppt
real and alien words.ppt
  • Keep counting! objects, toys, bricks, pasta to 20 and beyond. It sounds so easy but not always as simple as a it sounds when you get to bigger amounts or numbers! Can you share objects to make different sized groups from a set total of 5 and 10? Some of will know these as your number bonds! which numbers are cuddly and always sit together to make these set totals? Can you share your ideas using objects or maybe by writing them down as a number sentence?

  • Watch the videos below and brush up on your counting skills, in jumps of 2,5 and 10...ready for year 1!