
Curriculum Intent

At Trinity, we offer an engaging music curriculum which aims to boost confidence and self esteem, children learn how to skilfully use a wide variety of instruments including their voices to express themselves with creativity.  We aim to inspire all children to have a joy for making and listening to music, supporting them to develop their listening and motor skills whilst also providing them with opportunities to work together to create a sense of group achievement.  

Sequencing and Progression

We follow the Kapow Primary's Music Scheme, in which the individual strands of music are woven together to create engaging and enriching learning experiences: 

Over the course of the scheme, children learn how to sing fluently and expressively, and play tuned and untuned instruments accurately and with increasing control.  Children are also able to articulate and demonstrate the key musical concepts and apply these to a wide range of music. 

Year 4 Guitar Concert

Glee Club performing at Wigmore Hall

What does music look like at Trinity?

Music is a huge part of Trinity! Children have weekly music lessons and singing assemblies. There are two choirs and a recorder and ukulele after school club. 


We have many musical events throughout the school year where children can perform and showcase their musical talents and skill in school and in the local community! 

EY, KS1 and KS2 all work hard towards a Christmas Show in December. 

The choir performs regularly in school and in the local community, for example: Alexandra Palace and Wigmore Hall. 

'Trinity’s got Talent!' is a school competition in which children can showcase their musical, drama, dance, athletic and artistic abilities to their peers.  

Year 6 spend their last few weeks at Trinity working towards an end of year production. Pupils work together making props and costumes, dancing and singing.  This is a wonderful celebration of their musical journey at Trinity. 

Music in May

In May, we celebrate music for the whole month! 

This year, we were lucky enough to have visits from a cellist, violinists, brass and wind musician, opera singer and a djembe band!  

The finale of the Music in May celebrations is the marvellous Music in May concert in which an exciting  array of solo (violinists, flautists and pianists) and group (guitar, ukulele, recorder and Glee Club) musicians perform. It is always so wonderful to see the variety of musical talent and watch the children perform with confidence, pride and joy.  

Early Years

In EYFS, singing is part of the children’s daily routine. The children learn  a repertoire of songs and nursery rhymes, developing their skill of singing in tune and in unison. They also also enjoy exploring the different sounds percussion instruments can make and practise echoing back simple rhythms and playing to the beat. 

Key Stage One

In KS1, children develop a good basic knowledge of rhythm, pulse and pitch. Children grow into confident and joyful singers thanks to the weekly singing assemblies. In music lessons, children are introduced to musical families and regularly listen to and play a range of different pitched and unpitched instruments which they learn to play with increasing skill and accuracy. Children will be introduced to notation and graphic scores. 

Key Stage Two

Year 4 children take part in weekly guitar lessons through the Haringey Music Service. This is when notation will be properly established. Children will have many opportunities to perform throughout the year to their peers and parents and carers. 

By the end of KS2, children would have discovered a wide range of different genres of music, from different countries and different times in history. They would have developed a strong understanding of the interrelated dimensions of music and be able to appraise music confidently. Children would have experienced singing in rounds and in harmony with great expression.