Latest News & Updates

Bexleyheath Academy sends weekly updates to all parents/carers by email.  If you are a parent/carer of a student at Bexleyheath Academy and are not receiving this email, please click here to provide us with your current email address.

Letter from the Principal

Dear Parents/Carers, 

As we come to the end of another fruitful year, I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for your unwavering support and dedication.

To our wonderful parents, your continuous encouragement and involvement in your child’s education have been invaluable. Your cooperation, understanding, and partnership have played a pivotal role in fostering a positive and nurturing learning environment. We truly appreciate the time you have invested in supporting school activities, attending meetings, and helping with learning outside of the academy. Your commitment to your child’s education is the foundation of their success, and for that, we are deeply grateful.

To our amazing students, your hard work, enthusiasm, and perseverance have been truly inspiring. You have tackled challenges with grace, embraced new learning opportunities with curiosity, and shown remarkable growth and progress. Each of you has contributed uniquely to our school community, and your achievements, both big and small, have made us all proud. Keep up the great work, and continue to strive for excellence in all your endeavours.

Yours Sincerely,

Ms R Luthfa

To read the full letter, please look in your inbox. 

On Latest News This Week:

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Term one starts on Wednesday, 04 September for Year 07 & Year 12. For the rest of the academy, the start date will be Thursday, 05 September. 

Year 11 & Year 13 Results Day | The national results days are as follows:

We will be sending a letter out to families closer to the time regarding arrangements for the day.

End of Year Reports | The end of year reports for all year groups will be sent to families by Friday, 02 August. If you have any questions regarding reports, please contact Ms Fisher, Data Manager ( 

Year 10 and Year 12 Summer Activities | The summer activities for Year 10 and Year 12 can be found here. It is recommended that students complete an hour a day in their selected subject. All subjects have added their summer work expectations. Your child will work on the tasks that they are completing for their GCSEs. Teachers will be reviewing the work completed on the first week back. The tasks can be found here

Competitions for the Summer | We have a number of competitions that run over the summer holidays. Students have until Friday, 06 September to complete their tasks or submit their entries. There will be a; first, second and third prize for students in each year group. Please encourage your child to take part in at least one of the competitions. For all the competitions that require a submission, please ensure that students write their full name and year group clearly on the submission. These can be submitted to the teachers directly or brought to reception. 

Art & Photography Competition

Students must create a piece of art or take a photograph or series of photographs. The topic for the piece is 'The Great Outdoors'.

Please submit your entry to Ms Priscott.

BHA Packaging Competition

Bexleyheath Academy is releasing its own breakfast cereal brand. Students must design a piece of packaging for this new cereal to make people buy it. Annotate the design to explain each feature.

Please submit your entry to Ms Gaskin.

History Podcast Competition

Create a podcast to explain the key developments in the UK over the last 100 years. Make it fun and exciting.

Please submit your entry to Mr Mack-Poole.

Ready, Steady, Cook! Competition

Students must design and make a dish. This can be part of a main meal or a dessert. Students must consider the presentation of the dish. The final product must be photographed and have an explanation of; what the dish is, how it was made and where it originated from.

Please submit your entry to Mr Ephson.

Bedrock Competition

Students must complete Bedrock Vocabulary or Grammar tasks. Students that have completed the highest amount of tasks will be awarded a prize.

Book Review Competition

Students must read a book and write a review of the book summarising it and explaining what they enjoyed out it. They should provide a rating out of 05. For those that want to push themselves further, they should write how the book can be improved.

Please submit your entry to Ms Mensah.

Tassomai Competition

For this competition, students can be awarded for doing the following:

Reading Competition

Students must read on the MyOn platform. Students that have read for the most amount of hours will be rewarded in each year group.

Training Session Video Competition

Students must design a training sessions plan for a sport of their choice. This can focus on one skill from the sport such as a backhand serve in tennis or a shoot in basketball. They must then create a training video of this session to submit. 

Please submit your entry to Mr Sheehan.

Timetable Rock Stars Competition

Students must write out their timetables from 1x1 to 12x12 50 times. This must be hand written and we recommend that students complete one repetition of this at least once a day. 

Please submit your entry to Ms Sanni.

MathsWatch Competition

Students that complete the most amount of tasks on MathsWatch from 01 August 2024 win a prize.

Bexley Tourism Competition

Students must create a tourist information guide. This can be digital or physical. This guide must tell tourists of all of the local sites that you recommend that they visit. The guide must have photos/images of the site as well as a description of the place that you are asking them to visit and why. 

Please submit your entry to Ms Victor.

Celebratory Showcase | Our Celebratory Showcase took place on Monday, 15 July. It was a spectacular showcase of the diverse and exceptional abilities of our students. The evening was filled with awe-inspiring performances, each act highlighting the dedication, creativity, and hard work of the participants.    

We had singings, drama performances, instrumental pieces and magic tricks. These showcases are a brilliant way for students not only share their talents but also build confidence in their abilities and resilience as they perform in front of community members which is not each to do. Mr Gibbon, Faculty Director of Performing Arts said: "It is heart warming to see how far students had come from our auditions stage all those months ago. The beauty of this showcase was that students had to work independently on their rehearsals, whilst they were provided time and space at the academy to do this, as they were displaying their own talents. They made decisions about costumes, music and lighting. I am so proud of our students that demonstrated being 'Unusually Brave' and 'Discovering What is Possible'. I would also like to thank our families and student community for 'Being Big Hearted' and support our students by being audience members." 

We look forward to the next event at Christmas. 

Safeguarding | London Metropolitan Police | The London Metropolitan Police would like us to share this guide with you. During the summer period, students are on their phones for increased periods of time. Whilst during the year, we have ensured that their reliance on phones had reduced during the course of the school day through our implementation of a mobile phone ban, lack of regulation over the summer could undo some of this work. research shows that the sharing of images in particular is high during the summer holidays. For children and young people, socialising online is part of normal life. Chatting online and sending messages, photos and videos can be a good way of strengthening friendships. Sometimes, however, they can misjudge boundaries and may not realise the impact of their actions. They can also be manipulated or pressured by others into sending inappropriate content, such as nude or semi-nude images. These can be sent for reasons including humour, shock-value, revenge or exploring bodies and relationships. Once images are shared, they can’t be retrieved, leaving them vulnerable in many ways. The guide shared has useful links for support and advice. Alternatively, if you would like support in this matter, please contact Ms Kendall, Designated Safeguarding Lead ( 

Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank | Thank you to all of our community members that either donated to the food bank or raised awareness of the food bank to community members. Together, we have collected over 1400 items of food. These have now been passed onto 116 families who requested additional support from our community members for the summer period. Please see their comments below:

Safeguarding  | Kooth | Kooth is the UKs leading mental health & wellbeing platform for children and young people. We regularly talk about the Kooth services in Latest News to provide families with support with mental health. It is a service we actively recommend to our students. 

For some of our students, the summer holidays are a great opportunity to see family and friends. However, for others the free time is a concern due to internal struggles. This video talks you through their service should you need this. 

Alternatively, if you would like support in this matter, please contact Ms Kendall, Designated Safeguarding Lead ( 

Uniform | Thank you to families who have ensured that uniform standards are consistently high. We would like to remind parents that trainers are not part of the daily school uniform. Student must wear black shoes what can be polished. 

Standards of skirts have been a topic of debate over the last year and we thank families again for their support in making sure that these are knee length and pleated. We will be providing another option instead of skirts, they are called Culottes. These are easier to wear and are hard to roll up. 

These can be purchased from a number of uniform providers:

Thank you to Mrs Attree who has helped source these uniform items for us. 

Rewards Experiences | At the end of each term, we reward our students for the points that they have accumulated for the current term. 

Those students that accumulated over 100 points, were rewarded with a pizza party this week.

Bexleyheath Tariff - Sep 24.pptx.pdf

Aspens Catering | Our catering provider has shared the menu princes for the grab and go items to help you plan how much money to put onto your child's ParentPay account. The cost of a meal deal with includes a main and a drink or a main and a dessert is now £2.70. The menu can be found here

Spotlight | Attendance

Research has shown that regular attendance and good punctuality are crucial factors in students achieving their full potential in education. At Bexleyheath Academy we wish to work in partnership with parents and carers and so are seeking your full support in ensuring that your child attends the academy every day and on time. We are always pleased to work together with parents/carers in resolving any difficulties, but we are also committed to improving attendance levels at the academy.

The target attendance figure for all pupils is a minimum of 97% attendance. Based on current attendance figures your child will be placed in one of the following groups below. 

Group 1: No Concern | Green Group | The student attends for 97% - 100% of the time. 

Group 2: Concern | Yellow Group | The student attends for 95% - 96.9% of the time.

Group 3: Risk of Underachievement  | Amber Group| The student attends for 93% - 94.9% of the time.

Group 4: Severe Risk of Underachievement | Pink Group | The student attends for 90% - 92.9% of the time.

Group 5: Extreme Risk of Underachievement  | Red Group| The student attends for 0% - 89.9% of the time.

Your child will be informed of their Attendance Group by their pastoral manager. Bexleyheath Academy are monitoring students closely whose attendance is falling and will contact you if your child’s attendance does not improve. It is important that you monitor single day’s absence, as these days soon add up to weeks.

At Bexleyheath Academy we reward pupils who attend the academy each day and whose attendance is improving. Students are also rewarded for good punctuality. Here is an example of rewards for good attendance:

If you are concerned about this new ‘Focus on Attendance’, there are important steps that you can take:

Thank you for working in partnership with us to achieve the highest possible levels of attendance and punctuality at Bexleyheath Academy.

Term 06, Week 06 | Monday, 15 July 2024 

End-of-Term Arrangements | Term six ends on Wednesday, 17 July, at 13:10. 

Fixtures This Week | There are no planned fixtures for next week. 

Year 11 & Year 13 Results Day | The national results days are as follows:

We will be sending a letter out to families closer to the time regarding arrangements for the day.

Uniform Donations | The academy is collecting donations of unwanted uniform to then provide to families that might not be able to afford new uniform. If you have any items that could be good enough to donate, please bring these items to the reception team and we will ensure that they find a new home. 

Celebratory Showcase | The academy will be holding a Celebratory Showcase in order to show off our students talents as they perform a series of songs and scenes from all genres, as well as displaying the talents of our Art and Food Tech students. Think BA's Got Talent except everyone is a winner! There will be something for everyone. Students have been rehearsing over break and lunch time this term as well as at home. Thank you to all families that have supported students at home with rehearsals and creating some fabulous costumes. The event will take place on Monday, 15 July from 17:30 until 19:00. This is a ticketed event and we will be sharing a google form with parents/carers in the Latest News email for those that would like to join us at this event.   

Year 07 Science Museum Trip | This week, our Year 07 students went to the Science Museum. Ms Ghai, Faculty Director of Science said: “The museum provides hands-on exhibits that make learning about science and technology engaging and fun. This interactive environment helps children and young people understand complex concepts more easily. It fosters an early interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), which are critical fields for future careers and innovation. The museum showcases ground-breaking scientific achievements and historical artefacts, which can inspire a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world and how it works. I believe going to the Science Museum is a vital part of growing up as a child. I am proud that I was able to organise this trip for our students who were excited to go on this trip and had millions of questions as a result of this trip about  science, mathematics and technology.” 

Stationary & Chromebooks | We are learning right up until 13:10 on Wednesday. Please can you ensure that students have stationary and bring their fully charged Chromebooks to the academy with them each day.

Safeguarding | London Metropolitan Police | The London Metropolitan Police would like us to share this guide with you. During the summer period, students are on their phones for increased periods of time. Whilst during the year, we have ensured that their reliance on phones had reduced during the course of the school day through our implementation of a mobile phone ban, lack of regulation over the summer could undo some of this work. research shows that the sharing of images in particular is high during the summer holidays. For children and young people, socialising online is part of normal life. Chatting online and sending messages, photos and videos can be a good way of strengthening friendships. Sometimes, however, they can misjudge boundaries and may not realise the impact of their actions. They can also be manipulated or pressured by others into sending inappropriate content, such as nude or semi-nude images. These can be sent for reasons including humour, shock-value, revenge or exploring bodies and relationships. Once images are shared, they can’t be retrieved, leaving them vulnerable in many ways. The guide shared has useful links for support and advice. Alternatively, if you would like support in this matter, please contact Ms Kendall, Designated Safeguarding Lead ( 

Uniform | Thank you to families who have ensured that uniform standards are consistently high. We would like to remind parents that trainers are not part of the daily school uniform. Student must wear black shoes what can be polished. 

Standards of skirts have been a topic of debate over the last year and we thank families again for their support in making sure that these are knee length and pleated. We will be providing another option instead of skirts, they are called Culottes. These are easier to wear and are hard to roll up. 

These can be purchased from a number of uniform providers:

Thank you to Mrs Attree who has helped source these uniform items for us. 

Rewards Trip 2024 | On Friday, we had our ultimate rewards trip of the year to Thorpe Park. Students with the highest points over the year were a part of this experience. Ms Delver, Vice-Principal said: “Rewarding our students for their hard work is the best part of my job. I was lucky to be able to take 150 of our students on this trip to celebrate their hard work this year. These students have gone above and beyond. We look forward to continuing to reward students next week with celebration assemblies.” 

Each term, students collect points which are based on:

This trip is from the overall points collected over the year. Students are also rewarded  each term with the points collected each term during their celebration assemblies. The celebration assemblies will take place next week. 

Aspens Catering | Our catering provider has shared the menu princes for the grab and go items to help you plan how much money to put onto your child's ParentPay account. The cost of a meal deal with includes a main and a drink or a main and a dessert is now £2.70. The menu can be found here.

Term 06, Week 05 | Monday, 08 July 2024

End-of-Term Arrangements | Term six ends on Wednesday, 17 July, at 13:10. 

Year 10 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Cooper.

Sixth Form Newsletter | Please find this week’s Sixth Form Newsletter here from Mr Read.

Birthday of HH The Dalai Lama Buddhist | Today, our Buddhist community members will be celebrating the birthday of his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He is described as the simple Buddhist monk. He is the spiritual leaders of Tibet. He was born on 06 July 1935.

Ratha Yatra of Puri | Tomorrow, our Hindu community members will be celebrating Ratha Jatra also known as the 'chariot festival'. It is considered the oldest and largest Hindu chariot festival celebrated annually, on the bright half of the lunar month of Asdadh. This is a celebration of the legends of three sibling deities: Lord Krishna, Balabhadra and Subhadra. Statues of the deities are taken in a procession through the streets in a chariot. 

Fixtures This Week | The following fixtures are taking place this week:

We also have our annual Sports Days on the following days:

*Specific details are not shared on the website due to safeguarding reasons.  

Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank | Thank you for everyone that has donated or spread the work of our food bank in the community. We have been overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of the community. This week, we will be collecting anything that you might want to put in our parcels which can be a repeat of other named items we had suggested this term.  Please bring donations to the reception team. If you have any questions about the Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank, please contact Laura Chan, PA to the Principal ( 

Inclusion Update |  Emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA) is increasing and Autistic teenagers are experiencing this at a very high and worrying rate. While there is not enough information on ASD and EBSA for now, here is a free event Bexley IASS will be running for parents/carers of children & young people with SEND. You will have an opportunity to discuss any education, health or social care issues related to your child’s SEND. A member of the Bexley IASS team will be available to see parents 1:1 for 30 minutes. IASS can provide:

o Advice about SEN support in schools

o Information and advice about education, health, and care plans (EHCP)

o Advice and information on reduced timetables and exclusions.

o Advice about education, health and social care law relating to special educational needs and disabilities. Please use this link to book a session.

Summer Inclusion Information Evening | Thank you for parents/carers and students that joined us on Wednesday, 03 July at 17:30-18:30 for our third inclusion information evening. During this event we informed all parents and carers of students with SEND and EAL to find out more information about the support and interventions that are offered in school. If you missed the event we have embedded the video on this page but it can also be found here

Year 09 Imperial War Museum Trip | This week, we took some of our Year 09 students to the Imperial War Museum. Ms Mack-Poole, Teacher of English said: "This trip is a two part event to help students develop their oracy skills. Next week, students will be taking part in a workshop where they develop their oracy around the topic of the Imperial War Museum and what they had learnt on this trip. I have been amazed by the inquisitive nature of our students around what they were seeing. The staff at the Imperial War Museum were so impressed with the academy that they have have two workshops for the academy to attend next year free of charge." 

Uniform Donations | The academy is collecting donations of unwanted uniform to then provide to families that might not be able to afford new uniform. If you have any items that could be good enough to donate, please bring these items to the reception team and we will ensure that they find a new home. 

Celebratory Showcase | The academy will be holding a Celebratory Showcase in order to show off our students talents as they perform a series of songs and scenes from all genres, as well as displaying the talents of our Art and Food Tech students. Think BA's Got Talent except everyone is a winner! There will be something for everyone. Students have been rehearsing over break and lunch time this term as well as at home. Thank you to all families that have supported students at home with rehearsals and creating some fabulous costumes. The event will take place on Monday, 15 July from 17:30 until 19:00. This is a ticketed event and we will be sharing a google form with parents/carers in the Latest News email for those that would like to join us at this event.   

End of Year Reward Trip | Year 07, 08 and 09 | We are delighted to announce that the Reward trip to Thorpe Park. 150 students in year 07, 08 and 09 will be invited on this trip, free of charge. The selection process will be based on the number of Remarkable Character points students would have collected throughout this academic year, which are based on:

Students that have been selected to go on this trip will be contacted by the end of tomorrow. Should you have any questions regarding the reward trip, then please contact Mr Choudhury at for Years 07 and 08 or Mr Cooper  for Year 09.

Bexleyheath Academy Elections | This week, our Year 12 students represented the different parties in the run up to election day. Students presented the same manifestos as the real parties and presented the manifestos to our younger students. They took time to meet with student over break and lunch time to talk to them about why they should get that critical public vote. Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal said: "It was a great experience for our Year 12 students who had to plan their campaigns and rehearse their speeches and deliver these speeches to their public. Students in Year 07 - 10 were inquisitive about the different manifestos and approaches the different parties as they visited each year group playground. Speaking to Year 09 on Thursday, it was clear that they appreciated the opportunity to understand the different manifestos and had a chance to experience the voting process."

Year 11 Prom | Last night, we had the pleasure of celebrating the successes of the Year 11 over the last 05 years. Mr Whitham, Year 11 Lead said: "It was lovely to see that despite the weather, Year 11 were in good spirits and dancing the night away under the stars as we travelled along the River Thames. It was and extra special event as some of our students had also not seen some of our key landmarks in London despite living so close. Our students were looking fantastic in their evening gowns and suits and it felt like they had grown so much in the two weeks that I have not seen them. Students were big hearted with staff with an abundance of presents and positive messages. It was an honor to have the opportunity to lead this groups of students to success and I look forward to celebrating with them on results day."

Term 06, Week 04 | Monday, 01 July 2024

INSET Day | The academy will be closed to students on Monday, 1 July 2024 for an academy INSET Day. 

Year 10 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Cooper.

Sixth Form Newsletter | Please find this week’s Sixth Form Newsletter here from Mr Read.

End-of-Term Arrangements | Term six ends on Wednesday, 17 July, at 13:10. 

Fixtures This Week | The following fixtures are taking place this week:

*Specific details are not shared on the website due to safeguarding reasons.  

Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank | Our community members of Bexleyheath Academy are wonderful. Since last week, we have been inundated with kind words and offers of more support for the families that face difficulties through these troublesome times. It is clear that the reason why our students are concerned about the welfare of others is not just down to education at the academy but strong family morals and a sense of charity at home. As an academy, we will be collecting donations to create food parcels for these families to support them whilst the academy is closed over the summer period. So far, we have 96 families that have expressed interest in receiving a food parcel. We will hold the form open for an additional week but create extra parcels should circumstances change for anyone. In order to make sure that we have a range of items that families might need, we propose the following collection plan:

Please bring donations to the reception team. If you have any questions about the Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank, please contact Laura Chan, PA to the Principal ( 

Term 06 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | This term, we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year. The Year 08 Priority Parents' Evening will take place on Thursday, 11 July 2024  16:00-19:00. Priority appointments available for booking from Monday 24 June 2024 for TEN Days. From Thursday, 04 July 2024, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Year 07, Year 09, Year 10 & Year 12) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s or have had issues in booking to see teachers and would like support, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager ( 

Friday's Careers Talk | Since January, students have had a careers talk from different industries each Friday. This Friday, we were luck to have a student that left us in August 2023 after successfully completing his A-Levels return to talk about his first year of training in the police force. 

Luke S, spoke to students about his:

It is always great to hear from previous students. Our students were amazed at how far he had progressed in a short few months. 

Year 09 Greenwich Observatory Trip | This week, we had our first year group trip to Greenwich Observatory. This trip focused on localism and getting students to appreciate the wonders that they have on their doorstep. Mr Mack-Pool who led the trips said: “Students were amazed to find out all about the world prime meridian marks that divide eastern and western hemispheres. They understood the significance of the famous ball hoisting up the mast which was originally a signal for navigators on ships and in docks along the Thames to be ‘prepared’. However, they still questioned the odd timings for when the ball was hoisted. It was a great experience for the students as it combined history with modern day photography. We look forward to the next localism trip.” 

Year 09 GCSE Options | Students have been eager to have the GCSE Options subjects that they will be studying in the next academic year confirmed, and I’m pleased to be able to let you know that we will be in a position to communicate this next week. Please look out for an email from Mr Cooper that will detail the GCSE Options that your child has been allocated. If you have any questions about options, please contact Mr Cooper, Assistant Principal ( 

Summer Inclusion Information Evening | All parents and carers of students with SEND and EAL and also the Year 06 SEND and EAL parents and carers are  invited to our  Summer Inclusion Information Evening that will be held on Wednesday, 03 July at 17:30-18:30. This will offer an opportunity for all parents and carers of students with SEND and EAL to find out more information about the support and interventions that are offered in school. Please click on the link to join this virtual event at 17:30 on the day. The Inclusion Team is looking forward to seeing you all Wednesday. If you have any questions about Inclusion, please contact Ms Elliott-Graves, Assistant Principal ( 

Uniform Donations | The academy is collecting donations of unwanted uniform to then provide to families that might not be able to afford new uniform. If you have any items that could be good enough to donate, please bring these items to the reception team and we will ensure that they find a new home. 

Inclusion Transition Events | We would like to thank all the parents and carers for supporting our future Year 07 students to attend the Transition Events on Thursday, 27 and Friday, 28 June. These events were designed to support our future  SEND students with the transition process and consisted of a presentation of our provisions, an opportunity to complete the home school agreement and a chance to visit the academy.  Thank you all for taking the time to come, ask questions and share your morning with us. 

End of Year Reward Trip | Year 07, 08 and 09 | We are delighted to announce that the Reward trip to Thorpe Park. 150 students in year 07, 08 and 09 will be invited on this trip, free of charge. The selection process will be based on the number of Remarkable Character points students would have collected throughout this academic year, which are based on:

The list of students who will be invited will be finalised in the week commencing Monday, 01, July 2024. Should you have any questions regarding the reward trip, then please contact Mr Choudhury at for Years 07 and 08 or Mr Cooper  for Year 09. Year 10 rewards experiences will be taking place on the week commencing Monday, 01 July ahead of their work experience week.

