Pupil Leadership Pathway
Class Responsibility
The first rung of the student leadership pathway is a class responsibility. This will be a role taken on in class where students have their first opportunity to develop leadership skills. They will have a small responsibility in their classroom and the opportunity to have some ownership over the running of the class. The main responsibility roles will be those of class champions, however staff may want to give other small leadership roles in their class.
Class Champions
The role of a class champion gives children the first opportunity to experience leadership in the school. The will begin to use leadership skill such as communication, organisation, responsibility and reflection.
Class champions are elected each half-term to give children a range of leadership experiences and to ensure they retain the enthusiasm for the job. Staff should try to ensure that as many children as possible have the opportunity to lead during the year. Information from the previous year will be passed on so all children can experience leadership over a 2 year cycle.
The reading champion is responsible for the books in the classroom, including ensuring the the book corner is kept tidy and organised. They will have the opportunity to read to the class on a regular basis (class teacher will decide what is appropriate) and come up with ideas for promoting reading in class.
The Eco champions works to ensure they are following the advice of the eco committee. They work closely with the eco warriors and encourage their class to reduce, reuse and recycle!
The resources champion takes responsibility for the resources in the classroom. They make sure everything is tidied away and kept in good condition. They make sure pencils are sharp and whiteboards are clean so that everything is ready to use.
The communication champion ensures messages are passed on effectively around the school. They have responsibility for collecting and returning the register and bring any other messages to and from the office. They will read letters and messages to the staff when information needs to be communicated.
Whole School responsibility
Whole school responsibilities is the next step up in student leadership. Students will have a role that will impact on an area outside their own classroom.
The selection process for each role will be different, depending on the role and the expectations of it.
The roles that exist in school are not set in stone (apart from school council) and
Some examples of whole school responsibilities include:
School Council
Playground buddy
Pupil mentor
Reading buddy
Pupil Leadership Team
House Captains
House captains are the lead representative of their house in school.
Selection Process
Children will be informed of the house captain elections in assembly. They will be told of the application process and the criteria for house captain.
Children who wish to apply will fill in an application form, outlining their experience in leadership and reasons for applying.
School LT will meet and discuss the applications. 3 children from each house will be chosen as the candidates in the election for their house.
Each house will have a house assembly. Candidates will share their vision for the role and explain why they should be chosen.
Children at the assembly will be given a voting slip. As they leave the assembly they will vote for their chosen candidate.
Winners of the election will be announced in assembly.
Selection Criteria
Must be in Year 6
Successful experience in at least one whole school leadership role.
Must have been an active participant in house events.
Regularly earns points for their house
Has shown enthusiasm and pride in their house during their time in school.
Excellent record of behaviour
Wears the correct school uniform at all times
Attendance for the past year should be above 97% (exemptions can be made in exceptional circumstances)
Roles and responsibilities
Help to lead House events throughout the year, especially those for children in KS1
Act as a role model for children in their house, participating enthusiastically in a variety of house events.
Attend house events they are not participating in and support their house.
Announce house points at assemblies on Monday (KS1 & KS2)
Meet with school council once a month to suggest future house events.
Listen to ideas from children for house events and bring them to the school council.
Wear their House Captain badge at all times
Encourage children to earn house points for their house through good work and good behaviour.
School Captains
The role of school captains are the most prestigious leadership roles in the school. They are for students who have been an outstanding example of what is expected from students at Trinity Primary Academy. They will play a highly active role in the running of the school.
Selection Process
Children will be informed of the school captain elections in assembly. They will be told of the application process and the criteria for house captain.
Children who wish to apply will fill in an application form, outlining their experience in leadership and reasons for applying.
School LT will meet and discuss the applications. 3 girls and 3 boys will be chosen for as candidates for each role.
Children will present their ideas in KS1 and KS2 assembly for why they should have the leadership role.
Children at the assembly will be given a voting slip. As they leave the assembly they will vote for their chosen candidate.
Winners of the election will be announced in assembly.
Selection Criteria
Must be in Year 6
Outstanding record of behaviour
Successful experience in a number of school leadership roles.
Excellent work ethic in class
High academic achievement
Displays the confidence and maturity to lead and take responsibility for making decisions in school
Wears the correct school uniform at all times
Attendance for the past year should be above 97% (exemptions can be made in exceptional circumstances)
Contributes to a number of aspects of school life (clubs, sports teams)
Roles and responsibilities
Lead school council meetings and take on the responsibility of enacting decisions made
Attend LT meetings once a half term, raising issues to be discussed.
Act as role models for the school displaying outstanding behaviour at all times
Attend and help out at school events (parents evening, performances etc)
Lead one assembly every term
Gate duty once a week, welcoming pupils to school
Take visitors on tours of the school.
Take on a project to develop and make a positive change in the school.
Prepare Trinity’s weekly questionnaire