If you would like to share any of your work with us, please email it to year3@asasps.org

You could take screenshots, photos or just send us an email telling us how you got on!

Looking for a challenge?

If you have finished with the daily lesson, here is an idea for some free writing each day.

Every day, there’s either a CHARACTER, STORY PLOT or SETTING prompt:

  • If the day has a CHARACTER prompt, the premise is they write SOMETHING about a character – it doesn’t matter what… but their short bit of writing that day is about the character

  • If the day is a SETTING prompt, they write SOMETHING about the given setting – again, it doesn’t matter what, but their bit of writing that day is about the setting.

  • If the day has a STORY PLOT prompt, they write a story using that plot as a stimulus – be that a few sentences, a story map/mountain, a paragraph or a page. Some kind of story about whatever the prompt is.