What’s happening in Mathematics this week? | Year 08 Trip to Parkview Residential Care Home | Our Year 09 Mathematics students were selected to go to Parkview Residential Home this week. Ms Pelton, Teacher of Mathematics said; “Mr Jallow and I have been working with students to develop Mathematical games to take to the residents and this week we got the opportunity to get the students over to the care home to test these games out. Students loved spending time with the residents as well as putting their Mathematical skills to the test. The residents were in ore again with how lovely and kind our students are. We will continue to plan trips to see the residents in the new year.”  

What’s happening in Art this week? | Students in each year's groups have been finalising their pieces ready for the end of year showcase. Ms Curzon, Faculty Director of Art & Design said: “Students have been focused on completing their entries into the Art competition which will exhibit the work of selected students in the end of year showcase. They have been working hard and putting in extra hours over break and lunch to add more detail to their pieces. We look forward to reviewing all of their final outcomes soon. Our Year 08 students have come back inspired from their National Portrait Gallery trip so we look forward to seeing the impact of what they have learnt next week.” 

Year 08 National Portrait Gallery Trip | This week, we also booked Year 08 to the National Portrait Gallery. Something interesting to know is that out of 330 Year 08 students that we have in the cohort, only 31 have been to the National Portrait Gallery. Students went to central London and had an opportunity to see some key sites along the way. Ms Priscott who led the trip said: “The National Portrait Gallery is an art gallery that houses historical paintings and is a public gallery dedicated to portraits. Students had a lecture regarding the painting techniques used in the different periods and other mediums. Students had an opportunity also to recreate their own versions of famous pieces. They were amazed by the architecture of the building and interior which was also a bonus. It was an enjoyable day for all.” 

Term 06, Week 03 | Monday, 24 June 2024

Year 10 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Cooper.

Sixth Form Newsletter | Please find this week’s Sixth Form Newsletter here from Mr Read.

Fixtures This Week | The following fixtures are taking place this week:

*Specific details are not shared on the website due to safeguarding reasons.  

Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank | Our community members of Bexleyheath Academy are wonderful. Since last week, we have been inundated with kind words and offers of more support for the families that face difficulties through these troublesome times. It is clear that the reason why our students are concerned about the welfare of others is not just down to education at the academy but strong family morals and a sense of charity at home. As an academy, we will be collecting donations to create food parcels for these families to support them whilst the academy is closed over the summer period. So far, we have 96 families that have expressed interest in receiving a food parcel. We will hold the form open for an additional week but create extra parcels should circumstances change for anyone. In order to make sure that we have a range of items that families might need, we propose the following collection plan:

Please bring donations to the reception team. If you have any questions about the Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank, please contact Laura Chan, PA to the Principal ( 

Year 11 Leavers Assembly | We celebrated the hard work of our Year 11 students this Wednesday. Students had an opportunity to reflect on their time at Bexleyheath Academy. Thank you to all of the parents/carers that supplied anecdotes and photos of the students for us to share. This made the event truly special. Ms Pelton, Year 11 Student Success Leader said: "The Year 11 are different human beings from what they were at the start of September. They have utilised the opportunities to be successful this year with great attendance to: interventions, Saturday Booster Classes and half-term boosters. They should be proud of their achievement and looking forward to results day. We will wrap up this chapter with a prom celebration which will take place in a few weeks time." 

Term 06 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | This term, we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year. The Year 08 Priority Parents' Evening will take place on Thursday, 11 July 2024  16:00-19:00. Priority appointments available for booking from Monday 24 June 2024 for TEN Days. From Thursday, 04 July 2024, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Year 07, Year 09, Year 10 & Year 12) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s or have had issues in booking to see teachers and would like support, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager ( 

Year 09 Mock Interviews | On Tuesday, 09 July, 30 Year 09 students will be given the opportunity to take part in a mock interview pilot being run by Academies Enterprise Trust. Students taking part in this will be given the opportunity to develop confidence and oracy skills, and will receive feedback on the responses that they provide. Each student will have the interview questions shared with them in advance, and will then be given a 15 minute slot on the day in which to complete the interview. If you would like your child to be considered for this, please fill out the very short form that can be found in the email by Wednesday, 26 June.  Places will be available on a first come first serve basis.

Year 13 Leavers Assembly & Prom| This week, we said a final farewell to our Year 13 students with a leavers assembly and a prom night to remember! Students danced the night away at Orpington Golf Club. Ms Read, Assistant Principal said: "I have been with these students Year 07 and it was an absolute honour to become their Year Group Lead from January 2024. I have seen from grow from children to the fine young adults that they are today. Congratulations to our Year 13 students for completing Year 13. This is a significant milestone, and they should be incredibly proud of all that they have accomplished. As they step into the next next chapter of their life, whether it be further education, starting a career, or exploring new opportunities, I want to wish them all the best. I would also like to thank families of Year 13 for all of their patience and support to getting students to this point. I next look forward to seeing them all on results day." We will be in contact closer to results day with the details of this event. 

Trips | We have two trips going out this week, Year 09 Greenwich Observatory and Year 08 National Portrait Gallery. We would love to take the entire year group out on these trips however, we are unable to do so if we do not have consent. The consent will be sent out to parents/carers directly again this weekend. Should we not have consent, students will need to remain in the academy. 

Uniform Donations | The academy is collecting donations of unwanted uniform to then provide to families that might not be able to afford new uniform. If you have any items that could be good enough to donate, please bring these items to the reception team and we will ensure that they find a new home. 

Canteen Visit | We had previously spoken about an opportunity for parents/carers to visit the canteen in the Summer Term, we will now move this to the new academic year. This is to provide us more staff to use on trips going out over the next few weeks. 

Transitions Update | On Wednesday, 19 June 2024 we had our PE Virtual Workshop for Year 06 students where the PE team at Bexleyheath led by Mr Sheehan along with some of our students at Bexleyheath Academy went through one of the PE team’s ‘WOW’ workout sessions with our Year 06 students. Upcoming events for the week ahead: 

We would like to share some more feedback regarding our transitions events so far:

Extra-Curricular Update | Ms Duffy and Mr Penny took a selection of Year 07 and Year 08 students to the Bexley Borough Athletic championships at Erith Athletic club.  Ms Duffy, Teacher of PE said: "The students performed fantastically and represented Bexleyheath Academy in the best possible way. There were over ten schools that attended the competition with the standard being exceptionally high. We had some great successes across both year groups with a special mention to;

Special mention: Sophie O for great resilience to win her 100m heat, she came third in the final, third in the Year 07 girls long jump and made up the fourth leg of the Year 07 girls relay team who came third in a very tough relay final."

Well done to everyone who competed! The PE teams are now looking for to the Sports Day events for each year group this term! 

What's been happening in Design & Technology this week? | During Term 06, all students in Year 07 - 09 complete their food technology practical lessons. Ms Gaskin, Faculty Director of Design & Technology said: "This week in the Design & Technology department students have been practicing their culinary skills by baking cinnamon buns and pizzas. The students have unleashed their inner chef by whipping up some fantastic dishes! It was great to see how exciting students were to complete their practical lessons. Students got creative and ensured that the presentation of their dishes were to a professional standard. We hope that parents/carers got the chance to sample the delights."

Term 06, Week 02 | Monday, 17 June 2024

Year 10 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Cooper.

Year 11 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Whitham.

Sixth Form Newsletter | Please find this week’s Sixth Form Newsletter here from Mr Read.

Eid Mubarak! | Eid Mubarak to those of our Muslim Bexleyheath Academy community members that are celebrating Eid ul-Adha which starts tomorrow. Eid ul-Adha celebrates the time when Ibrahim had a dream which he believed was a message from Allah asking him to sacrifice his son Isma'il as an act of obedience to God. The devil tempted Ibrahim by saying he should disobey Allah and spare his son. As Ibrahim was about to kill his son, Allah stopped him and gave him a lamb to sacrifice instead. In some countries, Muslims sacrifice a sheep or goat. The meat is shared equally between family, friends and the poor. Eid usually starts with Muslims going to the Mosque for prayers. They dress in their best clothes and thank Allah for all the blessings they have received. It is a time when they visit family and friends. Muslims will also give money to charity so that poor people can celebrate too. 

Martyrdom of Guru Arjun Dev! | This weekend, some of our Sikh Bexleyheath Academy community members will be celerating the Martyrdom of Guru Arjun Dev. The fifth Guru was executed on the orders of the Moghul Emperor, Jehangir, for refusing to pay a fine arising from a charge of treason. Guru Arjan made the first compilation of the Sikh Scriptures, called the Adi Granth, and supervised the completion of what is now the Golden Temple in Amritsar. A gurpurb is held on this day, including  an akhand path. 

Please and Thank You | At Bexleyheath Academy, we are committed to providing a welcoming and positive environment for everyone. Our staff works diligently to assist you, and we believe that mutual respect is key to maintaining a productive and harmonious atmosphere.

We kindly ask for your cooperation in treating our staff with the utmost respect and courtesy. Here are a few guidelines to ensure effective and respectful communication:

We believe that by working together and showing mutual respect, we can continue to create a supportive and positive environment for everyone. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Should these conditions not be met, it might be the case that we ban individuals from the site and to talking to staff members. 

NGRT Testing Success | This week, we started our NGRT testing which informs us of a student's current reading stage which we measure in what we call ‘Stanine Levels’. A Stanine Level 05 means that the student is a secure reader and their chronological age matches their reading age indicating that students can access the curriculum without support. To support students with reading, we have a daily reading intervention programme which helps students to the next stanine level. Our initial findings from the Year 10 data shows that since the Autumn Term, students in Year 10, have increased their stanine levels by an average of two levels. Next year, our reading period will increase from 20 mins to 30 mins and we will also add a day of arithmetic to support students further in developing their Mathematics skills. If you have any questions about the NGRT testing, please contact Ms Elliott-Graves, Assistant Principal ( 

Fixtures This Week | The following fixtures are taking place this week:

*Specific details are not shared on the website due to safeguarding reasons.  

Inclusion | EBSA | The Bexley Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Support Group  will take place on Tuesday, 30 July 10:30 -12.00 at Bexleyheath Central Library in the Dickens Room.  If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Hollie Danby  (Educational Psychologist): Feel free to use the following link so the local authority can start to gain feedback from parents/carers whose children are experiencing EBSA

Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank | Our community members of Bexleyheath Academy are wonderful. Since last week, we have been inundated with kind words and offers of more support for the families that face difficulties through these troublesome times. It is clear that the reason why our students are concerned about the welfare of others is not just down to education at the academy but strong family morals and a sense of charity at home. As an academy, we will be collecting donations to create food parcels for these families to support them whilst the academy is closed over the summer period. So far, we have 96 families that have expressed interest in receiving a food parcel. We will hold the form open for an additional week but create extra parcels should circumstances change for anyone. In order to make sure that we have a range of items that families might need, we propose the following collection plan:

Please bring donations to the reception team. If you have any questions about the Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank, please contact Laura Chan, PA to the Principal ( 

Year 10 Additional Support | Thank you to those of our community members that were able to join us for the Year 10 Transitions Evening on Thursday, 06 June. For those that missed this update event you can find a recording of this event here

The interventions for our Year 10 students have already started. Below is a full timetable of a typical week for the remainder of this term. We will be missing this Mondays' intervention for this week only due Science staff supporting students for their Chemistry exam.

The timetable for the Year 10 intervention is as follows:

These will continue during mock examinations to support students in their preparation. 

Inclusion Update  |  More than 10% of children and young people have long-term Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)  which create barriers to communication or learning in everyday life. These difficulties may present differently, but do not go away when pupils transition from primary to secondary education. Moreover, only 20.3% of pupils with SLCN gained grade 4/C or above in English and maths at GCSE, compared with 63.9% of all pupils. Speech, language and communication underpin the basic skills of English and maths and are necessary for students to understand and achieve in all subjects. Without this support, they will struggle to understand instructions, access the curriculum, manage their behaviour and reach attainment levels that could otherwise be within their grasp. For useful resources and further reading access here and here to understand more about the link between communication and behaviour. 

Term 06 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | This term, we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year. The Year 08 Priority Parents' Evening will take place on Thursday, 11 July 2024  16:00-19:00. Priority appointments available for booking from Monday 24 June 2024 for TEN Days. From Thursday, 4 July 2024, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Year 07, Year 09, Year 10 & Year 12) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s or have had issues in booking to see teachers and would like support, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager ( 

Trips | We have a large number of trips going out this half term. We aim for every child in Year 07 - 09 to have attended at least one trip by the end of this academic year. We have year group trips taking place from Monday, 24 June. Due to the size of each year group, we are splitting the trips over a number of days in bands. However, in order to successful run to the trip, the following are non-negotiables:

For our reward trips, the criteria's are as follows;

For our Year 10 & Year 12 students, there are trips and experiences that will be taking  over the next few weeks. 

Revision for End of Year Assessments  |  The end of year assessments are upon us. These assessments in core subjects will help determine which sets students should be in for next academic year. Therefore, it is vital that revision is taking place at home. To support parents/carers with revision, we have added links to vital resources for core subjects:

Safeguarding | Encouraging Healthy Friendships |  Please read this guide that explores friendships between children and young people, offering advice on how to help them nurture healthy relationships with one another. It is common for young people to have comparatively less of an understanding of social conversations.  While children can benefit from this to some degree - making friends at the drop of a hat - this can also generate a good deal of confusion regarding certain aspects of any relationships that they form.

If you have any concerns about this and your child, please contact Ms Kendall, Safeguarding Lead ( 

What's happening in Modern Foreign Languages this week? |  Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) is a mandatory core subject at Bexleyheath Academy. At Bexleyheath Academy all students from Year 07 - 10 will be studying Spanish. Learning a language is important as it strengthens the area of the brain which is responsible for memory, speech and sensory perception. 

Ms Wickington, Faculty Director of MFL said: "I started at the academy only a week ago to support this growing department in its successful outcomes. It is great to know that already Spanish GCSE outcomes are one of the highest in the school and I am keen to ensure that this is the same when all students study Spanish in Year 10 next year. In my photo, you can see a Year 09 class of students with Ms Catterall who is passing stuffed animals to students that have to name and describe the animal that they have. Students are practising choral repetition to help improve both Spanish pronunciation and strengthen vocabulary retention. Our end of year assessments are coming up so it is important to revise key content so please ensure your child is revising at home."

Term 06, Week 01 | Monday, 10 June 2024

Please and Thank You | At Bexleyheath Academy, we are committed to providing a welcoming and positive environment for everyone. Our staff works diligently to assist you, and we believe that mutual respect is key to maintaining a productive and harmonious atmosphere.

We kindly ask for your cooperation in treating our staff with the utmost respect and courtesy. Here are a few guidelines to ensure effective and respectful communication:

We believe that by working together and showing mutual respect, we can continue to create a supportive and positive environment for everyone. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Should these conditions not be met, it might be the case that we ban individuals from the site and to talking to staff members. 

Year 11 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Whitham.

Sixth Form Newsletter | Please find this week’s Sixth Form Newsletter here from Mr Read.

Happy Dragon Festival! | On Monday,  Duanwujie/Tuan Yang Cheieh will be celebrated. This is a Chinese holiday which is most notable now for the great dragon boat races which take place between slim rowing boats (sometimes 100 feet long) shaped like dragons. People also go down to the rivers to picnic and celebrate on boats. 

Happy Shavuot! | From Wednesday - Thursday our Jewish community members will be celebrating Shavuot. Shavuot celebrates the revelation of the Torah on Mount Sinai and the early harvest season. 

Inclusion | EBSA | The Bexley Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Support Group  will take place on Tuesday, 30 July 10:30 -12.00 at Bexleyheath Central Library in the Dickens Room.  If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Hollie Danby  (Educational Psychologist): Feel free to use the following link so the local authority can start to gain feedback from parents/carers whose children are experiencing EBSA

NGRT and Exact Testing | Students in Years 07-10 will be completing NGRT testing from Monday 10th June. NGRT is an internationally recognised test that determines individuals’ reading abilities and is used widely by educational professionals and providers. The data collected will be used to determine their reading group for September 2024 as well as their set in English. We will share your child's reading stanine in their Term 06 report, a measure of how their reading ability compares to children of a similar age nationally. We will also provide guidance on how you can support your child with reading at home. Students in Years 09 and 10 will also be completing their Exact testing. This measures an individual’s reading and writing skills, fluency and speed. It is also used as part of the evidence required to determine whether a student requires access arrangements in formal examinations. Whilst this Exact assessment will not guarantee that a student will or will not receive access arrangements, it will give the school an opportunity to investigate possible access arrangements needs for all students. Both tests will be completed under exam conditions in the exam hall. Please ensure that your child has a charged Chromebook and working headphones on the day of their NGRT and Exact Assessment. 

Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank | Our community members of Bexleyheath Academy are wonderful. Since last week, we have been inundated with kind words and offers of more support for the families that face difficulties through these troublesome times. It is clear that the reason why our students are concerned about the welfare of others is not just down to education at the academy but strong family morals and a sense of charity at home. As an academy, we will be collecting donations to create food parcels for these families to support them whilst the academy is closed over the summer period. So far, we have 96 families that have expressed interest in receiving a food parcel. We will hold the form open for an additional week but create extra parcels should circumstances change for anyone. In order to make sure that we have a range of items that families might need, we propose the following collection plan:

Please bring donations to the reception team. If you have any questions about the Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank, please contact Laura Chan, PA to the Principal ( 

Year 10 Additional Support | Thank you to those of our community members that were able to join us for the Year 10 Transitions Evening on Thursday, 06 June. For those that missed this update event you can find a recording of this event here

The interventions for our Year 10 students will start from Wednesday, 12 June. Below is a full timetable of a typical week for the remainder of this term. We will be missing this Mondays' intervention for this week only due Science staff supporting students for their Chemistry exam.

The timetable for the Year 10 intervention is as follows:

Safeguarding | Mental Health Support Through Kooth | Kooths is an organisation that is designed to support children with their mental health. Feel free to access Kooth to find out how they can support your child or young person's mental health.  

Safeguarding | Palworld |  Palworld took the gaming scene by storm in January 2024, selling over five million copies in just three days.  A new take on the survival genre - blending mechanics similar to games like Minecraft with the ability to catch and fight creatures reminiscent of Pokemon - it saw plenty of coverage from games journalists and influencers alike. However, despite its lower age rating and popularity with young gamers, Palworld has been criticised for its reliance on shock humour - touching on topics including animal abuse and sweatshop labour and as a game featuring online multiplayer, one can expect certain safety concerns to arise.  Please read this Wake Up Wednesday guide as they look into the risks of Palworld, offering expert tips on how to safeguard children who simply want to enjoy the game. If you have any concerns about this and your child, please contact Ms Kendall, Safeguarding Lead ( 

Safeguarding | Pop-ups |  On the internet or on social media, it’s likely that you’ve come across the occasional pop-up that promises a great deal on some product or service, declaring that you’ve won some kind of prize, or making any other number of tempting claims.  This marketing tactic has been around for almost 30 years and shows no signs of disappearing any time soon. Unfortunately, pop-up advertising carries with it various online safety risks, as we can never be certain where those links will take us or how legitimate their creators are.  These ads can be especially risky for children and young people, who may not yet be able to look at such marketing with a critical eye. If you have any concerns about this and your child, please contact Ms Kendall, Safeguarding Lead ( 

Term 06, Week 00 | Monday, 03 June 2024

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Term six commences on Monday, 03 June 2024, at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here.

Remarkable Readiness | To ensure that every student is ready to have a great experience every lesson, every day, ask that parents/carers double-check that their child has the following: 

1) A bag packed with a Chromebook, headphones, charger and essential stationery; 

2) A fully charged Chromebook; 

3) A ParentPay account that is topped up and ready (for students purchasing lunch on-site); 

4) A washed PE Kit, which is prepared for the term ahead; 

5) A full school uniform; 

6) All lashes, nail polish, and acrylic nails are removed.

Parents/carers are also reminded of our uniform expectations, which can be found here

We would like the remind parents of the following:

Handbags or crossbody purses are not permitted. Students must bring a backpack or a satchel which can hold a Chromebook and A4 folders. 

Chromebook Chargers | We have listened to your feedback about the need to have a way to purchase Chromebook chargers from the academy. We have purchased a limited stock of Chromebook chargers to sell to students at the cost of £15. These are specifically for Chromebook use. If you would like to purchase a charger for your child, please make payment for this using ParentPay. There is a ‘Chromebook Charger’ pot set up for this. Once payment has been made, the charger can be collected from reception. If you have any questions regarding ParentPay, contact Ms Hurst, Reception Team ( 

Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank | Our community members of Bexleyheath Academy are wonderful. Since last week, we have been inundated with kind words and offers of more support for the families that face difficulties through these troublesome times. It is clear that the reason why our students are concerned about the welfare of others is not just down to education at the academy but strong family morals and a sense of charity at home. As an academy, we will be collecting donations to create food parcels for these families to support them whilst the academy is closed over the summer period. So far, we have 96 families that have expressed interest in receiving a food parcel. We will hold the form open for an additional week but create extra parcels should circumstances change for anyone. In order to make sure that we have a range of items that families might need, we propose the following collection plan:

Please bring donations to the reception team. If you have any questions about the Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank, please contact Laura Chan, PA to the Principal ( 

Year 11 & Year 13 Interventions Over Half-Term | During the half-term holidays, our staff have held a number of online and face-to-face revision sessions to support students for their examinations. Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal said: “We had over 110 students on site on Friday and Saturday preparing for their Mathematics Examination on Monday as well as preparing for their English Examination later on in the week. We would like to thank parents/carers for ensuring that students are using every opportunity to utilise additional tuition which can only gain extra marks in their examinations. We would also like to thank staff for offering their one time to support students which shows how committed the staff are to student success.” 

Inclusion | Homework Clubs, supported by the Inclusion Team, are valuable for students as they provide essential academic support, foster a conducive learning environment, encourage collaboration, offer access to resources, build confidence and motivation, and provide peace of mind for parents. These clubs play a significant role in helping students achieve their full academic potential and develop essential life skills. If you have any questions regarding Homework Club, please contact Ms Cookson-Edwards, Send Administrator (  

Pentecost Christian Day | On Tuesday 04 June, our Orthodox Christian community members will be celebrating Pentecost. It is often seen as the ‘birthday’ of the Church, since this is when the disciples of Jesus first proclaimed the Gospel after receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is named after the Jewish festival day on which this event happened. 

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus |Our Roman Christian community members will be celebrating this holiday on Friday, 07 June.  This feast day in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church that falls on the Friday that follows the second Sunday after Pentecost.

Year 11 & Year 13 Interventions Term 06 | Students are not entering the remaining 04 weeks of their examinations. There are a number of subjects that have finished and therefore attendance to interventions are not needed. Students will be expected to go to warm ups the day before an examination and interventions for subjects that still have examinations that are outstanding. Interventions that will run this week for Year 11 students are as follows:

*The morning Mathematics interventions will continue. 

Year 10 Additional Support | We have invited parents/carers to an information evening on Thursday, 06 June. The link to this virtual information evening can be found in the letter sent to you today. 

