
Week beginning 6.07.20

If you would like to share any of your work with us, please email it to

You could take screenshots, photos or just send us an email telling us how you got on!

Superhero Photos

If you have forgotten to send in your photo, don't worry. Send it in today - we are having our dress up days in school on Wednesday or Thursday this week.

Don't worry if you don't have a costume as you can make one easily with items you can find at home:

  • a sheet, quilt cover, blanket or towel make a super cape

  • wellies make great superhero boots

  • cereal boxes or other cardboard can be turned into a head piece, wrist bands or a special medallion

Start designing and creating your costume now and don't forget to send us a photo!

Tell us about a real-life superhero

While we have been at home we have seen lots of stories about real-life superheroes such as NHS staff, care workers, polce, firefighters, etc.

Draw a picture of a real-life superhero and write about why they are a superhero. They may be someone in your family who has helped you while you have been off school, or a member of your family who has been out helping others either as part of their job or as a volunteer. It does not have to be someone you know it could be a nurse, doctor, fire fighter, ambulance driver, care worker -someone who you think is doing an amazing job.

Superheroes - real-life superheroes.pdf

Design your own Superveggie

Following on from our English work on Supertato, can you design your own superveggie?

You could draw it or even make one using a real vegetable or fruit.

If you are not sure about drawing vegetables or fruit then check out the Art for Kids Hub.

Don't forget to send us a picture!

Art for Kids Hub

This is a super YouTube site where children can follow a step by step guide to drawing pictures - from realistic animals to cartoon superheroes and funny food.


This is the time of year when we think about moving classes and meeting our new teacher. Unfortunately we cannot do that this year so instead we are going to put some ideas on here. Some of you will be moving to a new class and new teacher and some of you will be in the same class with the same teacher, but we are looking forward to finding out more about you. So we would like you to complete one of the activities below (you can complete more than one if you wish!) before the end of term.

  1. We think that designing yourself a superhero identity is a great way to tell us about yourself - so you can either send us in your superhero identity or keep it safe and bring it with you when you come back to school.

  2. Print and fill in one of the booklets below, fill them in electronically or use the headings to make your own "All About Me" booklet - then send us a copy or again, keep it safe and bring it back with you when you come back to school. (The booklets will need to be downloaded to fill them in electronically)

My superhero identity.pdf