Week beginning 15/06/2020

Week beginning 15/06/2020

Weekly Quiz

  1. What are the 3 states of matter we study at school? Solids, liquids and gases

  2. What continent is the British Isles in? Europe

  3. What do we call the process by which a liquid becomes a gas? Evaporation

  4. What do Urban and Rural mean? Urban and Rural are one of the ways we describe where humans live (habitation). Rural means relating to the countryside, urban means relating to towns and cities.

Science: Animals

For next couple of weeks we will be looking at Animals, and in particular two aspects: what they eat; and their bones and muscles.

This week we would like you to start thinking about what animals eat, what humans eat, and why. This will need:

Paper and pencil or pen

Dictionary (or the internet!)

Good observations skills.

  1. First, can you find out what the following words mean: carnivore, herbivore, omnivore

  2. Second, what sorts of food do you and your family eat? Can you put it into groups? Fruit and vegetables; meat; grains (wheat, maize etc); sugars; carbohydrates; fats; dairy (milk, cheese, yoghurts); drinks.

  3. Some foods might go into more than one group. Can you find an example?

  4. Which do you think are healthy, which do you think are not as healthy?

  5. Do animals eat as many different types of food as humans?

  6. Are there animals in your house or garden that you can watch and record what they eat? Do you have pets? Can you watch birds in your garden?

  7. Finally, when you have watched some animals, do you think they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores?

Below we have two BBC videos. One explains how you can look outside to find out about what animals eat. The other is a video that looks at Food chains, to help remind you of certain key words.

Geography: Maps

Below are some maps of the world and of Europe, both with as many countries on it as possible. There is also a map of the continents.

Look at the food in your cupboards and fridges.

  • Where does it come from?

  • Does it all come the UK, or has it come from around the world?

Make a table which shows where the fruit comes from.

  • You should include a column for the food, a column for the country and a column for the continent.

  • Remember the continents are: Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Africa, Oceania, Antarctica.

Think about this question, and talk to someone about it. Is it a good thing that food comes from all over the world to the UK? Why might it not be a good thing?