Next half term, from Wednesday, 12 June, we will be starting our Year 10 intervention for core subjects only. Mr Cooper, Assistant Principal said: Year 10 are entering a crucial period as they approach their end of year mock exams. These will give them a taste of what they will experience when they sit their GCSE exams this time next year, and so it is important that students use them as an opportunity to show what they are capable of. To support them to be as prepared as possible, Year 10 will start receiving after-school intervention sessions from (insert date). These will be timetabled lessons that will run from 15:10-16:00 on each day, mirroring the extended day that students will have once they return to school in September and begin Year 11. It is hoped that this will also ease the transition for students into next year, so that they know what is expected of them and can hit the ground running!”

The timetable for the Year 10 intervention is as follows:

To further support Year 10 for the remainder of the year, we are offering students virtual tuition from a tutor that will either work with students one-to-one, one-to-two and one-to-three. This will take place after school for English and Mathematics and students will login from home. However, we need commitment from parents/carers to ensure that they will complete these sessions. If you would like your child to take part in this tuition to boost their grades, please complete the form that will be sent to you in a separate email. 

Term 05, Week 06 | Monday, 27 May 2024

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Term six commences on Monday, 03 June 2024, at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here. 

Year 11 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Whitham.

Sixth Form Newsletter | Please find this week’s Sixth Form Newsletter here from Mr Read.

Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank | Our community members of Bexleyheath Academy are wonderful. Since last week, we have been inundated with kind words and offers of more support for the families that face difficulties through these troublesome times. It is clear that the reason why our students are concerned about the welfare of others is not just down to education at the academy but strong family morals and a sense of charity at home. As an academy, we will be collecting donations to create food parcels for these families to support them whilst the academy is closed over the summer period. So far, we have 96 families that have expressed interest in receiving a food parcel. We will hold the form open for an additional week but create extra parcels should circumstances change for anyone. In order to make sure that we have a range of items that families might need, we propose the following collection plan:

Please bring donations to the reception team. If you have any questions about the Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank, please contact Laura Chan, PA to the Principal ( 

FSM | May Half Term Support | The London Borough of Bexley have issued eCode Vouchers to cover the May Half Term.  Those families who are eligible have been emailed their code.  If you have any questions, please contact and a member of the team will contact you on our return in June. 

Extra-Curricular Update | Media Masters Club | For term six, the Inclusion Team will add a new club to their offer. Media Masters Club will take place every Tuesday  from 15:10 to 16:00 in the SEND Hub and is aimed at helping students develop their creativity, empowering them to find their voices, and develop their media skills. Media Masters Club is about more than just media—it’s about personal growth and communication skills. Media Masters Club will hone presentation skills and help students learn to speak confidently in front of others, help them explore the exciting world of media through hands-on projects, from video production to digital storytelling, enhance critical thinking by analysing different media forms and creating unique content and help students make new friends and collaborate on fun, creative projects. Sign up to this exciting new club by sending an email to

School Ties | We understand that there is a delay in purchasing school ties from Stevensons. We have a stock of ties onsite which are not BA branded but are used by some of the students in the academy. They can be purchased from the academy through ParentPay at the cost of £5. If you would like to purchase one of these ties, please complete this form. Once you have completed the form, a member of the team will be in contact with you. We are also happy for students to wear a plain black tie also. 

Inclusion | The Autism Advisory Service Parent Drop-In event is quickly approaching us so the AAS is advising parents to sign up by emailing to confirm their attendance and suggest a time between 10:00 and 12:00 to avoid long waiting periods. It is a great session for parents/carers to attend to find out what the team does, answer any questions they may have and gain support. This flyer has additional information for parents and carers interested in the event. 

Spotlight | Safeguarding | CEOP - Being Safe Online | As we enter the half term holidays, children are likely to spend more time online. This week, we spoke to students about Child Exploitation and Online Protection. The video linked was shown to all students and we would like parents/carers to watch this video too and take time to sit with their child to discuss the contents. Key questions to ask are:

Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) is a child protection command of National Crime Agency (NCA). Their role is to protect children from harm online. Through this agency, parents/carers can report concerns that parents, carers or children might have about issues or concerns online. For more information, click here.  

If you need any help and support with the content that is being shown, please contact Ms Kendall ( 

Safeguarding | Mental Health Support Through Kooth | Kooths is an organisation that is designed to support children with their mental health. Please watch the video linked for more details. In June, Kooth will be hosting  info sessions for parents/carers to find out how can support your child or young person's mental health. These will be virtual sessions delivered via Google Meet on various dates and times in June. To sign up to one of the FREE sessions, please complete this form

Year 10 Additional Support | We have invited parents/carers to an information evening on Thursday, 06 June. A link will be sent to you closer to the time. 

Next half term, from Wednesday, 12 June, we will be starting our Year 10 intervention for core subjects only. Mr Cooper, Assistant Principal said: Year 10 are entering a crucial period as they approach their end of year mock exams. These will give them a taste of what they will experience when they sit their GCSE exams this time next year, and so it is important that students use them as an opportunity to show what they are capable of. To support them to be as prepared as possible, Year 10 will start receiving after-school intervention sessions from (insert date). These will be timetabled lessons that will run from 15:10-16:00 on each day, mirroring the extended day that students will have once they return to school in September and begin Year 11. It is hoped that this will also ease the transition for students into next year, so that they know what is expected of them and can hit the ground running!”

The timetable for the Year 10 intervention is as follows:

To further support Year 10 for the remainder of the year, we are offering students virtual tuition from a tutor that will either work with students one-to-one, one-to-two and one-to-three. This will take place after school for English and Mathematics and students will login from home. However, we need commitment from parents/carers to ensure that they will complete these sessions. If you would like your child to take part in this tuition to boost their grades, please complete the form that will be sent to you in a separate email. 

Changes to the Start of the Day | From September 01 2024, we will have a change to our school day. All schools are required to provide students with 32.5 hours of teaching which must not include breaks or transition times. Many schools in the country will therefore be adjusting their school day to meet this requirement. Students will be expected to be onsite no later than 08:30. If they arrive at 08:31, they will be considered late. The end of our school day will remain the same. This is 15:10 officially. 

Visiting the Academy During Examination Season | Our examination season has started. Our current Year 11,12 & 13 students have worked hard to get to this stage of their lives and they need the support of staff on examination days to ensure that they complete their examinations without issues. With this in mind, we ask that parents/carers do not visit the academy unless it is urgent that we can support the students during this time. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.  

Exam Timetable | All Year 11,12 & 13 students have shared their final timetables. A full list of all of our examinations for this series can be found on our Assessments & Examinations page of our website. 

Chromebook Insurance | The Chromebook initiative was introduced to the Bexleyheath Academy in 2021. The aim of introducing Chromebooks was to:

The cost of upkeep for the Chromebooks is on-going for the academy. The academy provides students a wonderful service which allows students to get their Chromebook repaired for general wear and tear. To ensure that we continue to provide students with a Chromebook and to be able to repair these as and when needed, we will be asking parents/carers for a yearly contribution of £15 for ‘Chromebook Insurance’ which will start from September 2024.  This will be all students in the academy. 

Term 05, Week 05 | Monday 20 May 2024

End-of-Term Arrangements | Term four ends on Friday, 24 May, at 15:10. Term five commences on Monday, 03 June 2024. 

Year 11 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Whitham.

School Ties | We understand that there is a delay in purchasing school ties from Stevensons. We have a stock of ties onsite which are not BA branded but are used by some of the students in the academy. They can be purchased from the academy through ParentPay at the cost of £5. If you would like to purchase one of these ties, please complete this form. Once you have completed the form, a member of the team will be in contact with you. We are also happy for students to wear a plain black tie also. 

Safeguarding | School Avoidance | School avoidance is a sharply increasing phenomenon, with tangible negative effects on children’s wellbeing and education. The factors that come together to make a child consciously avoid seeing their classmates and teachers can be much more complicated than is often assumed. A careful, mindful approach from parents, carers and educators is required to help children return to an environment that may be causing them intense anxiety. To read more about what you can do to support your child, please click on this infographic here. If you feel that this relates to events you are experiencing with your child, please contact Ms Kelly, Family Liaison Officer, ( for help, guidance and support. 

Bexleyheath Academy Food Bank | Our students have been requesting us to consider opening our own food bank which serves our school community. Students have raised that there might be families in our own community that might not be as fortunate as others and have highlighted the struggles for families during a cost of living crisis. We would like to find out how many families would be interested in receiving a food parcel from the academy in preparation for the summer holidays. If you would like to receive a food parcel which will be made up of donations from the Bexleyheath Academy community, please click on the link in the email. 

Extra-Curricular Clubs | We are very proud of the clubs offer here at Bexleyheath Academy. This week we will be celebrating two clubs; Mindfulness Clubs and Warhammer Club: 

Stage 01 | Students that are  constructing their figures 

Stage 02 | Students are painting their figures 

Stage 03 | Students are playing the famous table top game

Aspens Mexican Week | This week, Aspens our catering company celebrated Mexican week. The canteen were decorated to celebrate this culture and had key facts about the culture and cuisine.  On Thursday, some of our students were selected to help serve the food in the canteen. As an academy, we will aim to have a theme week each term to celebrate different cultures. 

Year 10 Additional Support | Next half term, from Wednesday, 12 June, we will be starting our Year 10 intervention for core subjects only. Mr Cooper, Assistant Principal said: Year 10 are entering a crucial period as they approach their end of year mock exams. These will give them a taste of what they will experience when they sit their GCSE exams this time next year, and so it is important that students use them as an opportunity to show what they are capable of. To support them to be as prepared as possible, Year 10 will start receiving after-school intervention sessions from (insert date). These will be timetabled lessons that will run from 15:10-16:00 on each day, mirroring the extended day that students will have once they return to school in September and begin Year 11. It is hoped that this will also ease the transition for students into next year, so that they know what is expected of them and can hit the ground running!”

The timetable for the Year 10 intervention is as follows:

To further support Year 10 for the remainder of the year, we are offering students virtual tuition from a tutor that will either work with students one-to-one, one-to-two and one-to-three. This will take place after school for English and Mathematics and students will login from home. However, we need commitment from parents/carers to ensure that they will complete these sessions. If you would like your child to take part in this tuition to boost their grades, please complete the form that will be sent to you in a separate email. 

Changes to the Start of the Day | From September 01 2024, we will have a change to our school day. All schools are required to provide students with 32.5 hours of teaching which must not include breaks or transition times. Many schools in the country will therefore be adjusting their school day to meet this requirement. Students will be expected to be onsite no later than 08:30. If they arrive at 08:31, they will be considered late. The end of our school day will remain the same. This is 15:10 officially. 

Mental Health Awareness Week | This week in PE lessons, students have been discussing mental health and ways to avoid the feelings of stress and anxiety. The theme this year by the Mental Health Foundation is 'Movement'. Here is what they have to say: "Regular physical activity is known to improve mental health, quality of life, and wellbeing. It also helps prevent and treat heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and breast and colon cancer, and more. Despite these benefits being well established, over a third of UK adults do not meet the recommended amount of activity. Our bodies and our minds are connected, so looking after ourselves physically also helps us prevent problems with our mental health. Exercise releases “feel good” hormones that reduce feelings of stress and anger. It also helps us feel better about our bodies. It can improve our sleep too. If it involves other people, like being part of a team, a class or group we see regularly, that can also boost our mental health." For more information go to

During PE this week, students have been taking part in a 'walk and talk' lesson to encourage them to open up about their feelings and worries. Using a handout, they had prompting questions to get them talking and listening to others. Students also had the opportunity to share some jokes to promote laughter and distract them from any anxieties. The lesson ended with a 15 minute mindfulness meditation where they could really switch off and focus on being calm and learn some relaxation methods.

What’s been happening in Food Preparation and Nutrition this week? | Year 10 students have been practising their higher level skills this week by making pasta dough. Once students had perfected their pasta dough, they moved on to perfecting their skills in making different pasta shapes and homemade pesto. The year 10 students practised different shapes including fusilli and spaghetti. By the end of the lesson the students were established pasta pros!

What’s been happening in Engineering this week? | This week, Year 10 Engineering students have been practising their technical skills in assembly drawings. This is a difficult task and requires imagination, fine motor skills and measuring skills down to the millimetre! They have also been working on their Computer Aided Design (CAD) abilities by translating an orthographic drawing into a prototype on CAD. Year 10 Engineering are showing they are ready for the challenges they will encounter in Year 11 and are already pushing the limits to achieve remarkable results. Ms Gaskin & Mr Ephson are extremely proud of the Year 10 achievement on their recent coursework submission. We want to say a huge well done to Year 10 Engineering Design! 

What’s been happening in Art this week? | Students in each year's groups have had a different focus of study this term. Year 07 students have been working on developing their use of pencils and their ability to repeat patterns. Year 08 have been developing their use of oil pastels and developing their understanding of pop art. Year 09 students have been developing the use of watercolours and their awareness and understanding of Japanese art. Year 10 and Year 11 have been completing components for their GCSE. 

Visiting the Academy During Examination Season | Our examination season has started. Our current Year 11,12 & 13 students have worked hard to get to this stage of their lives and they need the support of staff on examination days to ensure that they complete their examinations without issues. With this in mind, we ask that parents/carers do not visit the academy unless it is urgent that we can support the students during this time. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.  

Exam Timetable | All Year 11.12 & 13 students have shared their final timetables. A full list of all of our examinations for this series can be found on our Assessments & Examinations page of our website. 

Chromebook Insurance | The Chromebook initiative was introduced to the Bexleyheath Academy in 2021. The aim of introducing Chromebooks was to:

The cost of upkeep for the Chromebooks is on-going for the academy. The academy provides students a wonderful service which allows students to get their Chromebook repaired for general wear and tear. To ensure that we continue to provide students with a Chromebook and to be able to repair these as and when needed, we will be asking parents/carers for a yearly contribution of £15 for ‘Chromebook Insurance’ which will start from September 2024.  This will be all students in the academy. 

Term 05, Week 04 | Monday, 13 May 2024

End-of-Term Arrangements | Term four ends on Friday, 24 May, at 15:10. Term five commences on Monday, 03 June 2024. 

Year 11 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Whitham.

Sixth Form Newsletter | Please find this week’s Sixth Form Newsletter here from Mr Read.

Inclusion | Bexley Educational Psychologists are providing parent/carers the space to share their experiences, hear from others and gain support as part of a network for those supporting children and young people who are experiencing anxiety-related difficulties around attending school (including Emotional Based School Avoidance). The next Emotional Based School Avoidance (EBSA) Parent/Carer Support Group will take place on: Monday, 17 June 13:00 - 14:30 at the Bexleyheath Central Library in the Dickens Room. Please see the flyer for more information. If you have any questions around EBSA please contact us using the  SEND enquiry form

Visiting the Academy During Examination Season | Our examination season has started. Our current Year 11,12 & 13 students have worked hard to get to this stage of their lives and they need the support of staff on examination days to ensure that they complete their examinations without issues. With this in mind, we ask that parents/carers do not visit the academy unless it is urgent that we can support the students during this time. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.  

Exam Timetable | All Year 11.12 & 13 students have shared their final timetables. A full list of all of our examinations for this series can be found on our Assessments & Examinations page of our website. 

Examination Days Food Onsite | Eating and drinking is important for the development of a child and more so during examination season. Not eating or drinking enough can lead to:

Please ensure that students eat breakfast and bring lunch and or snacks to the academy. If students purchase meals from the canteen, please ensure that their ParentPay account is topped up before they arrive at the academy. During examination season, students in Sixth Form will have examinations that start before their normal lunchtime and it is important that they either bring food to the academy or have ParentPay accounts topped up to purchase food from the canteen. Sixth Form students will not be allowed off site on the day of their exams. 

Year 06 Booster Sessions | This week, we had 60 of our future Year 07 students onsite after school to complete Booster Sessions in English and Mathematics to support them in their up and coming SATs. Mr Choudhury, Assistant Principal said: “Students were excited about attending the academy to only get tuition to help them prepare for the first series of tests in their life but it was also an opportunity to get to know staff and get to meet their peers that would be joining them in September. The parents and carers of the Year 06 students also appreciated the additional preparation that BHA was offering. It was great to meet them all.” 

We would like to share some of the feedback from the families of our new Year 07 students regarding their experiences:

Chromebook Insurance | The Chromebook initiative was introduced to the Bexleyheath Academy in 2021. The aim of introducing Chromebooks was to:

The cost of upkeep for the Chromebooks is on-going for the academy. The academy provides students a wonderful service which allows students to get their Chromebook repaired for general wear and tear. To ensure that we continue to provide students with a Chromebook and to be able to repair these as and when needed, we will be asking parents/carers for a yearly contribution of £15 for ‘Chromebook Insurance’ which will start from September 2024.  This will be all students in the academy. 

Aspens | Feed your family for £5 | Aspens, our catering providers have introduced a new initiative at the academy. They would like to support families in coming up with great things to eat for £5 which is hard to do in this economy. Please see the video recipe that they have created for our Bexleyheath Academy community members which is clear and easy to follow. If you chose to use this great video, please let us know what you think and share your photos with us. 

Examination Stress |  With many young people preparing for their upcoming exams this term, please let them know that Kooth is here to help with any stress or anxiety they may be feeling.  Kooth has a support guide to help students with their stress.  There are also articles such as “The ultimate exam stress toolkit”. 

Exams Scammers | There has been a lot of mention in the media lately of ‘Exam Scammers’. These are individuals on social media claiming to sell examination papers to students. We ask that parents/carers be vigilant. Students found attempting to engage with these social media accounts by the exam boards could be disqualified from their qualifications that they have worked so hard to achieve. 

Free School Meals | Here at Bexleyheath Academy we want all of our children to thrive and be fully engaged in their learning.  A healthy mind and body feed a childs drive to learn and we believe every child deserves that opportunity.   Your child may be able to get free school meals if you receive any of the following: 

● Income Support 

● Income-based Jobseekers Allowance 

● Income-related Employment and Support Allowance 

● Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 

● The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit 

● Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) 

● Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit 

● Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you may get)

Our current cashless system ensures confidentiality and funds would be uploaded daily to your Parent Pay account. We will be more than happy to make an application on your behalf and ask you to complete this short Guardian Information form or alternatively, if you meet the criteria above, you can then apply via the following links:- or to apply via London Borough of Bexley website 

If your child is eligible for free school meals, they will remain eligible until they finish the phase of schooling (primary or secondary) that they are currently in on 31 March 2025.

Cyber Security | The internet had developed the world in many great ways and has supported the academy in enhancing the learning experiences of students. However, where there are good attributes there are also ones to be worried about. The issues around cyber security have featured heavily in safeguarding discourse over the past few years. This is largely in response to the massive shift in people's social and familial life from the real world, to the digital space. It is vital that we begin teaching children and young people the do's and don'ts of online safety before they have to learn the hard way. Parent Zone, an organisation that deals with the digital aspect of young people's lives have produced child oriented resources to this end. To find out more about these resources, please click here

Football Success | Our girls football teams at the academy have increased by 110% since our Year 07 students started. We are so incredibly proud of them. Not only are they winning matches for the academy, some of them have extended this passion outside of the academy and joined other teams such as the Crayford Arrows U12 Wildcat Team. Last weekend, Sophie, Lily and Scarlett won the Violet Shield topping the table undefeated! Sophie was also awarded Player of the Season for Kent Girls/Ladies U12 Division and is set to pick up her trophy this weekend. 

Fixtures |  There are no fixtures next week. However, this week, 40 of our students across different year groups went to Erith Stadium to represent the academy in a Borough Senior Sports Day. We has the following successes:

What a great performance for our Bexleyheath Academy community. Well done!

Year 10 Canterbury University Trip | This week, half of our Year 10 students attended a trip to visit Canterbury University as part of our careers provision. As an academy, we are committed for our students to be aware of the full range of educational experiences that they can have when they leave Bexleyheath Academy. You may remember last term, students in all year groups had a workshop regarding apprenticeships. Ms Jobson Careers Advisor said: “By attending this trip, our students could experience university life. They spoke to campus staff, attended lectures and visited halls of residence. Some students who had never considered going to university before are not considering this as an option which is what our careers provision is about, helping make decisions that are right for them.” 

The remaining Year 10 students and our Year 12 students will be going on this trip over the next two weeks.

Term 05, Week 03 | Monday, 06 May 2024

Year 11 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Whitham.

Sixth Form Newsletter | Please find this week’s Sixth Form Newsletter here from Mr Read.

Bank Holiday | The academy will be closed to all students and staff on Monday, 06 May. 

Visiting the Academy During Examination Season | Our examination season has started. Our current Year 11,12 & 13 students have worked hard to get to this stage of their lives and they need the support of staff on examination days to ensure that they complete their examinations without issues. With this in mind, we ask that parents/carers do not visit the academy unless it is urgent that we can support the students during this time. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.  

Exam Timetable | All Year 11.12 & 13 students have shared their provisional exam timetables. It is important that the following checks are make: 

If there are any issues with the examination timetable, please complete the Google Form that has been shared with you in the exam timetable email to raise your concerns by Monday, 06 May. The updated timetables will be sent out on Wednesday, 08 May. A full list of all of our examinations for this series can be found on our Assessments & Examinations page of our website. 

Examination Days Food Onsite | Eating and drinking is important for the development of a child and more so during examination season. Not eating or drinking enough can lead to:

Please ensure that students eat breakfast and bring lunch and or snacks to the academy. If students purchase meals from the canteen, please ensure that their ParentPay account is topped up before they arrive at the academy. During examination season, students in Sixth Form will have examinations that start before their normal lunchtime and it is important that they either bring food to the academy or have ParentPay accounts topped up to purchase food from the canteen. Sixth Form students will not be allowed off site on the day of their exams. 

Chromebook Insurance | The Chromebook initiative was introduced to the Bexleyheath Academy in 2021. The aim of introducing Chromebooks was to:

The cost of upkeep for the Chromebooks is on-going for the academy. The academy provides students a wonderful service which allows students to get their Chromebook repaired for general wear and tear. To ensure that we continue to provide students with a Chromebook and to be able to repair these as and when needed, we will be asking parents/carers for a yearly contribution of £15 for ‘Chromebook Insurance’ which will start from September 2024.  This will be all students in the academy. 

Spotlight | Tranitions | This week, we launched our Year 06 Transitions Virtual Clubs. These virtual clubs are designed to support students in becoming aware of the different subjects that students can expect to study when they join us in September. This is also an opportunity for our new students to get to know  staff at the academy. If you have a; friend or family member who has a child joining our academy, please send them the link to the Science Virtual Club from this week. Ms Ghai, Subject Lead of Science said: “During our virtual club, we introduced students to the different Sciences that we do here at the academy; Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We explored the different topics that students will be studying and also did a practical from each area. For Biology, we dissected a heart and lung. For Chemistry, we created methane gas bubbles. Last but not least, for Physics, we experimented with wire and sound waves. At Bexleyheath Academy, students will complete practical alongside theory to bring the curriculum to life. Please watch the video to find out more.”

