Home Learning is set weekly on Seesaw by class teachers. Activities include:

  • Reading - Reading is the single most important activity for children to do at home to support their development. Children should read every night with an adult. This should be for 5-10 minutes a day for children in reception, building up to at least 30 minutes a day for children in year 6. For children in nursery, reception and Year 1 children can also practise their phonics sounds using the videos on the school website,

  • Maths core skills - Children should use Numbots (Reception to Year 2) or TT Rockstars (Year 2 to Year 6) to practise their maths at home. This should be at least 3 times a week for 5-10 minutes, although if children practise more than this it will really support them.

  • Spellings - Spellings are set weekly and will appear on Seesaw for children in Y1-6. Children should practise these spellings using Spelling Shed.

Choose your learning portal below to access ways to support children at home.

Remote Learning

In the case of children having to isolate due to Covid, we have created 2-week packs for each year group so that they can continue to learn at home. All work should be photographed and uploaded onto Seesaw (Y1-6) or Tapestry (Reception). You will find the links below:


Reception Home learning week 2-3

Year 1

Year 1 home learning week 2-3.pdf

Year 2

Year 2 home learning week 2-3.pdf

Year 3

Year 3 home learning Week 2-3.pdf

Year 4

Year 4 home learning week 2-3.pdf

Year 5

Year 5 home learning week 2-3.pdf

Year 6

Year 6 home learning week 2-3.pdf