Year 6

Launch Day 4-06-24

Year 6.pdf

Summer 2 2024

Launch Day 16-04-24

Year 6.pdf

Summer 1 2024

Launch Day 19-02 -2024

Year 6.pdf

Spring 2 2024

Launch Day 10-01 -2024

Year 6.pdf

Spring 1 2024

Launch Day 30-10 -2023

Year 6 Launch day.docx.pdf

Autumn 2 2023

Launch Day 06-09-23

Year 6.pdf

Autumn 1 2023

Launch Day 05-06-23

Year 6 .pdf

Summer 2 2023

Summer 1 2023

Launch Day 20-02-2023

Year 6 Launch Day.docx.pdf

Spring 2 2023

Launch Day 04-01-2023

Spring 1 2023

Launch Day 31-10-2022

Autumn 2 Launch day Blurb Y6.docx.pdf

Autumn 2 2022

Launch Day 05-09-2022

Autumn 1 Launch day Blurb Y6.docx.pdf

Autumn 1 2022

Summer 2 2022

Summer 1 2022

Spring 2 2022

Launch Day Spring 1:  World War 2

The children were launched into their new history topic by exploring primary and secondary artefacts from World War 2. They focused on what they know already and what they would like to find out. Next, the children create quizzes about the key events and live timelines with significant dates. They incorporated map work as well by exploring all the countries that were affected by World War 2. After that, the children had the opportunity to be creative and produced a podcast about one of the key events from World War 2.

Spring 1 2022

Launch Day Autumn 2:  Amazing Animals

The children spent the start of the day reminding themselves of the key systems of the body. They explored the structure of the skeletal system in our science lab and learnt some interesting facts about the digestive system. 

Year 6 then used resources from home to create anatomically correct models of human organs. They researched key facts and used these to create posters and poetry about the heart and the lungs. Finally, the children conducted their own investigation based around animals and their organs. 

Autumn 2 2021

Launch Day Autumn 1

Year 6 launched their topic for the next two half-terms 'Our Changing Climate'. The children explored five types of biomes and their physical geographical features. They carried out research into how the different climate of each biome affected the type of wildlife that can be fond there. They also looked at how changing climate can have a negative effect on the biomes. They then selected a biome of their choice, researched it in more detail and created a diorama which included appropriate fauna and flora. 

Autumn 1 2021