Inclusion | Calm Connections Club | From next week, the Inclusion Team will introduce Calm Connections Club. This is an intervention designed to support our students dealing with anxiety. Through interactive sessions, we aim to equip students with coping strategies, help

them recognise signs of escalating anxiety, and teach techniques to manage it. Participation in the Calm Connections Club is voluntary, and sessions will be led by the SENDCo and a trained LSA. If you believe your child could benefit from this intervention, we encourage you to refer them to the club by using the SEND enquiry form

Fixtures Next Week | The fixtures for next week are as follows:

July INSET Day | Our July INSET day is now confirmed. This will be taking place on Monday, 01 July 2024. During this day, the academy will be closed to students. We may request some Year 10 and Year 12 students to attend the site to complete any outstanding coursework. 

What's happening in Mathematics this week? | The United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) is a trust that aims to advance the education of children and young people in Mathematics through competitions. Students across the UK compete against their peers to be recognised as the highest performers. The top scoring 40% of participants are awarded with bronze, silver and gold certificates in the ratio 3:2:1. Ms Ikuesan, Teacher of Mathematics said: “After months of preparation, 16 students from Bexleyheath Academy from Year 07 and Year 08 took part in the Junior UK Mathematics Challenge (UKMT). They prepared and performed extremely well. Out of everyone that participated from Bexleyheath Academy, 8 received an award, 05 bronze and 03 silver. They did a good job in not only representing the school but also representing themselves too, which they should all be really proud of. We look forward to more wins. Bring on the next competition!” 

Spotlight | Football Superstar | Owain (Year 08) has been offered a professional contract with Gillingham Football Club this week. Owain has been training hard for the last few years to perfect his skills and his hard work is paying off. We are very proud of his achievement at such as young age.

Term 05, Week 02 | Monday, 29 April 2024

Year 11 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Whitham.

Sixth Form Newsletter | Please find this week’s Sixth Form Newsletter here from Mr Read.

Chromebook Insurance | The Chromebook initiative was introduced to the Bexleyheath Academy in 2021. The aim of introducing Chromebooks was to:

The cost of upkeep for the Chromebooks is on-going for the academy. The academy provides students a wonderful service which allows students to get their Chromebook repaired for general wear and tear. To ensure that we continue to provide students with a Chromebook and to be able to repair these as and when needed, we will be asking parents/carers for a yearly contribution of £15 for ‘Chromebook Insurance’ which will start from September 2024.  This will be all students in the academy. 

Chromebook Chargers | We have listened to your feedback about the need to have a way to purchase Chromebook chargers from the academy. We have purchased a limited stock of Chromebook chargers to sell to students at the cost of £15. These are specifically for Chromebook use. If you would like to purchase a charger for your child, please make payment for this using ParentPay. There is a ‘Chromebook Charger’ pot set up for this. Once payment has been made, the charger can be collected from reception. If you have any questions regarding ParentPay, contact Ms Hurst, Reception Team ( 

Year 06 Transitions | This week, we welcomed our brand new Bexleyheath Academy members for September 2024. The letter shared with our new parents/carers can be found here.  Our transitions programmes will start next week with our virtual clubs so that students become familiar with our subjects as well as key staff. If you have a friend or family member that is due to have their child start with us in September and they have not yet heard from us, please ask them to contact Debbie Fisher, Data Manager ( 

New Staff | Bexleyheath Academy is a growing school. Since September 2023, we have hired 19 more teaching and support staff to:

We will continue to increase staff numbers to continuously improve our provision and continue to be the Bexley school of choice. 

British Heart Foundation | Mr So, Teacher of Mathematics ran the British Heart Foundation marathon last week. Mr So said: “I have chosen to support the British Heart Foundation (BHF) because I believe in the immense importance of cardiovascular health and its impact on lives. Recognizing that heart diseases are a leading cause of mortality worldwide, I am committed to making a tangible difference in this field. The BHF's comprehensive approach, which encompasses cutting-edge research, educational initiatives, and support for individuals and families affected by heart conditions, resonates deeply with my values. By aligning my efforts with the BHF, I aim to contribute to advancements in heart health, promote awareness about preventive measures, and ensure that vital support reaches those in need. Together, we can work towards a future where heart diseases are better understood, effectively managed, and ultimately, significantly reduced.” If you would like to make a charitable donation to the British Heart Foundation, please click here

Term Dates | As mentioned in our previous communications regarding our term dates for the academic year 2024/2025, the dates are our provisional dates which will not be confirmed until the end of this academic year. We have updated the term dates with additional INSET days. To see term dates, please click here.  

July INSET Day | Our July INSET day is now confirmed. This will be taking place on Monday, 01 July 2024. During this day, the academy will be closed to students. We may request some Year 10 and Year 12 students to attend the site to complete any outstanding coursework. 

Bexleyheath Academy Talent Night | This week, we hosted our first Bexleyheath Academy talent night. Students had auditioned for a place to display their talents at this event. Our students performed beautifully. We would like to thank Mr Wanderema, Ms Wanderema and Mr Bliznakov for their help and support in helping students prepare for this event. We would also like to thank family members for attending the event to support students. Mr Wanderema said: “Performing on stage is not easy. The students have shown courage to display their talents in front of other students, friends and family. We had a mixture of singers and musicians and it filled my heart to see them perform with such confidence. We can not wait to hold another event in the summer term.”

What happened in Science this week? | Ms Ghai, Subject Lead of Physics and Chemistry said: In Year 9 Biology, we are currently studying Organs. This topic includes looking in depth how the respiratory system and circulatory system work. In our 9XBi3 Biology lesson this week, they dissected a heart and lung to identify the different structures of each organ. Jaishiv was extremely knowledgeable in identifying all parts of the heart and lungs.

In Year 10 Chemistry this week, the students have learnt the process behind making salt crystals. In mine and Mrs Flis’ classes, students took great care in making blue crystals from dilute sulphuric acid and copper oxide. As seen in the pictures, the classes learnt eagerly to produce remarkable results.”

BMX Superstar! | We are proud to announce that one of our Year 08 students is making waves in the work of BMX cycling. Roxie’s parents are so proud of her achievements that they have written a commentary for her performance last weekend: “Roxie (Year 08) recently made her debut appearance at the Nationals BMX race held at CycloPark. Despite it being her first time competing at this level and just recovering from a broken arm, Roxie demonstrated remarkable determination and skill throughout the event. In her respective Motos, Roxie secured commendable placements, clinching one 5th place and two 6th place. These results culminated in an overall position of 11th for that round among the best 14-year-old BMX girls from across the UK . Roxie will return to regional racing, with her next competition scheduled for early May at Peckham where she won Gold medal for Bexley in 2022 and continue to make strides in her BMX journey.”

We are excited to follow Roxie’s career in BMX cycling and can not wait to hear how well she performs in her next race. 

Exam Timetables | Our Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students have been preparing for their examinations over the course of the year. The academy is currently in the process of completing the last of our entries and tier adjustments with our examination boards. We are hoping to be able to share the individual examination timetables with students and parents by Wednesday 01 May. 

There are some examinations that will take before this as part of the vocational qualification structure, these are as follows:

These exams are all day exams. Students will need to arrive at the academy at 08:00 and will leave the academy by 16:00.

Energy Drinks | Close to a third of children in the UK consume energy drinks at least once every week. While these high-caffeine beverages might be touted as a shortcut to a boost in focus and productivity, even a moderate intake can lead to significant impacts on the heart, sleeping patterns and mental wellbeing. Decision making and behaviour choices are also affected by the consumption of energy drinks.   

While the short-term benefits of energy drinks can be attractive, it’s not wise to ignore the potential health risks. Consuming these beverages regularly can have negative effects on the heart and blood pressure, and even cause dependency on these products to keep users' energy at a normal level.  Factoring in that it's illegal to sell these drinks to under 16’s, the rise in children and young people using energy drinks is a cause for concern.

We would like to remind parents/carers to ensure that students are not bringing energy drinks or fizzy drinks to the academy. If these are found, they will be confiscated and disposed of.

Fixtures | There are no planned fixtures for next week. 

School Ties | We understand that there is a delay in purchasing school ties from Stevensons. We have a stock of ties onsite which are not BA branded but are used by some of the students in the academy. They can be purchased from the academy through ParentPay at the cost of £5. If you would like to purchase one of these ties, please complete this form. Once you have completed the form, a member of the team will be in contact with you. We are also happy for students to wear a plain black tie also. 

Free School Meal Eligibility | Here at Bexleyheath Academy, we want all of our children to thrive and be fully engaged in their learning.  A healthy mind and body feed a child's drive to learn and we believe every child deserves that opportunity.   Your child may be able to get free school meals if you receive any of the following: 

● Income Support 

● Income-based Jobseekers Allowance 

● Income-related Employment and Support Allowance 

● Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 

● The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit 

● Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) 

● Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit 

● Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you may get)

Our current cashless system ensures confidentiality and funds would be uploaded daily to your Parent Pay account.

We will be more than happy to make an application on your behalf and ask you to complete this short Guardian Information form or alternatively, if you meet the criteria above, you can then apply via the following links:- or to apply via London Borough of Bexley website 

Global Languages Club | Our Global Languages Club takes place on Thursdays after school. Students attend this club to share information about their heritage as well as further develop their spoken English language. 

Mr Muruako, EAL Coordinator said: "This week, students were playing a story telling game where they used clues to develop sections of story whilst being creative with the words that they selecting to use."

Chess Club | This club runs during lunch times in C205. Ms Kama, Teacher of Science said: "Chess Club is a great club for students that like to problem solve. It is a game that has been proven to help students with mathematic academic success. We have over 32 students that attend the club and the number grow each week as the interest spreads."

Handling Examination Stress | This week, the Mental Health Support Team have been at the academy working with our Year 11s to develop strategies to support examination stress. However, examination stress can affect students in all year groups. Teachers, parents and carers are in a great place to support students with exam stress.

For information of how to support students with exam stress, please read this infographic here

If you child is struggling with the pressures of examinations, please contact Ms Kendall, Designated Safeguarding Lead ( 

Term 05, Week 01 | Monday, 22 April 2024

Passover | On Monday, 22 April, some of our Jewish Bexleyheath Academy members will be observing Passover. This is a festive period that commemorates the Hebrew liberation from slavery. 

Year 11 Newsletter | Please find this week’s Year 11 Newsletter here from Mr Whitham.

Sixth Form Newsletter | Please find this week’s Sixth Form Newsletter here from Mr Read.

Charity Project | Classroom Box Initiative 2024 | Each term, the academy has had a charity focus to ensure we continue to make our students ‘Big Hearted’. Our NEW Charity Project commences next week. This term, our students will be learning about education entitlements for children across the world.Through this, they will understand that for some children in different countries, education is not an entitlement and some children and families strive to access education for their children. As part of this, each reading group will be given a ‘Classroom Box’ where they can make donations to another classroom in a third world country. The Classroom Box initiative allows our students to support education in less affluent parts of the globe. We are calling on all students to get involved by looking around their homes and classrooms for items they no longer need. Items may include; pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, calculators, straight edges (rulers), post-it notes and other relevant learning equipment. These will then be packaged by our students and, in partnership with the local Rotary Club, shipped to the chosen country of the reading class. More information regarding this will be unveiled in the coming days. In the meantime, please contact Mr Uwaechi, Assistant Principal ( if you have any questions.  

Chromebook Chargers | We have listened to your feedback about the need to have a way to purchase Chromebook chargers from the academy. We have purchased a limited stock of Chromebook chargers to sell to students at the cost of £15. These are specifically for Chromebook use. If you would like to purchase a charger for your child, please make payment for this using ParentPay. There is a ‘Chromebook Charger’ pot set up for this. Once payment has been made, the charger can be collected from reception. If you have any questions regarding ParentPay, contact Ms Hurst, Reception Team ( 

Mental Health Support Team (MHST) | This term, we will be increasing the number of academic mentors that will be working with our students. We also have  members of the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) who will be providing drop-in sessions on Monday, 29 April and Monday, 06 May for all our students should they wish to speak to someone. The invitation is if students are currently struggling with difficulties around their mental health, particularly around anxiety and low mood to come and discuss these struggles. These are students that we might not be aware of and that might mask these feelings in the academy. Please take the time to speak with your child to see if they would like to speak with the team. We have sent a Google Form in our Latest News email to parents/carers to request a drop-in slot for their child if they wish to tap into this support. The team will listen to the students and then sign post them to support and next steps. All conversations will be confidential unless there are safety concerns raised. 

Punctuality | Punctuality is a vital skill that students need to develop. It is important for students to arrive at the academy on-time daily. Students should be onsite by 08:30 to enable them to prepare for the start of the day and get to their lessons on time. Students that arrive late to the academy receive a late detention on the same day. The impact of being late is as following:

We understand that on the odd occasion the lateness might be unavoidable due to factors beyond your control. However it is important that parents/carers support their child will the following:

Over the next two terms, we will be meeting with parents/carers of students who’s punctuality is a concern to see what support we can put in place for families. If you have any questions about punctuality, please contact Ms Delver, Vice-Principal ( 

Extra-Curricular  |  This year our Extra-Curricular clubs offer is the best we have ever had. Comparative to other schools in the local borough we have found out the following from parents/carers from our recent survey:

All extra-curricular clubs will resume from Monday, 22 April. Please find the updated extra-curricular club timetable for the Summer Term here with a host of new extra-curricular clubs added. Please see below for how you can sign your child up for extra-curricular clubs through the Arbor App here.

This week we would like to showcase students taking part in KS3 Bands Club and STEM Club:

Focus & Organise Club | Every morning the Inclusion Team organises the Focus and Organise Club. Inspired by Sensory Circuits, this intervention offers a holistic approach to supporting students' sensory, emotional, and academic needs, setting a positive tone for the rest of the school day. Among the potential benefits of the Focus and Organise Club is: improved attention and focus, enhanced self-regulation, increased readiness for learning, support for sensory processing needs as well as the prevention of sensory overload. If you think your child will benefit from joining us every morning between 8:30 and 8:45,  please use our SEND Enquiry Form  to let us know. 

KS3 Bands Club | KS3 Bands Club provides students with an opportunity to experience playing different musical instruments and also help develop their vocal skills, whilst collaborating with other students as they become more skilled.

Through this club, not only do students develop and interest or talent, they develop confidence in performing and public speaking.

STEM CLUB | STEM club provides students with the opportunity to develop their problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and logical reasoning skills as students complete various projects from design, to creation, to testing and evaluation. 

This week, in STEM Club the students performed an experiment to find out how loose sediment like sand can be converted into solid rock, using different  materials to bind grains together. 

Spotlight | Bexleyheath Academy | Talent Night | We are happy to announce that this week, we will be holding our Bexleyheath Academy talent night where our students and staff will be showcasing their talents. The event will start at 17:00 and end by 18:30. Parents/carers can book tickets using the form that can be found in the Latest News email. We are limiting tickets to 05 per family. It would be fantastic to see you there to support our students and cheer them on. 

Fixtures | There are no fixtures this week. This term, we will be competing against other schools in the borough at Athletics (Monday Club) and Rounders and Cricket (Wednesday Clubs). Please note that with the Athletics club, we will be running a different event to focus on each week so students can pick and choose which nights to attend. This Monday, 22nd April, we will be focusing on the Long Jump. We will also be running a Tennis club on a Thursday night after school for those who are interested. Finally, girls football will continue but has been moved to a Monday night after school. Key dates for your diary: 

Exam Timetables | Our Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students have been preparing for their examinations over the course of the year. The academy is currently in the process of completing the last of our entries and tier adjustments with our examination boards. We are hoping to be able to share the individual examination timetables with students and parents by Wednesday 01 May. 

There are some examinations that will take before this as part of the vocational qualification structure, these are as follows:

These exams are all day exams. Students will need to arrive at the academy at 08:00 and will leave the academy by 16:00.

What's happenings in the Mathematics department? | Retrieval practice is a strategy to rehearse already learned information by trying to recall it from memory. It is really difficult for our students to understand what they are learning if they don’t know fully what the words mean.  Hence, we will spend time revising these Mathematics building blocks. Once embedded, we can expect our students to engage more in lessons, ask critical questions and thus perform better in assessments.

Mr Uwaechi, Subject Lead for Mathematics said: "This term, the Mathematics department introduces a new knowledge retrieval technique across Year 07.  At the beginning of every term, students will now have access to the core knowledge relevant to the topics they will be learning.  Core knowledge will include keywords, key facts and key concepts.  During lessons, learners will be expected to recall and repeat each bitesize piece of information.  For example, “a prime number has only 2 factors; one and itself”. Students can find this information in their Google Classrooms from Monday, 22 April 2024. We ask that parents/carers rehearse these with their child at home. We will reflect on the success of this strategy at the end of this term and then embed this for the rest of the year groups where needed in Term 06." 

What's happening in the English department? | Our Year 11 and 13 students have their examinations in just a few days time. Ms Townsend said: "This week, Year 13 have been getting creative in the way they make their revision notes to put up in their study space in Sixth Form. Each lesson, students have been revisiting the key texts for their papers and starting the lessons off with intensive revision followed by practice papers. 

We also took our Year 12 students to see Dorian Grey in the West End. This brought the text that they have been studying to life which supports their understanding of the text further. Students returned back to the academy full of questions and a deeper understanding of the text and the vanity issues from a 21st centaury Instagram perspective."

Book Review Competition Winners | At Bexleyheath Academy we continue to develop remarkable readers. Last half-term, as part of our World Book Day celebrations we launched our school wide Book Review competition. Students were asked to read a book and write a brief review summarising the plot and evaluating its strengths and weaknesses. We have had a very positive response and lots of hard work from our students, especially from Year 09 who submitted double the amount of reviews of any other year group. We are very proud of the contributions.  It is with great pleasure that we announce the winners of the Spring Book Review competition for each year group.  

Year 07:

Year 08:

Year 09:

Year 10:

Year 11:

Sixth Form 

Term 05, Week 00 | Monday, 15 April 2024

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Term five commences on Tuesday, 16 April 2024, at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here.

Eid | Eid Mubarak to our Bexleyheath community members that have been celebrating the end of Ramadan. We hope that this has been a joyous occasion spent with family and friends. 

Songkran | Happy Songkran to our Bexleyheath community members of the Buddhist faith that might be taking part in this festival this weekend. Containers of water are fragrances with herbs, these are thrown as a symbol of washing away all that is evil.

Remarkable Readiness | To ensure that every student is ready to have a great experience every lesson, every day, ask that parents/carers double-check that their child has the following: 

1) A bag packed with a Chromebook, headphones, charger and essential stationery; 

2) A fully charged Chromebook; 

3) A ParentPay account that is topped up and ready (for students purchasing lunch on-site); 

4) A washed PE Kit, which is prepared for the term ahead; 

5) A full school uniform; 

6) All lashes, nail polish, and acrylic nails are removed.

Parents/carers are also reminded of our uniform expectations, which can be found here

We would like the remind parents of the following:

Handbags or crossbody purses are not permitted. Students must bring a backpack or a satchel which can hold a Chromebook and A4 folders. 

Chromebook Chargers | We have listened to your feedback about the need to have a way to purchase Chromebook chargers from the academy. We have purchased a limited stock of Chromebook chargers to sell to students at the cost of £15. These are specifically for Chromebook use. If you would like to purchase a charger for your child, please make payment for this using ParentPay. There is a ‘Chromebook Charger’ pot set up for this. Once payment has been made, the charger can be collected from reception. If you have any questions regarding ParentPay, contact Ms Hurst, Reception Team ( 

Welcome Back Support | To support some of our families preparing for academy return, we will be contacting families on Monday, 15 April to make sure that families have everything they need to make academy return easy. 

Exam Timetables | Our Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students have been preparing for their examinations over the course of the year. The academy is currently in the process of completing the last of our entries and tier adjustments with our examination boards. We are hoping to be able to share the individual examination timetables with students and parents by Wednesday 01 May. 

There are some examinations that will take before this as part of the vocational qualification structure, these are as follows:

These exams are all day exams. Students will need to arrive at the academy at 08:00 and will leave the academy by 16:00.

Safeguarding | MHST Visit & New Mentors  |  Thank you for all of the positive feedback regarding safeguarding updates and mental health support. We are happy to hear that the weekly features are being received well. We would like to share some feedback that you have provided:

We support students in promoting positive mental health strategies through:

We also have the following colleagues at the academy who meet with students to talk through issues, concerns and develop strategies to support students:

This term, we will be increasing the number of academic mentors that will be working with our students. We also have  members of the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) who will be providing drop-in sessions on Monday, 29 April and Monday, 06 May for all our students should they wish to speak to someone. The invitation is if students are currently struggling with difficulties around their mental health, particularly around anxiety and low mood to come and discuss these struggles. These are students that we might not be aware of and that might mask these feelings in the academy. Please take the time to speak with your child to see if they would like to speak with the team. We will send a Google Form next week to parents/carers to request a drop-in slot for their child. The team will listen to the students and then sign post them to support and next steps. All conversations will be confidential unless there are safety concerns raised. 

Term 04, Week 06 | Monday, 29 March 2024

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Term three commences on Tuesday, 16 April 2024, at 08:30.  Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here. On Monday, 15 April, the academy will be close for an INSET day however, we have invited a number of students in to the academy to prepare for exams and complete coursework. 

Good Friday & Easter | Many of our Bexleyheath Academy community members would have celebrated Good Friday yesterday. Good Friday is part of Holy Week. Good Friday is usually a day of sorrow, penance and fasting. It is believed that Jesus suffered on the cross on this day for the sins of people of the world. Easter Sunday is the day that Jesus is said to have been resurrected. We wish all of our Bexleyheath Academy members that are celebrating this weekend a Happy Easter. 

Year 11 Newsletter | Please find the Year 11 Weekly Newsletter from Mr Whitham here

MHST Drop-ins  |  A member of the Mental Health support team in schools will be providing drop-in sessions for 02 days on Monday, 29 April and Monday, 06 May for students. Students will be able to drop-in during allocated times to talk about troubles that they might be having. These might be questions around:

We recommend that you sit down with your child to see if they would like this support. We will send a Google Form out closer to the time to students if they would like to book some time to see a member of the team.

Year 11 Easter Booster Club Sessions| English & Mathematics Monday, 08 - 12 April 2024 | We will be inviting 120 Year 11 students for Mathematics booster sessions and 90 Year 11 students for English booster sessions during the second week of the Easter holidays. The booster sessions are aimed at preparing students to achieve better outcomes and to push them further if they have already secured a pass grade. Parents/carers of the selected Year 11 students will be contacted by Tuesday, 26 March 2024. Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal said: “As an academy, we have run Booster Club sessions from January and this has made a huge difference to the outcomes of students. We have converted a number of our students that were on the pass borderline and this has given students a lot of confidence in their abilities which has made such a difference on their outlook of their other studies. We understand that this can be a difficult time for our students who are nervous about their up and coming examinations and we would like to provide every opportunity to support our students. One of these ways is with our Booster Club provision.” If you have any questions, please contact Dr Lucas (

Year 11, Year 12 & Year 13 Easter Activities | Half Term is the perfect time for our students to not only get some well deserved rest but to also catch-up with controlled assessments and consolidate their learning in preparation for their up and coming examinations. Our teachers have put together revision resources for our students as well as guidance to support students in the completion of their controlled assessments. The academy will also be providing a range of tuition for different subjects. All activities and details of tuition can be found here

Spotlight | Parkview Residential Care Home | Our Year 09 students visited Parkview Residential Home this week. Students had prepared mathematical puzzles for the residents to complete. Mr Dye, Teacher of Mathematics said: “This was our second visit from the Mathematics Department and we can not wait to take students back. Students have a magic touch when it comes to dealing with the elderly. The supervisor of the wing we were in had commented that many of the residents that the students were working with rarely engaged with activities put on by the residential home nor did they engage much in conversation however, they were excited to be with the students and engaged in conversation as well as worked through the mathematics quests. Our students loved finding out about the lives of the residents. One gentleman in particular had the attention of all of the students as he told them about his life as a chef and one of his jobs as a chef was in the RAF. The staff at the residential care home stated that after the fire, they feel that they have gained new family members in the form of Bexleyheath Academy.”

