At Trinity we  have a excellent and active PTA. We encourage all parents to join.  Please come along to our weekly coffee morning every Friday at 9am.

Take a look below at some of the fantastic events run by the PTA. 



Eid Festival 

Our Eid Fair took place after school on Thursday 27th April in the school hall. Thank you all for coming along and supporting our Eid Fair - it was a huge success!

A huge special thank you to all of the parent volunteers who gave up their time to prepare and run a

stall - it was a very busy event and our parents did an incredible job!.

We raised £804.73! So £402.36 each to the school and the Read Foundation, which is brilliant.  Thank you for all your help and support! School in a Bus | READ Foundation. This amazing organisation supports Syrian refugee children in Lebanon, ensuring they have the space and facilities to continue their learning .

Winter Fun Day 

We had so much fun today!

We had a special celebration assembly where we announced the stars of the term and all of the children who achieved 100% attendance this term!

Our children enjoyed a special performance from our fabulous Glee Club.

There was great excitement during our PTA Christmas raffle draw - we gave out so many fantastic prizes.

And a huge thank you to our parents for running a mini Winter Fair for our children in the hall today - it was brilliant and the children had a great time!

Halloween Disco

Another big thank you to everyone that helped decorate, set up, run and tidy up for the Halloween Disco last week. It was so lovely to see the kids having such a brilliant time with their friends. £239 was raised to go towards school projects, bringing our yearly fundraising total to £467.77!

PTA BHM Bake and Snack Sale 

A huge THANK YOU to all of the parents who contributed by providing or buying a tasty snack and to the parents who helped to set up and run our BHM bake and snack sale. We raised a fantastic £228.77 which will be going towards resources for our enrichment classroom for some of our special educational needs pupils.

PTA Gardening Session

A group of parents/carers (and children!) braved the cold and rain yesterday to weed, clear and plant bulbs in all the school playgrounds and forest school area. Thank you to Mick (Grandad to Casey, Reception) and Grant (Dad to Theo, Year 3) for leading on this and to everyone who turned up. It was so lovely to see so many parents/carers coming together to help make the school environment safer (good bye stinging nettles!) and more lovely for our children. The PTA are hoping to run these regularly, so please do watch out for dates of the next one. Everyone is welcome to join (no gardening experience necessary - just enthusiasm!) and little ones are always welcome to join in.