Week Beginning 29th June


This week we're finding out about another hero who fought for freedom and justice: Martin Luther King. Watch the video to find out how he fought for equality. It is quite a long video though so you may want to watch it over two days.

You could:

  1. Watch Martin Luther King's famous speech, 'I have a dream...'

  2. Write a fact file about him

  3. Find out about the man who inspired him: Mahatma Ghandi.

PE - compete the challenges and keep fit!

June 29th + 30th

July 1st, 2nd, 3rd


Take time out this week to focus on these mindfulness activities.


This week let's stay focused on mindfulness by creating our own mindfulness doodles. you may want to watch the video first before having a go - don't forget to show us what you've done!