Inclusion Update | We know that the half-term can be a very stressful time for students, especially those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for whom changes in their routine can be very unsettling. ASD is a neurodiversity which creates barriers for people with social communication and interactions. To find out more about ASD, please click here.  It is important for students and their families to plan out their time so that there is a new predictable routine set up for the holidays. You can use the Half-Term Plan  to support your child to organise their half-term, giving it predictability and meaningfulness. Do not forget that rest is also important and a little bit of reading daily can go a long way! 

Parents’ Evening Feedback | Thank you to everyone that joined us for Parents’ Evening on Wednesday, 27 March. 

Reminder of the following, for each Parents’ Evening, we have a priority year group which allows parents/carers from the relevant year group access to booking for a week before we open up the appointments to other year groups. Unlike you traditional Parents’ Evening where you only have one opportunity a year to speak with teachers, this model allows you to see teachers were there are slots available 

As discussed last term, we would like to find out more about your Parents’ Evening experience. We would like to know:

If you would like to let us know about any of these areas, please complete this form.

End of Term Survey | As part of academy improvement, we seek feedback from parents on a termly basis to help us plan for improvements. We will be sending a form directly to parents to get feedback during the half term. 

Let’s read at home! | Thank you to parents/carers that have committed to reading a book with their child(ren) at home. We have purchased books for over 150 families. As an academy, we are committed to improving our student's reading ability as there is a direct correlation with academic outcomes and behaviour choices made. The ‘Let’s read at home’ project supports the work we are doing in the academy. As you are aware, we implemented a 20 min daily reading period for students however, in order to further the impact, we need students to continue to read outside of the academy. Raimond (Year 09) said: “I believe that the opportunity to read not only for knowledge but for pleasure is something that we all take for granted. Many people dream to have the ability to read and although it is something small for us, I know that a vast majority are excited by this reading at home scheme as books these days can be hard to find in actual shops due to everything being online. Not only this, the price of books is getting pricier by the day and parents might not have the money to buy books therefore, I really appreciate this scheme even though for many it might seem as something small.” 

Term 04, Week 05 | Monday, 25 March 2024

End-of-Term Arrangements | Term four ends on Thursday, 28 March, at 13:15. Term five commences on Tuesday, 16 April 2024. 

Palm Sunday | Some of our Bexleyheath Academy community members will be observing Palm Sunday tomorrow. On this day, community members from the Christian faith celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. During mass on this day, palm leaves are handed out to all patrons, thus giving the name, Palm Sunday. 

Holi | Happy Holi to all of our Hindu Bexleyheath Academy community members. Holi marks the arrival of spring and the end of winter as well as celebrating the Hindu god Krishna.

Year 10 Priority Parents' Evening | Wednesday, 27 March 2024 | 16:00-19:00 |  Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager (

Year 10 Priority Parents' Evening for SEND | Parents/carers of students with SEND in Year 10 are being offered an opportunity to book appointments with our SENCO Ms Chiculita. These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evenings, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager (

Fixtures for the Week | The fixture for the week beginning, Monday, 18 March are as follows: 

A reminder for parents/carers that for safeguarding reasons, we do not put information about who our students are playing and where pick-up and drop-off locations are on our website. The website can be viewed by anyone. 

Year 11 Weekly Newsletter | Please find the weekly Year 11 newsletter from Mr Whitham here

Homework Update | A massive thank you to all the parents and carers who joined our Homework Parental Support Meeting last Thursday. If you missed this informative event, please click here so you can see the recording of this event.  

The takeaways from the event are summarised below.

This term, we have been trialling Language Nut. Language Nut is an AI platform that helps students from Year 07 prepare for their Spanish GCSE. From Term 05, this will be part of our homework expectations alongside: Mathematics, Science and English.

If you have any questions regarding homework, please contact Mr Uwaechi, Assistant Principal (

Jack Petchey | Speak Out Challenge | Jack Petchey speak out challenge is a public speaking competition that takes place in London and Essex and is open to Year 10 students only. Each year, students take part in workshops that help develop their speaking and listening skills and they are also able to take part in the competition element. Asher was chosen to represent BA and went up against all the other Bexley schools to compete in the regional final. They gave a speech titled "The power of writing" and the content, structure and delivery was excellent. We were very proud of Asher’s performance! A big thank you to Ms Mack-Poole for overseeing the Jack Petchy programme and for all of her support developing our students’ public speaking. Asher will be sharing her speech to each year group next week as part of their celebration assembly. Well done Asher for taking part and making the academy proud.  

Year 08 Barclays Life Skills Workshop| Day 01 | Listening & Speaking | Barclays Life Skills is an employability and financial education programme which unlocks skills and employability opportunities for all ages. We are lucky to have been able to partner again with this provider. Ms Jobson, Careers Advisor said: “It was a great atmosphere on Monday where all our Year 08 students participated in the Barclays Life Skills for listening and speaking. The workshop was aimed at providing students the opportunities to develop and put their listening and speaking skills into practice. The event focused on communication beyond the classroom, how it transfers between school and work, and even different kinds of job roles, as well as why good communication is key to being successful in the workplace. A big well done to all the Year 8 students who all participated in the session and were brave to try something new.”

Students have three more sessions which will run in Term 05 and Term 06. If you have any questions regarding this programme, please contact Ms Jobson, Careers Advisor ( 

Year 11 Easter Booster Club Sessions| English & Mathematics Monday, 08 - 12 April 2024 | We will be inviting 120 Year 11 students for Mathematics booster sessions and 90 Year 11 students for English booster sessions during the second week of the Easter holidays. The booster sessions are aimed at preparing students to achieve better outcomes and to push them further if they have already secured a pass grade. Parents/carers of the selected Year 11 students will be contacted by Tuesday, 26 March 2024. Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal said: “As an academy, we have run Booster Club sessions from January and this has made a huge difference to the outcomes of students. We have converted a number of our students that were on the pass borderline and this has given students a lot of confidence in their abilities which has made such a difference on their outlook of their other studies. We understand that this can be a difficult time for our students who are nervous about their up and coming examinations and we would like to provide every opportunity to support our students. One of these ways is with our Booster Club provision.” If you have any questions, please contact Dr Lucas (

Year 11, Year 12 & Year 13 Easter Activities | Half Term is the perfect time for our students to not only get some well deserved rest but to also catch-up with controlled assessments and consolidate their learning in preparation for their up and coming examinations. Our teachers have put together revision resources for our students as well as guidance to support students in the completion of their controlled assessments. The academy will also be providing a range of tuition for different subjects. All activities and details of tuition can be found here

Sixth Form Final Applications | It is great to see that many of our Year 11 students have registered their initial interest for our Sixth Form. Mr Read, our Head of Sixth Form, will be leading an assembly on Monday, 25 March for all Year 11 students to talk about next steps for Sixth Form applications. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Mr Read, Assistant Principal ( 

Inclusion Update | The Youth Action Diversity Club have shared an update regarding their services and information that may be of interest to some families. Being a young person in today’s world is challenging and here at Youth Action Diversity Trust (YADT), they understand that some young people need a little extra support to help them get a positive start in life or overcome obstacles along the way. They work with young people and their families to understand Autism and ADHD behaviours, helping them to develop strategies for a calmer family life. They help young people with the difficulties that affect them, these can be a number of issues such as anger management, social anxiety, improving confidence, enhancing communication and dealing with stress and loss. Their friendly support service is for young people aged 5 to 17 years and can be delivered as one-to-one support or family support sessions. They charge £40 per session for this behavioural support and all their meetings take place at the North Cray Neighbourhood Centre, in Sidcup, which is neutral ground for most families. Their flyers can be found here YADT Behavioural Support Service Leaflet 2024, YADT ADHD Behavioural Support Service 2024, YADT Social Anxiety Behavioural Support Service 2024, YADT Anger Management Behavioural Support Service 2024, YADT Autism Behavioural Support Service 2024. If you have any questions regarding these services and would like support from the school to access them please contact us via the  SEND Enquiry Form

In Science This Week….. | This week in Science, students have been hard at work on their end of term assessments. Our Year 13 students completed their final required practicals. They used Thin-Layer Chromatography to analyse Anadin Extra tablets to find out which painkillers were in the tablets. They also synthesised aspirin, a common painkiller, by reacting ethanoic anhydride with salicylic acid. They had to purify their aspirin by using recrystallization. They also produced a pure sample of ethyl ethanoate. Ethyl ethanoate is an ester which has a sweet smell and is used in nail varnish remover and glue. 

Extra-Curricular Clubs | This week, we would like to talk to you about Drama Club. Drama Club will help students develop the four key skills involved in acting: voice, movement, gesture and facial expression, whilst also collaborating with students across the academy and developing their social skills. Drama Club takes place on Thursdays in Room P1. 

Extra-Curricular Clubs | On Friday, 22 March in Year 8 Football Club we had our Battle of the Bands, where X vs Y vs Z band all played against each other in a football tournament on Goals. Students worked as a team in their bands to make sure their band was proud of them. It was a tremendous effort by everyone but the Y band were the winners. 

Term 04, Week 04 | Monday, 18 March 2024

Year 11 Weekly Newsletter | Please find the weekly Year 11 newsletter from Mr Whitham here

Term 4 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to change this terms Parents’ Evening from Thursday, 28 March to Wednesday, 27 March. We apologise for any inconveniences caused. 

Y10 Priority Parents' Evening | Wednesday, 27 March 2024 | 16:00-19:00 |  Priority appointments available for booking from Monday 11 March 2024 for TEN Days. From Thursday, 21 March 2024, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Y07, Y08, Y09, Y11, Y12 & Y13) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager:

Parking Bay | We would like to remind parents/carers that the disabled parking bays should only be used for those with a blue badge issued by the NHS. Please do not park in these locations for the reason of ease of pickup and drop offs as our community members with mobility issues need these spaces. 

Fixtures for the Week | The fixture for the week beginning, Monday, 18 March are as follows: 

A reminder for parents/carers that for safeguarding reasons, we do not put information about who our students are playing and where pick-up and drop-off locations are on our website. The website can be viewed by anyone. 

Sixth Form Team Expansion | We are happy to announce that we have expanded our Sixth Form team. Mr Read previously the Faculty Director of ICT/Business/Media and lead on vocational studies has been promoted to Assistant Principal. Mr Read will be leading our Sixth Form provision moving forward with the support of the Sixth Form team and our Vice-Principal Ms Kobewka. Mr Read, Assistant Principal said: It's an honour to assume this role, one that I do not take lightly. I have worked at the academy for over a decade and with that I bring the understanding of our students, their needs and how to make their aspirations a realistic goal. Many families will already know me as at some point I would have taught their children. I am here to support students and family every step of the way to get students to their intended destination. Whether you need academic guidance, personal support, or just someone to lend an ear, my door is always open. I am also lucky to have such a large team to ensure that no child is left behind.” 

Students in Sixth Form are supporting by six key members of staff:

Mr Read | Assistant Principal | Head of Sixth Form

Ms Kobewka | Vice-Principal | Head of Whole School Teaching & Learning | 

Mrs Watson | KS5 Pastoral Manager | 

Dr Lucas | Careers Lead | 

Ms Olu-Garrick | KS5 Personal Development | 

Mr Read | Vocational Studies Lead | 

Ms Porch | KS5 Progress & Outcomes | 

Bexleyheath’s Got Talent | We are excited to announce that we will be holding a Talent Night for our students on Thursday, 25 April 17:00 - 18:30. Parents/carers will need to sign up for tickets closer to the time. In preparation for this, we will be holding auditions on Monday, 18 March for students that would like to take part. Students can audition to:

Auditions will be taking place in P2. Students will have two opportunities to audition:

If you have any questions regarding the talent show, please contact Mr Wanderema, Teacher of Music ( 

Spotlight | Food Preparation & Nutrition | This week, our Year 11 Food Preparation & Nutrition students completed their final practicals for their coursework. Parents/carers who attended our Principal’s Coffee Morning this week were engulfed in the aroma of the dishes that were being cooked whilst we were on a walk of the academy. Ms Gaskin, Faculty Director of DT said: “Practical examination weeks are always nerve racking for our students due to the fact that they are so passionate about what they are doing and want everything to look and taste amazing. Students used their time well to create their breakfast buffet items and I am so proud of each and everyone of them.”   

Reading Group Changes | On Monday, 18 March, there will be changes to our reading groups across Year 07-10. The reading groups are based on the most recent NGRT assessments which were completed over the past half-term. Students are in groups which are the most appropriate for their reading level which helps up to provide targeted intervention. Students have been emailed the name of the teacher and classroom. Their teachers will collect students from their lineup so they go to the correct classroom. Ms Elliott-Graves, Assistant Principal said: “This year, we introduced a Reading Period in the middle of the day to support the reading abilities of all of our students. Each day, student focus on a different aspect of reading:

We are excited to report that students are improving in their reading ability and this has a direct impact on engagement and outcomes. To support what students are doing in the academy, please encourage students to read outside of the academy. Students can use Bedrock to develop their vocabulary and grammar skills or continue to read for pleasure using MyOn. All of these programmes can be found on their Chromebook.” If you have any questions regarding our reading programme, please contact Ms Elliott-Graves ( 

Safeguarding  | Self Harm |  Self-Harm is an issue among young people nationally. The causes behind self-harm can come from many places, sometimes it's a reaction to difficult emotions. In other cases it can be related to poor self-worth and self confidence. In any case it is not only a traumatic practice for many, it is also physically perilous. Attempts at self-harm can sadly result in unforeseen injuries that may take years to heal, and produce life-long mental and bodily scars. To find out more about self-harm and how to deal with it in education, please follow the link for Young Minds.

Safeguarding | Online Beauty Ideals | TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and X have revolutionised global society. Today, for better or worse we are surrounded by the other, windows into other people's lives, actions and worldviews. For children and young people, who are often permanently online, the perception of attractiveness and behaviour is formed in this sphere. What is considered desirable or beautiful has always been at the forefront of people's perception of themselves. Now those ideals change faster than ever, and not being able to fit into that bracket of desirability can be a driver of personal issues among young people. In this vein the Austrian Safer Internet Centre held a study of 400 12 to 17 year olds, on the topic of beauty ideals. To read this informative report, please follow the link here

Homework Update | To further support families with homework completion, there will be a Homework Parental Support Evening, on Thursday, 21 March from 17:30 to 18:30. Here is a link to join the virtual meeting. If you have any questions or concerns prior to this event, please add them into this google form.

Emails and Communications Update | Since September, the trust has experienced issues with delivering and receiving emails from BT and Yahoo email accounts. There are some other email providers that we initially experienced issues with but these have largely been resolved once users change their preferences and tag the academy as a ‘safe’ email with their provider. Since September, the Bexleyheath Academy community has been amazing at sharing information with each other to help ‘white list’ our emails. The links to guides of what you can do to get our emails onto your ‘safe sender’ list are as follows:

As an academy, there is nothing further that we can do to resolve the issue from our end. However, we will continue to do the following:

Fizzy Drinks & Energy Drinks | This is a reminder to all parents/carers that fizzy drinks & energy drinks are banned from the academy. Should students be found with these items, these will be confiscated and disposed of.

Book Review Competition | We launched our Book Review Competition for all Years 07-13 last week. Every student in the school is invited to enter the Book Review Competition. To participate the student must write a review on an age appropriate book they have read this academic year and hand it to reception by Thursday, 28 March. In the review they must; 

The first winner of every year group will win an Amazon voucher and the second winner of every year group will win am=n Amazon voucher. Winners will be announced in the first week of Term 05. 

The rules of the competition are: 

Book Swap Scheme | From Thursday, 07 March students have been given access to free copies of books via the Book Swap scheme. To take part, students can select any free book from the Book Swap display in their canteen during break and lunch. Students can return the books once they have read them and collect another book from the display. 

Inclusion Update | Students are reminded that assessments will be taking place next week (Week 5). Students with SEND may benefit from preparing with their parents/carers by going over the Knowledge Organisers for English, Maths and Science we worked on during our reading sessions this week. For all other subjects, students can be looking through their google classroom materials and past lesson slides. If you have any queries or would like your child to receive additional support preparing for their assessments please use our SEND Enquiry Form  to let us know. 

Principals' Coffee Mornings | We would like to thank our parents that have attended our Principals' Coffee Mornings so far. It has been helpful for myth busting and also sharing great ideas. This week, our parents/carers suggested an opportunity to see and taste the food in the canteens which we are excited to do. We will be offering dates for these during Term 06. In lieu of this, we have shared some photos of the canteen this week.  

Comic Relief | Thank you for supporting our Comic Relief activities this week. Students had the opportunity to find our more about this cause and take part in a WOW session with the whole of the year group which was a great community experience for them. 

We would like to thank the PE team that organised this event.

Together, the academy has raised over £600 for Comic Relief.  

Term 04, Week 03 | Monday, 11 March 2024

Ramadan | Ramadan Kareem to our Bexleyheath community members. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is a month of prayer and reflection. During Ramadan, the Muslim community will observe a fast and not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. The first fast is likely to take place on Monday. 

Year 11 Weekly Newsletter | Please find the weekly Year 11 newsletter from Mr Whitham here

Term 4 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to change this terms Parents’ Evening from Thursday, 28 March to Wednesday, 27 March. We apologise for any inconveniences caused. 

Y10 Priority Parents' Evening | Wednesday, 27 March 2024 | 16:00-19:00 |  Priority appointments available for booking from Monday 11 March 2024 for TEN Days. From Thursday, 21 March 2024, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Y07, Y08, Y09, Y11, Y12 & Y13) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager:

Safeguarding | Kooth Mental Health Support | Kooth is an online mental health community. Kooth is a judgement-free forum for young people to get advice, Kooth are online and provide emotional wellbeing and mental health support, they support young people from the ages of 11-25.  This will be online and young people can receive 121 online support and more. Kooth has a team of professionals available, young people can talk about anything that is on their mind, this is free, anonymous which means names do not need to be given. Kooth also has a TikTok and Instagram page for young people 13+ to have access to.  Please find various fact sheets here regarding anxieties.  Getting urgent support from a crisis service can feel daunting, please see a full list here.  You can sign up for free here.

In April, Kooth will be running FREE webinars specifically to help parents and carers support children sitting exams.  Please find the links below:

To sign up to their webinars, please use this from here. To find out more about the service, please visit their website here

Apprenticeship Support & Knowledge | Assessment Workshop | This week, our students had an assembly delivered by ASK. ASK is an apprenticeship programme which offers help and support for students that wish to move on to apprenticeships after their studies. Whilst the programme is funded by the government and aimed at Year 10 - Year 13 students, we have collaborated with ASK to design assemblies and workshops which inform our students from Year 07 about the different educational pathways that are available to them. Year 07 - Year 13 students took part in these assemblies on Thursday. On Monday, Year 12 & 13 students will be taking part in a mock assessment workshop where they will develop skills; CV writing, completing application forms and interview skills.. The details are as follows:

Period 02 | Year 13 - Selected

Period 03 | Year 12 - Group 01

Period 04 | Year 12 - Group 02

To find out more about ASK, please watch this video here. To find out more about our careers provision, please contact Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal (

Work Experience Update | We have consent for the majority of our students in Year 10 and Year 12 to attend Work Experience in July. This is a reminder that without parental/care consent, students will not be able to take part in this programme. For those that have completed the consent form, we now need completed Work Experience forms which have the employer details by Thursday, 28 March. A copy of the form to be complete can be found here. Printed companies can be found in reception.   To find out more about work experience, please contact Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal ( 

World Book Day | This week, we have celebrated world book day with our students and their teachers. On Thursday, 07 March students participated in a World Book Day Assembly during their reading  period  where we reflected on the ways in which books are; powerful, a right and a privilege. Thursday also saw the launch of our Book Swap Scheme and our Book Review Competition. On Friday, 08 March all students in KS3 and their teachers participated in a Drop Everything and Read session where we read and discussed two short stories: The Yellow Faced Man by Anthony Horowitz and The Open WIndow by H.H.  Munro Saki. The students had a fantastic time reading and discussing the texts and developed their critical analysis skills and enjoyment of reading. Students and their parents can download the texts and worksheet if they wish to re-engage with the materials or catch up if they missed the session. 

Book Review Competition | On Thursday, we also launched our Book Review Competition for all Years 07-13. Every student in the school is invited to enter the Book Review Competition. To participate the student must write a review on an age appropriate book they have read this academic year and hand it to reception by Thursday, 28 March. In the review they must; 

The first winner of every year group will win a £20 Amazon voucher and the second winner of every year group will win a £15 Amazon voucher. Winners will be announced in the first week of Term 05. 

The rules of the competition are: 

Book Swap Scheme | From Thursday, 07 March students have been given access to free copies of books via the Book Swap scheme. To take part, students can select any free book from the Book Swap display in their canteen during break and lunch. Students can return the books once they have read them and collect another book from the display. 

Homework Update | Homework goes live by 08:00 every Monday during term time and locks by 23:59 on Sunday. Students are reminded to complete their English, Maths and Science homework tasks as scheduled. English and Science are completed on Tassomai where students must reach their weekly goal. This will display 100% when completed. The questions set will be based on prior learning to ensure that students are not forgetting knowledge especially in Science. Maths tasks are done on MathsWatch. Students are expected to achieve a minimum of 50% of the total marks available. For clarity, it is not the number of questions attempted but rather the actual marks gained (half must be correctly answered). To further support families with homework completion, there will be a Homework Parental Support Evening, on Thursday, 21 March from 17:30 to 18:30. Here is a link to join the virtual meeting. If you have any questions or concerns prior to this event, please add them into this google form

Emails and Communications Update | Since September, the trust has experienced issues with delivering and receiving emails from BT and Yahoo email accounts. There are some other email providers that we initially experienced issues with but these have largely been resolved once users change their preferences and tag the academy as a ‘safe’ email with their provider. Since September, the Bexleyheath Academy community has been amazing at sharing information with each other to help ‘white list’ our emails. The links to guides of what you can do to get our emails onto your ‘safe sender’ list are as follows:

As an academy, there is nothing further that we can do to resolve the issue from our end. However, we will continue to do the following:

Fizzy Drinks & Energy Drinks | This is a reminder to all parents/carers that fizzy drinks & energy drinks are banned from the academy. Should students be found with these items, these will be confiscated and disposed of.

Combs | We would like to inform carers and students that, for safety reasons, combs with pointy ends are banned in the academy. Please ensure your child does not bring these items into the academy. These items will be confiscated if students are found with them. 

