Wellbeing, Art, RE and PE

Week beginning 6.07.20

If you would like to share any of your work with us, please email it to year1@asasps.org

You could take screenshots, photos or just send us an email telling us how you got on!


Remember our Topic/Science page has most of our activities as they will be linked to our Superhero topic.


This week our PE challenge is linked to Sport's Day which we have had to postpone until next year.

Can you organise your own Sport's Day at home?

For example:

running race - around the garden, park or inside

egg and spoon race - make sure you use a hard boiled egg!

skipping race

obstacle race - you could make one inside your home or outside

Can you think of any more activities you could do?

Challenge your parents or brothers/sisters to compete against you.

Have you also spotted that we now have Active July on our main WellBeing page?

Other Ideas

Summer Reading Challenge 2020

This year the reading challenge is online. Click on the link to join and start reading!

Outside Learning

If you enjoy being outside then try our minibeast activities - a minibeast hunt and make your own minibeast hotel.


If you want to relax and chill try some of the Cosmic Kids yoga and mindfulness videos - there are lots to choose from on their YouTube page.


Story Time

If you haven't seen this:


Julie Donaldson and friends read some of our favourite stories.