Week beginning 6th July

Transition to High School

We're sure you're already thinking about that big step to high school and all the changes it will bring. It is an exciting time, but can also be a worrying one. This week's work is some activities based around your transition to high school.

Pilgrimage Prep.pptx

It's amazing how many of us are all thinking the same thing at this time - will I make new friends, will I get lost....what will the food be like?!

Earlier this year, hundreds of Y6 pupils were asked common questions about high school. Have a look at the questions and the top ten answers - I wonder how many of those answers were yours?

Heading off to high school can be quite stressful and there are times you may feel overwhelmed. Have a look at this to know you are not alone and not the only one who feels this way.

It's always good to keep an eye on your mental health, especially as we've not had the normal transition and high school may look or feel quite different and even more so due to present circumstances. Look at this to find ways to relax and manage your feelings.

Stay positive, stay resilient - look at the top tips for July!