Charity Project | Bexley Food Bank | Charity projects have the power to bring a community together in various ways. Students have been discussing what they would like to do as a charity project for next term and our students have decided that they would like to collect donations for the Bexley Food Bank. A Food Bank is a charity which collects food to distribute to individuals and families who are in need. Food banks play a crucial role in addressing hunger and providing assistance to those who may not have regular access to an adequate and nutritious diet. Each week, the academy will focus on collecting different types of food:

Week commencing:

Any contributions would be greatly received and help those in need.

Let’s Read at Home! | Reading is at the heart of ensuring that students are progressing across all subjects. This year, we implemented a 20 min reading period to develop the reading skills and confidence of our students. We would like students to read at home and whilst we have more than 100,000 digital books on MyOn, we know to read as a family it is nicer to have a physical book. To help families in making reading a habit, we would like to purchase up to two books for students that would like to take part in this initiative. All we ask is for some feedback on how you are getting on with reading at home. If you would like the academy to give you and child up to two books of your choice, please complete this form by Friday, 15 March 2024. 

Fixtures for the Week | The fixture for the week beginning, Monday, 11 March are as follows: 

A reminder for parents/carers that for safeguarding reasons, we do not put information about who our students are playing and where pick-up and drop-off locations are on our website. The website can be viewed by anyone. 

Extra Curricular Clubs | Basketball Club takes place in the Sports Hall and is open to all students across KS3 and KS4. Students take part in a friendly game of basketball helping students improve coordination tasks like throwing and catching, dribbling, shooting, and passing. This is a great way to stay healthy and active. Physical activity during breaks also ensures that focus levels and engagement is high in the classroom. Through the club, students also develop team building skills and it is also a way to develop friends. 

Please find the updated extra-curricular timetable for this term here. We would like all students, particularly in KS3 (Years 7-9) to take part in at least one extra-curricular club. If you would like your child to sign up to  any of our extra-curricular club offerings,  please email Mr Choudhury:

Attendance | Research has shown that regular attendance and good punctuality are crucial factors in students achieving their full potential in education. At Bexleyheath Academy we wish to work in partnership with parents and carers and so are seeking your full support in ensuring that your child attends the academy every day and on time. We are always pleased to work together with parents/carers in resolving any difficulties, but we are also committed to improving attendance levels at the academy.

The target attendance figure for all pupils is a minimum of 97% attendance. Based on current attendance figures your child will be placed in one of the following groups below. 

Group 1: No Concern | Green Group | The student attends for 97% - 100% of the time. 

Group 2: Concern | Yellow Group | The student attends for 95% - 96.9% of the time.

Group 3: Risk of Underachievement  | Amber Group| The student attends for 93% - 94.9% of the time.

Group 4: Severe Risk of Underachievement | Pink Group | The student attends for 90% - 92.9% of the time.

Group 5: Extreme Risk of Underachievement  | Red Group| The student attends for 0% - 89.9% of the time.

Your child will be informed of their Attendance Group by their pastoral manager. Bexleyheath Academy are monitoring students closely whose attendance is falling and will contact you if your child’s attendance does not improve. It is important that you monitor single day’s absence, as these days soon add up to weeks.

At Bexleyheath Academy we reward pupils who attend the academy each day and whose attendance is improving. Students are also rewarded for good punctuality. Here is an example of rewards for good attendance:

If you are concerned about this new ‘Focus on Attendance’, there are important steps that you can take:

Thank you for working in partnership with us to achieve the highest possible levels of attendance and punctuality at Bexleyheath Academy.

Girls Football Success | This week, the academy hosted a Year 08 Girl’s Football Tournament. Schools in the local borough participated in this tournament. We had two of our teams represent the academy. Team A came third and Team B came fourth. Both teams played exceptionally against the opposition. Other schools have commented on the talent of some of our team members which included Elsie who received player of the tournament which is an incredible achievement. 

We will also be hosting a Year 07 & Year 09 Girl’s Football Tournament this term. Our teams have been preparing hard for this opportunity and we look forward to seeing how well they perform. We have over 30 students turning up to our Football Club on Fridays, with this continued commitment, we will be first place very soon. 

Comic Relief | Comic Relief is a fundraising programme which helps people and communities overcome various challenges in life. This year, the Sports department will be raising money for Comic Relief by running extended Work out of the Week (WOW) sessions. 

From the week commencing, Monday, 11 March, each day a different year group will have an assembly about Comic Relief and then complete an extended WOW session. On these days, students in the participating year group can come to the academy in their full Bexleyheath Academy PE kit which they can wear for the day. Students attending the academy in their PE kit should donate £1 to Comic Relief at the gate. Students will complete their Comic Relief WOW sessions on the following days:

Students must wear the Bexleyheath Academy PE kit only. The following items are not allowed:

Students can wear their BHA shorts over leggings during these days. 

Our PE team are very excited about this event and are very passionate about the cause. 

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Ms Pressney, Lead Practitioner ( 

Year 12 NCS Trip | This week,  a group of twenty one Year 12 students went to Norfolk for a 4 night residential trip. The students worked in teams to complete challenges including; climbing, abseiling, caving and problem solving tasks. The leadership and communication skills they developed, in addition to the resilience they all showed during the challenges will be invaluable experience for their time at university or in employment. 

Ms Kobewka, Vice-Principal said: "Taking 24 students on a residential trip to complete outdoor activities is not everyone's cup of tea but Mr Sheehan and I were up for the challenge. Our students had no previous experience of these activities so for them it was really an opportunity of a life time. 

If is strange to thing that this could happen in four days but students have grown as professionals and become more independent which challenges that they faced. Everyone was willing to try something new on this trip and I know that they have become closer as a team as a result of this."

Term 04, Week 02 | Monday, 04 March 2024

Ramadan | Ramadan Kareem to our Bexleyheath community members. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is a month of prayer and reflection. During Ramadan, the Muslim community will observe a fast and not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. 

Year 11 Weekly Newsletter | Please find the weekly Year 11 newsletter from Mr Whitham here

Term 4 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to change this terms Parents’ Evening from Thursday, 28 March to Wednesday, 27 March. We apologise for any inconveniences caused. 

Y10 Priority Parents' Evening | Wednesday, 27 March 2024 | 16:00-19:00 |  Priority appointments available for booking from Monday 11 March 2024 for TEN Days. From Thursday, 21 March 2024, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Y07, Y08, Y09, Y11, Y12 & Y13) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager:

Safeguarding | As you are aware, there is a national crisis currently with school children and vaping. We all need to work together to ensure that this is not a problem for our Bexleyheath Academy community. The Metropolitan Police have sent this letter to all parents/carers regarding Dangerous Vape Devices which are circulating in Bexley Borough. We ask for parents/carers to check their children's bag and coat for these items on a regular basis. If you have any questions or would like support, please contact Ms Kendall, Designated Safeguarding Lead ( 

Extra Curricular Update | EAL Oracy Club is for students who have English as an additional language. Through interactive games and activities students are provided the opportunity to learn to develop their fluency and confidence in speaking English. Just a reminder that we have the following extra-curricular clubs which we have added to our extra-curricular provision this term:

Please find the updated extra-curricular timetable for this term here. We would like all students, particularly in KS3 (Years 7-9) to take part in at least one extra-curricular club. If you would like your child to sign up to  any of our extra-curricular club offerings,  please email Mr Choudhury:

Comic Relief | Comic Relief is a fundraising programme which helps people and communities overcome various challenges in life. This year, the Sports department will be raising money for Comic Relief by running extended Work out of the Week (WOW) sessions. 

From the week commencing, Monday, 11 March, each day a different year group will have an assembly about Comic Relief and then complete an extended WOW session. On these days, students in the participating year group can come to the academy in their full Bexleyheath Academy PE kit which they can wear for the day. Students attending the academy in their PE kit should donate £1 to Comic Relief at the gate. Students will complete their Comic Relief WOW sessions on the following days:

Students must wear the Bexleyheath Academy PE kit only. The following items are not allowed:

Our PE team are very excited about this event and are very passionate about the cause. 

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Ms Pressney, Lead Practitioner ( 

Spotlight | Food Prep & Nutrition  and Graphics Trip | Our Year 11 Food Prep & Nutrition and Year 11 Graphics students went to the Mariotte Hotel and Toby Carvery as part of a research task for their respective course.  Members of the public commented: 

Ms Gaskin, Faculty Director of Design & Technology said: "It was a delight to have Year 11 Graphics and Food Preparation & Nutrition students out into a different environment to take part in a gastronomic experience! It was brilliant to see the students being big-hearted when we had to wait for another school trip of primary school children to cross the road, the year 11's assisted the process of getting the primary school students across the road safely. 

The trip has boosted morale and built a sense of community in our year 11's. They now have full bellies and more inspiration and research to add to their coursework. I am so proud of how they represented not only the school but Mr Ephson and I on this trip, we cannot wait to see the dishes they produce in their exams next week!." 

Charity Project | Bexley Food Bank | Charity projects have the power to bring a community together in various ways. Students have been discussing what they would like to do as a charity project for next term and our students have decided that they would like to collect donations for the Bexley Food Bank. A Food Bank is a charity which collects food to distribute to individuals and families who are in need. Food banks play a crucial role in addressing hunger and providing assistance to those who may not have regular access to an adequate and nutritious diet. Each week, the academy will focus on collecting different types of food:

Week commencing:

Any contributions would be greatly received and help those in need.

World Book Day | The school will be celebrating World Book Day on Wednesday, 07 and Friday, 08 March. The celebrations will include the launch of our Book Review competition where the best book reviews in each year group will receive a prize. The students will also take part in an assembly during their Reading Period on Thursday, 07 March  that explores and celebrates the value of books. This will be followed by a D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) lesson on Friday, 08 March during  Period 03. During this all students in Years 7 to 09 and their teachers will drop everything and read a literary text. This will also be read aloud to ensure it is an engaging and accessible session for all. We hope that you will join us in helping your child think about the value and joy of Reading at home!  

We will also be launching our free book swap initiative. Our canteens will have a selection of new and used  books on display that students may take to read at home. Once they have read those books, the students can return them to swap them for another book of their choice. Donations of books will be much appreciated and will help offer a range of texts to our Remarkable Readers.  If you would like to donate additional books to the book swap please just drop them off at reception any time from Monday, 04 March. The donations are any books that you might not have use for at home any longer. 

Let’s Read at Home! | Reading is at the heart of ensuring that students are progressing across all subjects. This year, we implemented a 20 min reading period to develop the reading skills and confidence of our students. We would like students to read at home and whilst we have more than 100,000 digital books on MyOn, we know to read as a family it is nicer to have a physical book. To help families in making reading a habit, we would like to purchase up to two books for students that would like to take part in this initiative. All we ask is for some feedback on how you are getting on with reading at home. If you would like the academy to give you and child up to two books of your choice, please complete this form by Friday, 15 March 2024. 

Inclusion Update | On Thursday, 29 February we held our second Inclusion Information Evening offering information to parents and carers regarding the support we offer students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities  and English as an Additional Language  in the school. We would like to warmly thank everyone who took part.  We have had over 160 households watch our presentation, a recording of which can be accessed through this link

During the event we heard from our exceptionally knowledgeable SENCO Ms Chiculita and our dedicated SEND Administrator Ms Cookson-Edwards. We also heard from some of our  fantastic Learning Support Assistants discussing how they support students in school. We are especially proud of our remarkable students who did a fantastic job presenting in the event and  discussing how they are supported in school. We were also inspired to hear how our Vice Principal Ms Kobewka and our Principal Ms Luthfa use their Special Educational Needs as a superpower to excel professionally and lead an inclusive school. 

We are pleased to have already received a large number of SEND Enquiries through our SEND enquiries form which we are responding to and look forward to receiving your enquiries through this form on an ongoing basis. 

Fixtures for the Week | The fixture for the week beginning, Monday, 04 March are as follows: 

Immunisations | On Friday, The NHS staff will be onsite to administer the Year 09 DTP/MEN Immunisations for those that had missed this in the first cycle. Only students that have provided parental/carer consent to the NHS will have these immunisations. The academy does not deal with consent and nor does it deal with any missed immunisations. Should you have any questions regarding immunisations, please contact your GP. 

Spotlight | Year 13 BlackRock Trip | Our Year 13 students had the opportunity to visit Black Rock headquarters in Central London to find out about their organisation to make decisions about applying for their highly sought after apprenticeship programme. You may remember that one of our Year 13 students last year was successful in their application for their apprenticeship programme and is not earning a city salary whilst completing their studies in financial investments through their programme. Students on the trip were inspired and with awareness raised of the different ways that you can enter the financial sector. Mr Read, Head of Vocational Studies said: “I was incredibly proud of our students who were preparing their questions for the organisation on the way to the offices. Students were asking challenging and topics questions about the finance sector and using this as a networking opportunity to support them in the future. The day was full of inspirational talks and myth busting. Students often think that there is a certain type of student that should be looking to get into finance which is not the case. They found out about the different jobs that are available in the organisation which is helpful for them to see where their skill sets match up.”  

We continue our commitment to ensuring our students leave the academy with a further educational pathway that is suitable for them. 

Term 04, Week 01 | Monday, 19 February 2024

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Term four commences on Monday, 19 February 2024, at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here.

Remarkable Readiness | To ensure that every student is ready to have a great experience every lesson, every day, ask that parents/carers double-check that their child has the following: 

1) A bag packed with a Chromebook, headphones, charger and essential stationery; 

2) A fully charged Chromebook; 

3) A ParentPay account that is topped up and ready (for students purchasing lunch on-site); 

4) A washed PE Kit, which is prepared for the term ahead; 

5) A full school uniform; 

6) All lashes, nail polish, and acrylic nails are removed.

Parents/carers are also reminded of our uniform expectations, which can be found here

We would like the remind parents of the following:

Handbags or crossbody purses are not permitted. Students must bring a backpack or a satchel which can hold a Chromebook and A4 folders. 

Chromebook Chargers | We have listened to your feedback about the need to have a way to purchase Chromebook chargers from the academy. We have purchased a limited stock of Chromebook chargers to sell to students at the cost of £15. These are specifically for Chromebook use. If you would like to purchase a charger for your child, please make payment for this using ParentPay. There is a ‘Chromebook Charger’ pot set up for this. Once payment has been made, the charger can be collected from reception. If you have any questions regarding ParentPay, contact Ms Hurst, Reception Team ( 

Academy INSET Days | We would like to remind parents/carers that there are two Academy INSET days which will take place on Monday, 26 February & Tuesday, 27 February. The Academy will be closed to students. Some students in Year 11 & Year 13 will be invited to the academy to complete intensive coursework sessions. Parents will be contacted later this week.

Let’s Read at Home! | Reading is at the heart of ensuring that students are progressing across all subjects. This year, we implemented a 20 min reading period to develop the reading skills and confidence of our students. We would like students to read at home and whilst we have more than 100,000 digital books on MyOn, we know to read as a family it is nicer to have a physical book. To help families in making reading a habit, we would like to purchase up to two books for students that would like to take part in this initiative. All we ask is for some feedback on how you are getting on with reading at home. If you would like the academy to give you and child up to two books of your choice, please complete this form by Friday, 15 March 2024. 

Year 11 Interventions | Our Year 11 Intervention timetable resumes from Monday, 19 February. The morning sessions will continue with:

The after school interventions run as follows:

If you have any questions regarding Year 11 Interventions, please contact Mr Whitham, Assistant Principal (  

Spotlight | Sixth Form Leadership | Last term, Ms Kobewka, Vice-Principal stepped in to lead Sixth Form and will be continuing to lead Sixth Form. 

Ms Kobewka will be meeting all Sixth Form students during their PD lesson Period 04 on Monday, 19 February. Ms Kobewka said: 

“This term is crucial for our students as it is the last full term ahead of the examination series which starts in May. Many of our students would have been working hard over the half term to ensure that they are ready for key coursework deadlines for their vocational course which take place this term. Others would have been revising for their up and coming mock examinations which are powerful tools for our students to further prepare for their national examinations based on the assessment outcomes. 

Preparation empowers our students to take control of their own future and this is the focus for this half term. Our students are not at the hands of fate; rather, they are the architects of their own futures with the support of the academy and their families. By preparing for their exams, they take ownership of their education and chart a course for their success. I refuse to let our students be passive bystanders; instead, encourage them to become active participants in their own learning journey to ensure each student is successful.

This term, we will focus on students preparing for these examinations. I look forward to seeing all of our Sixth Form students on Monday for their Sixth Form Assembly.” 

Students in Sixth Form are supporting by six key members of staff:

Ms Kobewka | Vice-Principal | Head of Sixth Form | 

Mrs Watson | KS5 Pastoral Manager | 

Dr Lucas | Careers Lead | 

Ms Olu-Garrick | KS5 Personal Development | 

Mr Read | Vocational Studies Lead | 

Ms Porch | KS5 Progress & Outcomes | 

Parents’ Evening | Thank you to everyone that joined us for Parents’ Evening on Thursday, 08 February. As discussed last term, we would like to find out more about your Parents’ Evening experience. We would like to know:

If you would like to let us know about any of these areas, please complete this form.

After listening to staff and parents/carer feedback, we will be changing the last two Parents’ Evening dates to take place during Week 06 of every term moving forward after all termly assessments have been completed. The new dates are as follows:

Coffee Mornings with the Principal | The best part of a Principal’s day is spending time with the community members, whether it be students, staff parents or carers. We will be offering parents/carers the opportunity to have coffee or tea with the Principal in small groups and to have a tour of the academy. The events will take place on the following dates and times. You will be able to book from Saturday, 24 February:

Charity Project | Charity projects have the power to bring a community together in various ways. Students have been discussing what they would like to do as a charity project for next term and our students have decided that they would like to collect donations for the Bexley Food Bank. A Food Bank is a charity which collects food to distribute to individuals and families who are in need. Food banks play a crucial role in addressing hunger and providing assistance to those who may not have regular access to an adequate and nutritious diet. Each week, the academy will focus on collecting different types of food:

Week commencing:

Any contributions would be greatly received and help those in need.

Spotlight | Safeguarding | Online Dating Apps | We recently highlighted that there have been some disturbing apps that have been created to allow children to find people to date. However, whilst most dating apps known to adults claim to be for over 18s only, some will relax their age verification procedures to allow children to access them. There are many risks with this:

To find out more about this and how to prevent or stop your child using such apps and sites, please read through this infographic here

If you have any questions or would like support, please contact Ms Kendall, Designated Safeguarding Lead ( 

Term 03 Progress Reports | Progress Reports for Year 07 to Year 10 and Year 12 have been shared to the Parent Portal and can be found in the Reports section of your portal account.  Year 11 and Year 13 Mock Result Reports will be shared by Week 4 of Term 4. 

FSM February eCode Vouchers | Codes have been emailed to families.  If you have any questions, please contact Ms Fisher, Data Manager (  

Sports Fixtures | The games next week are as follows:

Due to the first week back, there may be some fixtures that the borough notify the academy about on Monday, 19 February. Parents will be contacted directly regarding these. 

Attendance | We would like to remind parents/carers that good attendance to school is essential and is directly linked to students’ academic achievement as well as positive mental health and wellbeing. We consider that good attendance is 95% and above. We appreciate the hard work and dedication it takes to ensure that students are attending the academy each take and reward students with Remarkable Character points as well as assembly shout outs for those that attend the academy daily. To ensure that rewards are far, we reward students for 100% each term. Students are also rewarded with badges for each term of 100% attendance. 

Students whose attendance is 90% or below,  are classified as Persistent Absentees by the Department for Education. This means that these children are at significant risk of;

Parents/carers are also likely to face legal action if their child becomes a Persistent Absentee. 

With a brand new term ahead of us, it is important that children attend the academy from the first day of term, especially for those that may not have had 100% attendance last term. 

Your child’s termly report will tell your child’s attendance percentage. If you have any questions regarding attendance, please contact Ms Delver, Vice-Principal ( 

Punctuality | Being on time  to the academy is essential and we would like to remind students and parents/carers that they are expected to be at school by 8:30 everyday. This allows students time to go to the toilet, resolve any issues with equipment for the day and to catch up with their friends before lineup.  We would also like to inform parents/carers that late detentions will resume in Term 04. 

Late detentions will take place from 15:10 to 16:00 from Monday to Friday. If your child is in Year 11, detentions will start after their afternoon intervention and will take place from 16:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday. 

For any questions regarding late detentions, please contact Ms Delver, Vice-Principal (  

Year 11 & 13 Mock Exams | This is the last week of mock examinations for Year 11 & Year 13 students. The full timetable for the mock exams can be located on our website.

We complete mock examinations for a number of reasons:

During the mock examination weeks this term, students in Year 11 only, will not take part in before school or  afterschool intervention sessions. Sixth Form students will continue their intervention timetables. During the week of the exam, please ensure that students:

If students miss an examination, they will sit the exam at another time during the week. If you have any questions regarding the mock examinations, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Term 03, Week 06 | Half Term 

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Term four commences on Monday, 19 February 2024, at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here.

Year 11 Weekly Newsletter | Please find the Year 11 Weekly Newsletter for Week 05 here

Year 11, 12 & 13 February Half Term Assignments | Half terms are used by students to rest, revise and prepare for the term ahead. For our exam groups, they very much rely on this time to catch up or get a head. Each department has put together activities for students in Year 11,12 & 13 to complete. This has been shared with students. The full list of activities can be found here

Let’s Read at Home! | Reading is at the heart of ensuring that students are progressing across all subjects. This year, we implemented a 20 min reading period to develop the reading skills and confidence of our students. We would like students to read at home and whilst we have more than 100,000 digital books on MyOn, we know to read as a family it is nicer to have a physical book. To help families in making reading a habit, we would like to purchase up to two books for students that would like to take part in this initiative. All we ask is for some feedback on how you are getting on with reading at home. If you would like the academy to give you and child up to two books of your choice, please complete this form by Friday, 15 March 2024. 

Inclusion News for the Week | We are happy to announce that we have added another two additional interventions to our provisions to support students with organisation, concentration and social skills. These will begin from Wednesday, 21 February. We will be running daily Focus and Organise sessions from  8:25 to 8:40 for students who need support to manage their sensory needs and to calm and refocus their minds before starting their day in school. Students will be supported to engage in movement, sensory, focus and anxiety relieving activities by a member of the Inclusion Team. We will also be running a daily Chill Club during lunchtime in C114. Students participating will attend the club after they have collected their lunch and will engage in fun activities and discussions that will support their social, communication and interaction skills as well as managing friendships. 

We are also very excited to invite all parents and carers of students with SEND and EAL to our second Inclusion Information Evening of the Year. This will be held virtually on Thursday, 29 February 17:30-19:00. During this information evening we will share key information and advice to support students with SEND and EAL, introduce new members of the Inclusion Team, outline the work we do to support students in school and share student experiences of our Inclusive processes. We will be sharing the event link with all parents and carers invited via email and you will also be able to find the link on the website shortly. 

If you have any questions, enquiries or suggestions for the Inclusion team please use the Bexleyheath SEND Enquiries Form to send these. We would love to hear from you ahead of the Information Event. 

