Attendance and Absences

Attendance matters!

At Trinity we have high expectations for all our children. Everyday attendance is important to us. We encourage you all to make each day count as only a few days of absence can have an impact on your child’s learning.

190 school days per academic year

Children who attend 98%-100% have the best chance of success.

Children who have below 95% attendance have at least 10 days off in the school year which will have an impact on their learning.

Children who have 90% attendance have less chance of success and families will be referred to the local education welfare officer.

175 non school days a year for appointments and holidays

Children have 175 days a year to go on holiday, have appointments, visit family etc. We will not authorise holidays or routine appointments during term time.

If you wish to request your child absent for exceptional circumstances, you must fill out an absence of leave form at the school office.

Attendance awards

Every week we celebrate all the classes who have achieved 100% attendance.

Every half term the class with the best attendance gets a special treat. This may be a class party, a local trip, movie and popcorn afternoon and lots more!

At the end of each term, individual children are recognised and rewarded for their attendance. They receive a certificate and prize and are given a raffle ticket to potentially win our end of year prize.


Punctuality is important to establish positive habits as children develop, grow and move on to their next stage. Arriving late in the morning can be detrimental to your child’s education and result in disruption for their peers and the lesson.

Special Leave

A request of special leave can be requested in exceptional circumstances and is at the discretion of the Principal. A request for special leave form must be filled out and given to the office with supporting documents.

If you are having difficulty and require some support with attendance please contact the office on 02088883736 where an appointment will be made with the pastoral lead.

Letter Attendance_ sickness.docx
FPN warning letter