Week beginning 15/06/2020


This week you can have a choice!

If you enjoyed Frere Jacques, you can carry on singing that song.
Or you can try Alouette, gentile alouette.
Or ... you could sing both!


These two resources do not need to be printed off: you can just follow the instructions.

Your Gratitude Journal is like a diary that you keep to remind you about the things you are thankful for tat the moment. Food, parents, Tic Tok ... even school?

The second is about making a Guardian Angel out of paper. Guardian Angels are an idea that good spirits look after us and keep us safe. While there is no evidence for this actually happening, you can make a Guardian Angel for someone you care for, just to look after them.

My Gratitude Journal.pdf
Guardian Angel (Family Activity).pdf

Why do people follow a god?

Big one this week! This BBC page has lots of videos about the major religions in the UK. You don't have to watch all of them!

Watch the first video in each section. This video describes each religion.

  • Think about how these videos might help you answer the question "Why do people follow a god?"

  • When you have your ideas, write a paragraph explaining why people might follow a god.

  • If you want to include your own faith, you can. You must include information from the videos - remember, justify your opinions!

PE: Fitness Blog

This week, we would like you to write a diary/blog about how you have kept fit over the week.

  • Have you done different exercises and sports, or the same one?

  • Do you try and improve your performances, or do you just like to relax and enjoy it?

  • Do you exercise on your own, or with family members? Or do you use an online resource, like Joe Wick?

  • Are there sports and exercise you prefer to do, and are there sports and exercises you definitely don't like?


Time for a moment to reflect!

This week we would like you to have a think about how technology has helped you over the lockdown period. We would like you to answer the following questions:

  1. Have you learnt any new skills since lockdown?

  2. Do you think you need to learn anything else to help you?

  3. What is the best bit about learning online, from home?

  4. What is the toughest bit about learning online from home?

  5. What did you wish you had to make learning from home easier?

  6. What other ways has digital technology helped you during lockdown? Think about apps and social media

  7. If you had one piece of great advice for other pupils learning online, what would it be?


For this, you need a mirror.

Write down some emotions: sad, happy, confused, angry etc

Now look in the mirror and practise how you look feeling this emotions. How does your face look? Does it surprise you?

When you have practised, play a game with someone. You show an emotion on your face - can your partner recognise that emotion?

Do they get it right?

How many do they get wrong?

Did they find it difficult to work them out?

Now think - if someone who knows you so well found it difficult, what about people who don't know you?