
Curriculum Intent

At Trinity, every child is an artist. We support them in developing confidence to feel the freedom that they can create art using a range of techniques, skills and tools. Pupils get rich opportunities to express themselves and develop curiosity in order to try new things and take risks.

Sequencing and Progression

The curriculum is designed in such a way that children are able to build on their prior learning from previous years. Art and design skills are revisited and consolidated throughout each art and design topic and are applied to a range of media.

The three main strands of drawing, painting and sculpture are covered in each year group and printmaking and collage are also covered across each key stage. Our priority is to raise the cultural capital for all pupils and to give children a richer and deeper understanding of the world of art and open themselves to new ideas and interests. By exposing pupils to focus artists and comparative artworks, as well as opportunities to visit galleries and museums including National Gallery’s Take One Picture, we are involving children in the art of the local community and the wider world. 

What does Art look like at Trinity?

In the Early Years, children experience art through play, exploring how they can use different materials and techniques to express their ideas and create art and design objects.

In year 1-6, children have a weekly art lesson of at least one hour. In each unit, they explore the new skill through viewing and appraising examples of artworks and designs, as well as being introduced to focus artists and designers. Then, the children experience new techniques and skills to be able to plan for a final masterpiece that they make, display and evaluate.

In the summer term, the whole school takes part in National Gallery's Take One Picture project which focuses on a painting from which children draw inspiration to explore different aspects of art making and art history. The outcome is to create masterpieces in response to the museum artwork and twice artworks made by Trinity pupils have been exhibited at the Take One Picture exhibition at National Gallery.

Early Years

In Nursery and Reception, creative expression is at the heart of the curriculum and children use art to explore the topics they study, including transport, space, animals, gardening, minibeasts, dinosaurs and cultures from around the world.

 They express their learning through different media including drawing, painting, sculpture, collage and printmaking, using a range of tools and materials while working in teams and individually. 

Years 1 and 2

In Year 1 and 2, children study art skills including drawing spirals and architecture, sculptures of boats, ships and buildings and painting and collage inspired by art from the National Gallery. The children will name all the primary and secondary colours and mix colours to make colour wheels and use a range of tools to draw and apply colour (different brushes, pencils, crayons, graphite sticks, sponges, sticks etc.). They will also start using sketchbooks to record ideas and sketches. 

Years 3 and 4

In Years 3 and 4, children explore many artforms including drawing of cave art and Viking longships, landscape painting and sculpture inspired by artworks at the National Gallery. In drawing, they explore light and shadow, scale and proportion, and in painting tint, tone and shade in addition to primary and secondary colours. In sculpture, they use malleable and rigid materials with adhesives to create 3D artworks. Sketchbooks are used to explore art skills and to develop ideas. 

Years 5 and 6

In Years 5 and 6, children will be drawing self-portraits and cityscapes, painting flowers, landscapes and self-portraits and sculpture and collage inspired by artworks at the National Gallery as a part of the Take One Picture project. In drawing, the children will use effects of light and perspective and in painting, children explore and use tint, tones, shades and tertiary colours to convey a mood. In sculpture, the focus is on installation art and printmaking and collage are combined to create mixed media artworks.