If you need to get in contact with the Inclusion Team or would like to request a space for your child on the Focus and Organise Intervention or Chill Club, then please email Ms Andra Chiculita, SENCO ( 

Spotlight | The Reception Team | Our reception team ensure that both students, staff and parents/carers are supported through the academy day. It is a tough job. 

The team have manned the reception desk for over a decade and are great at what they do. We have looked into concerns regarding delayed responses from staff at the academy and we have found some common issues that if resolved, will help community members with getting responses quicker:

To further support with academy communication responses, we will be increasing the reception team next term. We would like to remind parents/carers that when speaking to our reception team, please ensure that you are respectful and kind at all times. 

Parents’ Evening | Thank you to everyone that joined us for Parents’ Evening on Thursday, 08 February. As discussed last term, we would like to find out more about your Parents’ Evening experience. We would like to know:

If you would like to let us know about any of these areas, please complete this form.

After listening to staff and parents/carer feedback, we will be changing the last two Parents’ Evening dates to take place during Week 06 of every term moving forward after all termly assessments have been completed. The new dates are as follows:

Coffee Mornings with the Principal | The best part of a Principal’s day is spending time with the community members, whether it be students, staff parents or carers. We will be offering parents/carers the opportunity to have coffee or tea with the Principal in small groups and to have a tour of the academy. The events will take place on the following dates and times. You will be able to book from Saturday, 24 February:

Uniform Expectations | It is tempting to allow your children to have lash extensions and acrylic nails during the holidays. However, this is a one week half-term and we kindly ask that these are removed by Sunday, 18 February to avoid issues at the academy when the academy reopens on Monday, 19 February. We would like to remind parents and carers of the Academy expectations for Year 07 - 11 students: 

If you have any unwanted uniform items, we are happy to collect donations to give these items to other Bexleyheath Academy community members who are facing hardship. If you have any questions regarding uniform expectations, please contact Ms Delver, Vice-Principal (( 

Spotlight | PE WOW Sessions | With the use of technology growing at a significant rate, health and fitness is more important than ever. Whatever career path or future endeavours our students aspire to, they need to be in the best health possible to face the challenges that life brings. For this reason, every student in years 07 to 09 participates in WOW lessons once per week. WOW lessons focus on the scientific knowledge needed to not only understand how our bodies work but to also prepare them for the KS4 curriculum. 

The workouts are high intensity sessions that involve functional movements to develop all components of fitness, for example, cardiovascular endurance, strength, coordination and speed, to name a few. The PE team have been busy this term measuring the impact of these WOW lessons by conducting three fitness tests which students have taken part in with enthusiasm. One test is a 3 minute burpee test to measure their strength and agility, and most importantly their ability to move their body efficiently.

Did you know that a burpee was invented to assist people in getting back up after falling over. A skill that should be maintained throughout adult life. We have also completed the sit up test to measure their muscular endurance and an 800m run to measure their lung and heart capacity. 

Each test produces a score that equates to a number 1, 2, 3 or 4. This score will help teachers to plan future WOW lessons and also help students to recognise their strengths and weaknesses. Many students have reported back how proud they are of their results and we look forward to seeing their fitness continue to grow. 

Extra-Curricular Updates  | Our extra-curricular clubs have been very popular this year. Each week, we have an increase in attendance which is great to see. 

Next term we are delighted to be adding to our extra-curricular offering with the following clubs:

Year 09 Options | Early today, we sent parents/carers a letter regarding the last stages of the options process. For safeguarding reasons, we will not be linking the letter or options selection form to Latest News. The letter has been sent directly to parents/carers. The Year 09 Options selections form, has been sent directly to Year 09 students and can only be completed using their profile. 

So far, to support our Year 09 parents/carers and students with the process, we have:

Feedback about this years process has been great and we appreciate the positive feedback:

If you have any further questions, please contact Mr Cooper, Assistant Principal ( 

FSM February eCode Vouchers | Codes have been emailed to families.  If you have any questions, please contact Ms Fisher, Data Manager.

Safeguarding | Online Safety | The half-term holidays are always a point of concern for many of our vulnerable students but also all students due to overexposure to social media and other online activity which takes place during this time which can often lead to poor choices being made. The NSPCC have recently stated that there has been an increase in children under the age of 16 sending nude or explicit photos and videos of themselves to people that they think they can trust. As an academy we encourage parents to:

For up-to-date information from NSPCC on how to deal with these issues as a parent/carer please click here.  Please also see the Government advice for Keeping your Child Safe Online here

If you would like help or support with this topic, please contact Ms Kendall, Designated Safeguarding Lead ( 

Vaping | There is an increased concern regarding the increasing availability of vapes to school aged children which contain cannabis compounds or synthetic cannabinoids across the borough. To further protect our students from harm, we will continue to complete bag searches of students. Items found will be given to the police and reported. We are happy to report that no items of this nature have been found from the bag searches completed this week. We have heard of recent reports from neighbouring schools of students that have had to be put in a coma as a result of the affects of vaping. Whilst it is easy to think that by not providing children with money, they will not be able to purchase these items, the police have reported that children can be found paying for these items in the following ways:

Please be vigilant and speak with your child about vaping and the impacts at home. We will continue to monitor the Broadway after school daily but to support us, please encourage your child NOT to go to the Broadway unless they are getting a bus.  

 If you would like help or support with this topic, please contact Ms Kendall, Designated Safeguarding Lead ( 

Charity Project | Charity projects have the power to bring a community together in various ways. Students have been discussing what they would like to do as a charity project for next term and our students have decided that they would like to collect donations for the Bexley Food Bank. A Food Bank is a charity which collects food to distribute to individuals and families who are in need. Food banks play a crucial role in addressing hunger and providing assistance to those who may not have regular access to an adequate and nutritious diet. Each week, the academy will focus on collecting different types of food:

Week commencing:

Any contributions would be greatly received and help those in need. 

Term 03, Week 05 | Monday, 05 February 2024

End-of-Term Arrangements | Term three ends on Friday, 09 February, at 15:10. Term four commences on Monday, 19 February 2024 at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here. 

Year 11 & 13 Mock Exams | Year 11 and 13 students have shown resilience this week as they had nearly two exams a day to celebrate what they know. Students and parents/carers have been emailed individual timetables which also indicates the location and seat number for each paper. The full timetable for the mock exams can be located on our website.

We complete mock examinations for a number of reasons:

During the mock examination weeks this term, students in Year 11 only, will not take part in before school or  afterschool intervention sessions. Sixth Form students will continue their intervention timetables. During the week of the exam, please ensure that students:

If students miss an examination, they will sit the exam at another time during the week. 

If you have any questions regarding the mock examinations, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Year 11 Newsletter | The Term 03, Week 04 newsletter can be found here

Sports Fixtures | The games next week are as follows:

Spotlight | Welcome Ms Chiculita | Many of families have already had a chance to speak with and meet Ms Chiculita over the last two weeks. Ms Chiculita is our new SENDCo and we are excited to have her as part of the Bexleyheath Academy community. Ms Chiculita said: "It was been a great start here at Bexleyheath Academy. My knowledge skills and experience are ready to go to further develop our SEND provision. Our SEND team has been growing to support our community. My team and I have set ourselves a target to get in touch with all of our parents/carers who have a child with SEND so we can introduce ourselves across this half term and next half term. Many of you have already received a call and it has been great speaking with you. 

I would also like to invite you to my first Virtual SEND Updates Evening on Wednesday, 28 February 17:30 - 19:00. Parents will be sent the meeting link to their emails closer to the time. " 

If you would like to meet or speak with me directly, please contact me so we can set up a meeting or call. Ms Chiculita, SENDCo 

For other members of the team:

SEND Administrator | Ms Cookson-Edwards | 

Inclusion Lead (SLT) | Ms Elliott-Graves 

Extra-Curricular Inclusion Focus | As part of our commitment to make our Bexleyheath Academy school inclusive we are adding  Chill Club next half-term. Led by Ms Chiculita and our dedicated Inclusion  Team, the Chill Club will offer a safe haven for students who may find the typical lunchtime environment overwhelming or overstimulating. Students will be invited to the Chill Club but can also select to join. Please email if your child would like to be part of the club. We have two other clubs to further promote inclusion in the academy:

If you have any questions or concerns about clubs or would like to suggest one, please contact us through the Bexleyheath Academy SEND Enquiry Form.  

Jewellery and Make-Up | We would like to remind parents/carers that jewellery and make-up is not permitted for students in Year 07 - Year 11. Students are provided with make-up wipes if they arrive to the academy with make-up on. However, we ask parents/carers to check that make-up is not worn before they leave for the academy and items of make-up are not brought into the academy as this can be tempting to put on on the way to the academy or through the day. From Monday, 22 January, jewellery will be confiscated until the end of the academic year. Students will be informed of this during the week. 

Term 03 Priority Parent’s Evening | This term, we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year. This is a Year 09 Priority Parents' Evening and will take place on Thursday, 08 February 2024  16:00-19:00. Priority appointments available for booking from Monday 22 January 2024 for TEN Days.

From Thursday, 01 February 2024, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Year 07, Year 08, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12 & Year 13) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager:

Items Not to Bring | There are a number of items that are prohibited from the site. We understand that these might have been purchased to support a students education, however, we would like to assure you that we have these items available from classroom teachers when needed so there is no need to bring these to the academy. From Monday, 19 February, should these items be found, they will be confiscated and disposed of. The items are as follows:

Exams Certificates | If you have a child that has completed Year 11 or Year 13. Exam certificates will be available to collect from our reception team from Monday, 19 February. In order to collect these, you will need to bring either a passport, drivers licence or birth certificate. If you have any questions regarding exams certificates, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Year 11 Home Languages GCSE | We will be providing our Year 11 students an opportunity to complete a home languages GCSE this year. A qualification in a language will not only support them with further education but will also provide students with a competitive advantage when it comes to employment. Your child must be able to: read, write and speak in this language fluently. A GCSE is not available in all languages. Therefore, we will notify you if this language is not available. Please complete one form per language that you would like to enter your child for. If you would like for your child to be entered for a home language, please complete this Google Form.

Year 09 Options | We have spoken to many of our parents/carers regarding the Year 09 Options Evening. It was great to hear your feedback. We would like to capture more of this feedback to help improve our Year 09 Options process as well as continue with the great bits. Please use this form to provide us feedback. If you would like to speak to a member of the team regarding the options process for your child, please use this form. The letter shared with parents/carers this week can be found here

We will send the options selection form to parents/carers next week. The Year 09 Options page of our website now has videos for most subjects to explain what the subject is about. Missing videos will be added by the end of the week. 

Spotlight | Sir David Evernett (MP) | On Friday, Sir David Evernett visited the academy and spent time with staff and students. Students were excited to have our local MP visit the academy. Sir David shared his educational journey with students as well as how and why he got into politics. 

He visited lessons and gave our Year 11 students motivational speeches to keep them focused for another week of examinations in the run up to half term. The MP recognised the improvements that have been made in the academy over the years and the positive impact the academy is having on the local community. 

We look forward to seeing him again soon. 

Changes to Reading Groups | Students in Year 07 - 10 will be completing their next NGRT assessment next week. The assessment is designed to assess the reading age and level of students. The data we collect from these tests will be used to move students into different reading groups next half term. It is essential that students focus on the NGRT tests and try their best to ensure that students are not placed in groups that are not suited to their needs. Students will require headphones for the assessment. If they have their own headphones they will be allowed to use them for this one lesson. All missed tests will be completed when the students are next onsite. 

Vaping | There is an increased concern regarding the increasing availability of vapes to school aged children which contain cannabis compounds or synthetic cannabinoids across the borough. To raise further awareness regarding the dangers of vaping and the products that might be added to these such as Spice, our School Police officer will be running a whole school assembly about vapes on Monday. To further protect our students from harm, we will continue to complete bag searches of students. Items found will be given to the police and reported. We are happy to report that no items of this nature have been found from the bag searches completed this week. We have heard of recent reports from neighbouring schools of students that have had to be put in a coma as a result of the affects of vaping. Whilst it is easy to think that by not providing children with money, they will not be able to purchase these items, the police have reported that children can be found paying for these items in the following ways:

Please be vigilant and speak with your child about vaping and the impacts at home. We will continue to monitor the Broadway after school daily but to support us, please encourage your child NOT to go to the Broadway unless they are getting a bus.  


Charity Project | Charity projects have the power to bring a community together in various ways. Students have been discussing what they would like to do as a charity project for next term and our students have decided that they would like to collect donations for the Bexley Food Bank. A Food Bank is a charity which collects food to distribute to individuals and families who are in need. Food banks play a crucial role in addressing hunger and providing assistance to those who may not have regular access to an adequate and nutritious diet. Each week, the academy will focus on collecting different types of food:

Week commencing:

Any contributions would be greatly received and help those in need. 

Term 03, Week 04 | Monday, 29 January 2024

Year 11 & 13 Mock Exams | Year 11 and 13 students will be completing their second round of mock exams from Monday, 29 January. Students and parents/carers have been emailed individual timetables which also indicates the location and seat number for each paper. The full timetable for the mock exams can be located on our website.

During the mock examination weeks this term, students in Year 11 only, will not take part in before school or  afterschool intervention sessions. Sixth Form students will continue their intervention timetables. During the week of the exam, please ensure that students:

If students miss an examination, they will sit the exam at another time during the week. 

If you have any questions regarding the mock examinations, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Year 11 Newsletter | As mentioned last week, Mr Whitham and the Year 11 team will be sending parents/carers a weekly newsletter with updates. The Term 03, Week 03 newsletter can be found here

Visitors to the Academy  | We had visitors from our quality assurance team two weeks ago. The quality assurance team helps the academy in our continued improvement. The last time the quality assurance team was in the academy was in 2022 and the visitors have been impressed with the changes and improvements that have been made since. The feedback we have received has been great and we would like to share some of the feedback with you:

Year 09 Options | On Thursday, we had over 100 families join us live for our Year 09 Options Information Evening. 

Mr Cooper, Assistant Principal said: “Thank you for all the positive feedback regarding our virtual event. It was good to hear that you found this event informative and the workshops with subject leads helpful in making the right decision for your child. I will be in contact this week with the options selection form. For safeguarding reasons, this will only be sent to parents/carers who are the primary contact and via email. All videos regarding subjects will be online by next Saturday to further help with decision making. Students have been inquisitive on the playground and I have been impressed with the questions related to Ebacc and questions related to career pathways. Many students had notebooks with their questions in which means that conversations are happening at home, we thank you for this. This is an exciting time for Year 09 and we are committed to helping students and their families make these decisions  which will shape their lives.”

If you would like to speak to a staff member regarding Year 09 Options, please complete this Google Form. This form will close on Sunday, 04 February. We aim to get back to all parents/carers by Friday, 09 February. The options booklet can be found here

Jewellery and Make-Up | We would like to remind parents/carers that jewellery and make-up is not permitted for students in Year 07 - Year 11. Students are provided with make-up wipes if they arrive to the academy with make-up on. However, we ask parents/carers to check that make-up is not worn before they leave for the academy and items of make-up are not brought into the academy as this can be tempting to put on on the way to the academy or through the day. From Monday, 22 January, jewellery will be confiscated until the end of the academic year. Students will be informed of this during the week. 

Term 03 Priority Parent’s Evening | This term, we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year. This is a Year 09 Priority Parents' Evening and will take place on Thursday, 08 February 2024  16:00-19:00. Priority appointments available for booking from Monday 22 January 2024 for TEN Days.

From Thursday, 01 February 2024, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Year 07, Year 08, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12 & Year 13) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager:

Sports Fixtures | The games next week are as follows:

Year 10 & Year 12 Work Experience | Thank you to everyone that joined us for the Work Experience Information Event this week. Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal said: “Students are full of questions about Work Experience this week. They have already started to make phone calls to relatives to try and secure a placement which is fantastic to hear about. This is organisation at its finest and students are working to the deadline of Friday, 29 March to make sure that we have their completed consent form and Work Experience placement form. They are already demonstrating the skills of a working professional.”

If you would like more information regarding Work Experience, this can be found on the Careers section of our website here

A paper copy of the Work Experience placement form was provided to all students. However, a digital copy can also be found here. The permission form has been sent to parents via email but can not be shared on the website for safeguarding reasons. If you have any questions regarding Work Experience, please contact Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal ( 

Careers Insight | Every Friday this term, we have had careers talks for all students from professionals in industry about their careers. Yesterday, students in all year groups listened to a careers talk by Jaz, a trainee solicitor and Nef, a civil servant and PhD student at Oxford University. If students would like to get in touch with either of them to discuss their work or ask any questions, please speak to Ms Kobewka, Vice-Principal ( for their contact details. 

We would love to expose our students to a range of different career pathways which will help them decide on educational pathways in the future but potentially inform them of career routes that they might not have known about. If you would like to speak to our students about your career, please contact Ms Luthfa, Principal ( 

The Lion King Trip | Our Year 10 Drama students went to see The Lion King as part of their Btec Performing Arts qualification. Students and staff both had a fantastic time seeing this performance. We would like to thank the staff that supported this trip which arrived back to the academy at 23:00. We would also like to thank parents/carers who supported students in getting home safely. 

We often forget that many of our students, whilst they live so close to London have not been to central London or to a theatre production. We are committed to increasing the number of trips that we have to help develop culture capital.

Year 11 Science Saturday Masterclass | From Saturday 3rd February, a group of Year 11 students will be invited onsite for  a Masterclass onsite to help them achieve the higher grade bands in Science but to also further develop their curiosity for the subject. Parents/carers will be contacted during the week. If you have any questions about these sessions, please contact Ms Ghai or Ms Brunt, Science Subject Leads ( or

Items Not to Bring | There are a number of items that are prohibited from the site. We understand that these might have been purchased to support a students education, however, we would like to assure you that we have these items available from classroom teachers when needed so there is no need to bring these to the academy. From Monday, 19 February, should these items be found, they will be confiscated and disposed of. The items are as follows:

Exams Certificates | If you have a child that has completed Year 11 or Year 13. Exam certificates will be available to collect from our reception team from Monday, 19 February. In order to collect these, you will need to bring either a passport, drivers licence or birth certificate. If you have any questions regarding exams certificates, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Year 11 Home Languages GCSE | We will be providing our Year 11 students an opportunity to complete a home languages GCSE this year. A qualification in a language will not only support them with further education but will also provide students with a competitive advantage when it comes to employment. Your child must be able to: read, write and speak in this language fluently. A GCSE is not available in all languages. Therefore, we will notify you if this language is not available. Please complete one form per language that you would like to enter your child for. If you would like for your child to be entered for a home language, please complete this Google Form.

Sponsored Bike Ride Update | You may remember, last term Emily (Year 11) took part in the Festive 50k Challenge. Through your support, Emily raised over £7000. The money will be used to support children less fortunate to learn how to ride a bicycle and to fund weekly cycling lessons. Emily said: “Thank you so much for helping me raise money for a cause that I feel passionate about. If it was not for the parents/carers and students at Bexleyheath Academy, I would not have been able to raise this money.”

Help Us, Help You | We have looked into concerns regarding delayed responses from staff at the academy and we have found some common issues that if resolved, will help community members with getting responses quicker:

Inclusion News for the Week | Students are reminded that assessments will be taking place next week (Week 4). Students with SEND may benefit from preparing with their parents/carers by going over the Knowledge Organisers for English, Maths and Science we worked on during our reading sessions this week. For all other subjects, students can be looking through their google classroom materials and past lesson slides. If you have any queries or would like your child to receive additional support preparing for their assessments please use our SEND Enquiry Form  to let us know. 

Rewards System | Students are issued rewards points for a number of actions:

The points tally will refresh at the start of every term and students with the higher points can be rewarded with the the following:

At the end of each half term, students in each year group have a celebration assembly. During each celebration assembly focuses on different aspects:

On the week commencing Monday, 05 February, students will have their celebration assemblies. Please encourage your child to work hard to be recognised and rewarded. You can monitor their points awarded through the Parent Portal App.

MyLOL App Concerns | We would like to make parents/carers aware of an app that is targeted at teenagers. This is a free social media app which allows children to create dating profiles. Please find an infographic here to tell you more about this app. 

League of Legends Game Concern | We would like to make parents/carers aware of a gaming site called League of Legends. Please find an infographic here to outline the key concerns with this gaming site. 

Term 03, Week 03 | Monday, 22 January 2024

Thank you! | We would like to thank our parents/carers that have supported the academy and its community members by informing us about social media groups that have been unkind to community members and sharing information which has caused concern and upset to our community members. We believe that the social media groups are causing harm and worry through incorrect information. We are also concerned about who is in those groups and how the organisers are vetting that the people joining are actually parents/carers of Bexleyheath Academy as well as protecting members of the group. Parents/carers have requested that we have our own social media channels that they can join so that they can receive information which is factually accurate. We will be setting these up ready for the new term. We will vet the members that would like to join to ensure that they are actually members of our community and ensure that misunderstandings are not occurring. This will be a platform for daily updates or sharing the great things are happening in our community. 

Year 09 Immunisations | Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) & Meningitis ACWY (Men ACWY) | The NHS staff will be onsite on Friday, 26 January 2024 to administer the Immunisations to students in Year 09. Only students whose parents/carers have provided consent for this will be able to have these immunisations. The closing date for consent is Sunday, 21 January 2024. The NHS has provided the attached letter to parents/carers to read about the immunisations. You may also find the following documents from the NHS useful:

Year 09 Options | We have been holding events this term in preparation for students to make their choices at the end of term:

The letter from Mr Cooper, Assistant Principal regarding options from last week can be found here. If you have any questions regarding options, please contact Mr Cooper ( 

The options booklet can be found here

Year 11 Newsletter | As mentioned last week, Mr Whitham and the Year 11 team will be sending parents/carers a weekly newsletter with updates. The Term 03, Week 02 newsletter can be found here

Year 10 & Year 12 Work Experience | The principle purpose of work experience is to introduce students to, and broaden their knowledge of, the world of work. At the same time, the emphasis is on developing self-awareness, whilst providing the opportunity to develop skills seen as being most valuable to employers. These include: Communication, problem solving, teamwork, business awareness, use of technology, personal development and self-management. Work experience can be used to ‘test drive’ a possible future career option, but equally it’s the chance to try something new, gain confidence and make useful contacts for the future. We would expect the placement to provide meaningful and purposeful work, involving some observation, learning and carrying out a variety of tasks involving increasing responsibility. Importantly work experience should enable students to gain a clear understanding of expectations in the workplace. 

As part of our whole school careers provision, it is a mandatory requirement that all students have the opportunity to have an experience of a workplace in Year 10  and Year 12.  This year, the Work Experience programme will take place from Monday, 08 July to Friday, 18 July 2024.

This term, we will be meeting with students in Year 10 & 12 to outline the Work Experience preparation process. Parents/Carers will be invited to attend a virtual meeting regarding Work Experience on Wednesday, 24 January 17:00 - 18:00. Parents have been contacted directly with a Google Meet link and the forms which relate to the process. Students should secure their Work Experience placements by Friday, 29 March.

If you have any questions regarding Work Experience, please contact Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal. 

Term 03 Priority Parent’s Evening | This term, we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year. This is a Year 09 Priority Parents' Evening and will take place on Thursday, 08 February 2024  16:00-19:00. Priority appointments available for booking from Monday 22 January 2024 for TEN Days.

