
Everyone's Invited

Everyone's Invited.pdf

We have a strong commitment to equal opportunities and we aim to ensure each child gets equal access to the curriculum and resources. Children with additional needs or disabilities are welcomed and we endeavour to support our children to achieve their best. We have partially adapted our building to accommodate children and their families with disabilities to ensure good access for wheelchair users on the ground floor, especially for toilets and events. However, we do not have easy access to to upstairs rooms due to the nature of the building. We have a text service for parents who are hearing impaired and we can employ signers for meetings when necessary. Sometimes we have visually impaired children and we work hard to ensure they are supported with equipment to support their learning.

We avoid stereotyping and encourage each child to develop a positive self-image and respect for others.

We aim to share knowledge and experience of the rich variety of cultures in our school through multi-cultural curriculum and resources.

We have children from all over the world with at least 40 different languages and several different faiths represented in our school. Where possible we try to use interpreters at our family meetings and try to get as many letters as possible translated into some of our community languages. Many of our staff are multi-lingual and they will be happy to interpret in school for our families. 

All adults at our academy recognise the responsibility we have under the Education Act 2002 and we have arrangements in place to safeguard and promote the high level of care for the safety and welfare of our children.

Our Policy on Safeguarding and Child Protection sets out how our governing body discharges its statutory responsibilities relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children at our academy. Our policy applies to all staff, paid or unpaid, working in the academy.The governors, teaching assistants, mid day supervisors, secretaries as well as teachers can often be the first point of disclosure for a child.

Matters of concern, whether they relate to school or home, will always be treated confidentially. Please make early contact with the academy to discuss any concerns.

It is important that the telephone numbers, emergency contact and medical details are kept up to date with the academy office staff.

Our designated safeguarding and child protection officers are Lauren Dobie (Assistant Vice Principal) and Farzana Iqbal (Vice Principal).

If you think a child is at serious risk of harm then please call: 02084894470.

For further information please visit; Haringey Local Safeguarding Children Board

Haringey Education Safeguarding Service works in partnership with schools to promote the welfare of children and young people, and to ensure they are safe from harm.

As part of their work they will receive information from partner agencies, such as the police and social care. If it is considered in the interest of the child or young person, this information will be shared with the school. If information is shared, this will be in accordance with the key principles of the Data Protection Act and be on a need to know basis, and will only occur to help schools protect and promote the welfare of your son or daughter. 

When there is any sharing of information, schools should discuss this with you to enable a partnership approach to meeting the needs of your son or daughter.


Since 1st July 2015 there has been a duty on schools to have 'due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'. This is called Prevent duty. You can view the Prevent Duty advice for Schools by downloading the document below.

Please download a copy of the Prevent Factsheet for Staff, Governors and Volunteers for more information.

This school is aware of its duty under the Prevent Guidelines. We fulfil this duty through a broad and balanced curriculum and upholding fundamental British Values.

AET Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding advice for visitors to our school - January 2023 update
Trinity Safeguarding Policies Local Academy Arrangements 2023_24 - Template.pdf