School Dinners

Here at Trinity we aim to be as healthy as possible. As such we are able to provide the children with a nutritious school lunch which is cooked daily on the premises.  Children who are currently in reception and years 1 ,  2,  3,  4, 5 and 6  do not need to pay for their meals under the government universal free school meal scheme.  Children attending our nursery will need to pay for their school dinners costing £2.20 per day,  £11.00 per week.

If you would like your nursery child to have a school meal you will need to pay in advance using the Tucasi icon below.

Alternatively, you may choose to send your child in with a packed lunch. We ask that this contains a balanced lunch and does not contain any foods containing nuts. We also ask that you do not provide sweets, chocolates of fizzy drinks. 

Please find below the menus for the autumn term provided by our catering team at Aspens Catering.