From Thursday, 01 February 2024, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Year 07, Year 08, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12 & Year 13) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager:

Jewellery and Make-Up | We would like to remind parents/carers that jewellery and make-up is not permitted for students in Year 07 - Year 11. Students are provided with make-up wipes if they arrive to the academy with make-up on. However, we ask parents/carers to check that make-up is not worn before they leave for the academy and items of make-up are not brought into the academy as this can be tempting to put on on the way to the academy or through the day. From Monday, 22 January, jewellery will be confiscated until the end of the academic year. Students will be informed of this during the week. 

Sports Fixtures | The games next week are as follows:

Inclusion News for the Week | Students are reminded that there is a read out loud and speech to text function on all Chromebooks. This can support students who need text read to them, need to look up keywords or need to dictate to text. Students who need support with using this can attend Thursday Homework Club at Lunch time where there will be a dedicated member of staff to show them how it works. 

Term 03, Week 02 | Monday, 15 January 2024

Year 09 Immunisations | Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) & Meningitis ACWY (Men ACWY) | The NHS staff will be onsite on Friday, 26 January 2024 to administer the Immunisations to students in Year 09. Only students whose parents/carers have provided consent for this will be able to have these immunisations. The closing date for consent is Sunday, 21 January 2024. The NHS has provided the attached letter to parents/carers to read about the immunisations. You may also find the following documents from the NHS useful:

Extra-Curricular Clubs | All extra-curricular clubs will commence from Monday, 15 January. A reminder to sign up for extra-curricular clubs this term should be completed through the parent portal app; please find instructions to do so here. All students across KS3 (Years 07-09) are expected to sign up for at least one extra-curricular club. Students are encouraged to select an extra-curricular club that is different from the one they did last term to develop and explore a new skill.  

Please see the current timetable for extra-curricular clubs here. Please discuss the options for extra-curricular clubs with your child. The deadline for sign up has been extended to Monday 15th January 2024. Club numbers are capped so in order to secure the clubs that your child is most interested in please be advised to sign up as soon as possible.  Students will be expected to attend their selected choice of club from Monday, 15 January. If you are experiencing any problems with signing up, please email Mr Choudhury, Assistant Principal ( with your choice of club. 

Year 11 Newsletter | As mentioned last week, Mr Whitham and the Year 11 team will be sending parents/carers a weekly newsletter with updates. The Term 03, Week 01 newsletter can be found here

January Examinations | Students in KS4 and KS5 will have their first national examinations for this academic year in January. These started on Wednesday, 10 January 2024. 

Students have been emailed their timetables including seat numbers. Any qualification with 'TBC' next to it is not an examination but is the date when their coursework is been submitted to the exam board. Letters have been sent to parents/carers with details of; warm up sessions, examinations and useful information to supper students. The sent home can be found below: 

If you have any questions about examinations, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Term 03 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | This term, we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year. This is a Year 09 Priority Parents' Evening and will take place on Thursday, 08 February 2024  16:00-19:00. Priority appointments available for booking from Monday 22 January 2024 for TEN Days.

From Thursday, 01 February 2024, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Year 07, Year 08, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12 & Year 13) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager:

Jewellery and Make-Up | We would like to remind parents/carers that jewellery and make-up is not permitted for students in Year 07 - Year 11. Students are provided with make-up wipes if they arrive to the academy with make-up on. However, we ask parents/carers to check that make-up is not worn before they leave for the academy and items of make-up are not brought into the academy as this can be tempting to put on on the way to the academy or through the day. From Monday, 22 January, jewellery will be confiscated until the end of the academic year. Students will be informed of this during the week. 

Academy Break Time | We have had a few questions about where students can sit at break-time and lunch-time. As an academy we are lucky to have the amount of outdoor space that we have which has seating in each year group bubble. However, students can also spend their time in the following locations:

During wet breaks, students have a designated location for their year group:

Sports Fixtures | The games next week are as follows:

Year 09 Options | This term, our Year 09 students will start to explore their GCSE options subject. As explained in previous communications, all students at Bexleyheath Academy will be completing the Ebacc route of educations which will mean they complete the following subjects at GCSE:

We will be holding events this term in preparation for students to make their choices at the end of term:

The letter from Mr Cooper, Assistant Principal regarding options can be found here. If you have any questions regarding options, please contact Mr Cooper ( 

Year 10 & Year 12 Work Experience | The principle purpose of work experience is to introduce students to, and broaden their knowledge of, the world of work. At the same time, the emphasis is on developing self-awareness, whilst providing the opportunity to develop skills seen as being most valuable to employers. These include: Communication, problem solving, teamwork, business awareness, use of technology, personal development and self-management. Work experience can be used to ‘test drive’ a possible future career option, but equally it’s the chance to try something new, gain confidence and make useful contacts for the future. We would expect the placement to provide meaningful and purposeful work, involving some observation, learning and carrying out a variety of tasks involving increasing responsibility. Importantly work experience should enable students to gain a clear understanding of expectations in the workplace. 

As part of our whole school careers provision, it is a mandatory requirement that all students have the opportunity to have an experience of a workplace in Year 10  and Year 12.  This year, the Work Experience programme will take place from Monday, 08 July to Friday, 18 July 2024.

This term, we will be meeting with students in Year 10 & 12 to outline the Work Experience preparation process. Parents/Carers will be invited to attend a virtual meeting regarding Work Experience on Wednesday, 24 January. Students should secure their Work Experience placements by Friday, 29 March.

If you have any questions regarding Work Experience, please contact Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal. 

Term Dates 2024/2025 | We have published provisional term dates here. Please be aware that these are subject to change. 

Term 03, Week 01 | Monday, 08 January 2024

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Term three commences on Monday, 08 2024, at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here. 

Remarkable Readiness | To ensure that every student is ready to have a great experience every lesson, every day, ask that parents/carers double-check that their child has the following: 

1) A bag packed with a Chromebook, headphones, charger and essential stationery; 

2) A fully charged Chromebook; 

3) A ParentPay account that is topped up and ready (for students purchasing lunch on-site); 

4) A washed PE Kit, which is prepared for the term ahead; 

5) A full school uniform; 

6) All lashes, nail polish, and acrylic nails are removed.

Parents/carers are also reminded of our uniform expectations, which can be found here. We would like the remind parents of the following:

Chromebook Chargers | We have listened to your feedback about the need to have a way to purchase Chromebook chargers from the academy. We have purchased a limited stock of Chromebook chargers to sell to students at the cost of £15. These are specifically for Chromebook use. If you would like to purchase a charger for your child, please make payment for this using ParentPay. There is a ‘Chromebook Charger’ pot set up for this. Once payment has been made, the charger can be collected from reception. If you have any questions regarding ParentPay, contact Ms Hurst, Reception Team ( 

Year 09 Immunisations | Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) & Meningitis ACWY (Men ACWY) | The NHS staff will be onsite on Friday, 26 January 2024 to administer the Immunisations to students in Year 09. Only students whose parents/carers have provided consent for this will be able to have these immunisations. The closing date for consent is Sunday, 21 January 2024. The NHS has provided the attached letter to parents/carers to read about the immunisations. You may also find the following documents from the NHS useful:

Spotlight | Welcome Mr Whitham | Mr Whitham, Assistant Principal joins us this term. Mr Whitham will be the year group lead for Year 11. The Year 11 team now consists of:

Mr Whitham | Assistant Principal | Year Group Lead 

Ms Pelton | Year 11 Behaviour Lead 

Ms Bulford | Year 11 Pastoral Manager 

Ms Kelly | Year 11 Intervention

Dr Lucas | Assistant Principal | Academic Progress Support 

Mr Whitham said: "I am excited to ensure that students are well on their way to success GCSE outcomes. Meeting the students at the end of last half term, I was amazed at the dedication that these young people have towards their educational outcomes and how hungry they are to improve on what they already have. 

This term is jam packed with additional support for students such as:

To ensure that parents/carers are updated on the weekly successes and focuses, the Year 11 team will be sending out a weekly news letter on a Saturday.

During the week, we will be in contact with the parents/carers of students who have been selected to attend Saturday Booster Sessions in English & Mathematics and to invite parents to vital Academic Review Meetings. 

I look forward to leading Year 11s to achieving the best results Bexleyheath Academy has every seen."

If you have any questions regarding Year 11, please contact Ms Whitham, Assistant Principal ( 

January Examinations | Students in KS4 and KS5 will have their first national examinations for this academic year in January. These start from Wednesday, 10 January 2024. 

Students have been emailed their timetables including seat numbers. Any qualification with 'TBC' next to it is not an examination but is the date when their coursework is been submitted to the exam board. Letters have been sent to parents/carers with details of; warm up sessions, examinations and useful information to supper students. The sent home can be found below: 

If you have any questions about examinations, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Term three commences on Monday, 08 2024, at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here.

Free School Meal Eligibility | Here at Bexleyheath Academy we want all of our children to thrive and be fully engaged in their learning.  A healthy mind and body feed a child's drive to learn and we believe every child deserves that opportunity.   Your child may be able to get free school meals if you receive any of the following: 

● Income Support 

● Income-based Jobseekers Allowance 

● Income-related Employment and Support Allowance 

● Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 

● The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit 

● Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) 

● Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit 

● Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you may get)

Our current cashless system ensures confidentiality and funds would be uploaded daily to your Parent Pay account.

We will be more than happy to make an application on your behalf and ask you to complete this short Guardian Information form or alternatively, if you meet the criteria above, you can then apply via the following links:- or to apply via London Borough of Bexley website 

If your child is eligible for free school meals, they will remain eligible until they finish the phase of schooling (primary or secondary) that they are currently in on 31 March 2024.

Sports Matches | When students are part of sporting activities that require them to be out of lessons, leave the site or stay after school, parents are contacted directly by the sports staff. Moving forward, this will also now be communicated through Latest News. We will not provide details of where students are going or which schools we are competing against for safeguarding reasons. The games next week are as follows:

Inclusion News for the Week | Last half-term, we welcomed two new staff members to the inclusion team: Ms Cookson-Edwards, SEND Administrator and Ms Kaygusuz, LSA. We are thrilled to have the additional capacity to provide more support to our students and develop better communication with our parents/carers of students with SEND. Ms Cookson-Edwards has already been in contact with some parents during the last week of term. 

Extra-Curricular Club Sign-Up | Sign up for extra-curricular clubs this term should be completed through the parent portal app; please find instructions to do so here. All students across KS3 and Year 10 are expected to sign up for at least one extra-curricular club. Students are encouraged to select an extra-curricular club that is different from one they did last term to develop and explore a new skill.  Please see the current timetable for extra-curricular clubs here. Please discuss the options for extra-curricular clubs with your child and complete the signup via the parent portal app by next Friday, 12 January. Club numbers are capped so in order to secure the clubs that your child is most interested in please be advised to sign up as soon as possible.  Students will be expected to attend their selected choice of club from Monday, 15 January. 

Year 09 Options | This term, our Year 09 students will start to explore their GCSE options subject. As explained in previous communications, all students at Bexleyheath Academy will be completing the Ebacc route of educations which will mean they complete the following subjects at GCSE:

We will be holding events this term in preparation for students to make their choices at the end of term:

Mr Cooper, Assistant Principal will be in contact next week regarding the process and the options booklet. If you have any questions regarding options, please contact Mr Cooper ( 

Year 10 & Year 12 Work Experience | The principle purpose of work experience is to introduce students to, and broaden their knowledge of, the world of work. At the same time, the emphasis is on developing self-awareness, whilst providing the opportunity to develop skills seen as being most valuable to employers. These include: Communication, problem solving, teamwork, business awareness, use of technology, personal development and self-management. Work experience can be used to ‘test drive’ a possible future career option, but equally it’s the chance to try something new, gain confidence and make useful contacts for the future. We would expect the placement to provide meaningful and purposeful work, involving some observation, learning and carrying out a variety of tasks involving increasing responsibility. Importantly work experience should enable students to gain a clear understanding of expectations in the workplace. 

As part of our whole school careers provision, it is a mandatory requirement that all students have the opportunity to have an experience of a workplace in Year 10  and Year 12.  This year, the Work Experience programme will take place from Monday, 08 July to Friday, 18 July 2024.

This term, we will be meeting with students in Year 10 & 12 to outline the Work Experience preparation process. Parents/Carers will be invited to attend a virtual meeting regarding Work Experience on Wednesday, 24 January. Students should secure their Work Experience placements by Friday, 29 March.

If you have any questions regarding Work Experience, please contact Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal. 

Term Dates 2024/2025 | We have published provisional term dates here. Please be aware that these are subject to change. 

Term 02, Week 06 & 07 | Half Term  

End-of-Term Arrangements | Term two ends on Tuesday, 19 December 2023 at 13:10. Term three commences on Monday, 08 January 2024 at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here.

Merry Christmas! | To all our Bexleyheath Academy community members, we wish you a very Merry Christmas.

Spotlight | A Christmas wish! | This term, the Bexleyheath Academy community members have been 'Big Hearted' and donated presents for the residents at Parkview Residential Care Home. We would like to thank everyone in the local community that have; donated items, sent positive messages and volunteered to help. This project has brought our community together and we are proud of what we have achieved.

With your donations we were able to make 70 parcels for the residents which consisted of a range of items such as:

Staff and students took the parcels to the residents on Tuesday, 19 December 2023. Residents were excited to have our students and staff visit them and were grateful. for the donations.  We look forward to seeing the residents in the new year.


KS4 & KS5 Christmas Revision | Our students have worked hard over the last two terms preparing for their final examinations and preparing for coursework deadlines. During the Christmas break, we expect our students to have a well earned rest but also use this as an opportunity to catch up or get a head with their course content. Each subject has put together a task list for each year group which can be found here. If you have any questions regarding Christmas work, please contact the relevant year lead:

Year 11 | Ms Pelton | 

Sixth Form | Ms Gayle |  

January Examinations | Students in KS4 and KS5 will have their first national examinations for this academic year in January. Students are aware of key dates but the finalised timetable will be sent to parents/carers and students by the end of next week. This will include exam times and seat numbers. If you have any questions about examinations, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Parent/Carer Feedback | As part of academy improvement, we seek feedback from parents on a termly basis to help us plan for improvements. Please could parents/carers complete the form linked in the email to provide feedback to the academy.

TfL Year 09 Workshop | Students in Year 09 this week completed a workshop run by Transport for London (TfL)  to explore different types of sexual harassment on public transport and to reinforce that these are unacceptable behaviours in the community. Both the TfL staff and police outlined to students:

Comments from students after the sessions included:

Staff from TfL we amazed by the maturity of our Year 09 students and how inquisitive they were. 

Spotlight | Parkview, Mathematics Workshop | Our Year 10 Mathematicians have been designing problem solving games for a fun filled afternoon with the Parkview residents. Students attended the residential home on Thursday with Ms Pelton and Mr Dye. Ms Pelton, Year 11 Lead  said: “Spending time with our students outside of the classroom allowed me to see their caring personalities shine. Whilst the afternoon was designed for the students to think creatively about numbers whilst creating games for the residents to play which is great for people with dementia, it was an amazing opportunity to help them see the struggles that people face in life and develop empathy and compassion for others. They were thoughtful and caring towards the residents and were asking when they could return to spend more time with them. Seeing them with the residents made me burst with pride for the academy. We will continue to grow these links with the community.”

Comments from students:

Chromebook Chargers | We have listened to your feedback about the need to have a way to purchase Chromebook chargers from the academy. We have purchased a limited stock of Chromebook chargers to sell to students at the cost of £15. These are specifically for Chromebook use. If you would like to purchase a charger for your child, please make payment for this using ParentPay. There is a ‘Chromebook Charger’ pot set up for this. Once payment has been made, the charger can be collected from reception. If you have any questions regarding ParentPay, contact Ms Hurst, Reception Team ( 

Free School Meal Eligibility | Here at Bexleyheath Academy we want all of our children to thrive and be fully engaged in their learning.  A healthy mind and body feed a child's drive to learn and we believe every child deserves that opportunity.   Your child may be able to get free school meals if you receive any of the following: 

● Income Support 

● Income-based Jobseekers Allowance 

● Income-related Employment and Support Allowance 

● Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 

● The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit 

● Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) 

● Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit 

● Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you may get)

Our current cashless system ensures confidentiality and funds would be uploaded daily to your Parent Pay account.

We will be more than happy to make an application on your behalf and ask you to complete this short Guardian Information form or alternatively, if you meet the criteria above, you can then apply via the following links: or to apply via London Borough of Bexley website 

If your child is eligible for free school meals, they will remain eligible until they finish the phase of schooling (primary or secondary) that they are currently in on 31 March 2024.

Lost Property Gallery | We have an ever-growing Lost Property collection, which contains coats, blazers, shoes and much more. If your child has lost an item, please look at the Gallery of Lost Property on this page. If you recognise an item, please encourage your child to go to the library, where Ms Eldridge safely stores any lost items.  At the end of each term, items not collected will be used to support other students, given to charity, or destroyed.

KS3 & KS4 Christmas Concert | This week, we held our Christmas concert. Students in Year 07, 08, 09 & 11 played Christmas classics for two audiences. They performed for the Parkview Care Residents in the afternoon and then their families in the evening. Ms Liu, Teacher of Music said: “Our students have been preparing for the Christmas concert for the past 06 weeks. Students from each of our music clubs took part:

Whilst students performed separately, there were collaborative pieces from different clubs and it was great to see students supporting and encouraging each other from different year groups. Both performances were magical.”

Oxford University Year 10 Residential Programme | Uncover is a residential programme that gives girls and Black African and Caribbean heritage students in year 10 the opportunity to explore maths and physics subjects in the context of Engineering studies, while offering a glimpse into university life.

The programme is run by Oxford University and students will stay in a college for 4 days. Days will be filled with engineering-focused activities and workshops organised by the Department of Engineering Science. In the evenings the team has arranged recreational activities and social opportunities with other like-minded future engineers. Students also find out about life at Oxford and living in a college (including a formal dinner!). On the final day, the team hope that parents will join them to learn more about studying engineering at a university like Oxford.

Successful applicants will be invited to participate in a follow-on programme in coming years, aiming to build the Uncover community. If you would like more information about this programme, please click here

Festive 50k Challenge | As an academy, we love to see our students supporting charities independently. One of our Year 11 students will be completing a sponsored bike ride over Christmas. Emily said: I am participating in a Youth Festive 50k sponsored cycling challenge on Wednesday, 27 December at Herne Hill Velodrome. I must complete the challenge in two and a half hours. This will also be my last opportunity to ride as a youth rider before I go up a category into the juniors from the start of January 2024.The ride is to  raise money to support young people less fortunate. If you would like to support me in this challenge please see the group fundraising link here. So I can see how much I have raised through my supporters. Can you please name me (Emily BHA) in your message on the donation page.”

Timeout Passes | Timeout passes are provided to some students that might find periods of learning overwhelming. They are provided with a pass that allows them to step outside of their lessons for 02 - 05 mins. Through the year, we review the timeout passes that are issues to students. From January, all timeout passes will be removed. Only if students have an Educational Health Care Plan ( EHCP) and a timeout pass is stated as one of the strategies that must be used, all other passes are no longer valid. We will review individuals case by case who do not have an EHCP over a period of time to see if students need a timeout pass. Whilst timeout passes benefit some students over a short period of time, the following issues also occur for some students:

If you have any questions regarding timeout passes, please contact Ms Cookson-Edwards, SEND Administrator ( 

Charity Bake Sale | On Monday, 18 December, the academy will be holding a charity bake sale for UCKG Outreach. The charity runs five projects to help the less fortunate and those in crisis:

To find out more about this charity, please click here. Students will be selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts at the cost of £2 through the day.  

Kooth Mental Health Support | Some of our students struggle with mental health and wellbeing. Holidays can often be challenging for students. We would like to make parents/carers aware of Kooth and their offer of support during these times: “With the winter break fast approaching, at Kooth Digital Health we appreciate there will be some young people who may struggle during the holidays without the access to the daily pastoral support, trusted adults and friends that the school community provides. Equally, seasonal illness and the closure of many services at this time of year can lead to extended wait times across both adult and young people's NHS and community services. For this reason I thought it may be worth highlighting to your students that our services remain open for them to access at any time over the winter period. We've put together a short (2:47) ‘we are still here’ Kooth video.

Visit to find out more.

HAF Programme | London Borough of Bexley | The HAF programme offers funded holiday club places to pupils who receive benefits-related free school meals, during the Easter, Summer and Winter holidays. Each participating holiday club will provide a variety of fun experiences, activities and/or sports, a nutritious meal and the opportunity to socialise with other children or young people. Please find communications from the borough about the the programme:

Warhammer Club | This term, student in Warhammer club entered a competition for the designing the best space marine outfit.  Students have spent the term, patiently painting their figures. The winners of the competitions were Renan (Year 10) for the level of detail in his paint work and Alex (Year 07) for the blueprint of his design.  

Year 09 Immunisations | Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) & Meningitis ACWY (Men ACWY) | The NHS staff will be onsite on Friday, 26 January 2024 to administer the Immunisations to students in Year 09. Only students whose parents/carers have provided consent for this will be able to have these immunisations. The closing date for consent is Sunday, 21 January 2024. The NHS has provided the attached letter to parents/carers to read about the immunisations. You may also find the following documents from the NHS useful:

Term 02, Week 05 | Monday, 04 December 2023

Guru Nanak | This week, our Sikh community members have been celebrating the birthday of Guru Nanak. This was a day where Guru Nanak Dev’s selfless service to people was remembered. Guru Nanak founded the Sikh faith in the Punjab region of the northern part of India at the end of the fifteenth century. 

Year 11 Mock Results Evening | We will be holding a Year 11 Mock Results Evening on Tuesday, 05 December. Students will receive their results for their recent mock examinations. The reason for this is so that they can experience what it would feel like to get their results. Students will be guided in the evening on next steps to ensure that there is continued improvement with their outcomes. Due to the size of the cohort, families will be given a time to attend on the evening:

If you have any questions, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( The letter shared with parents/carers can be found here.

Oxbridge Success | We are proud to announce that this year, five of our Year 13 students applied to a Oxbridge University. So far, two of our students have secured interviews. One has gotten an interview at Fitzwilliam College at Cambridge University and the other has secured an interview at Oxford University. This really highlights the quality of education that students have received in their time at Bexleyheath Academy and the commitment and dedication to their own progression. Staff will be supporting students in their interview preparations on the next few weeks. At Bexleyheath Academy, we like to ensure that students have all opportunities available to them in the next stages of their lives and therefore, in September 2024 all of our Year 10 students will follow the English Baccalaureate (Ebacc) Pathway. When students study the Ebacc Pathway, they have better access to a range of subjects at Key Stage 05. When studying Ebacc subjects students will study the following subjects:

More information regarding this will be provided during Year 09 Options which will start in January. Mr Cooper, Assistant Principal (  will be leading Year 09 Options. 

Spotlight | Our Year 11 students performed for friends, family and staff on Wednesday evening. The performance was part of their Btec qualification. Students performed parts of:

The students displayed courage and talent throughout. Ms Draper and Mr Gibbons had prepared students well and we thank them for supporting the students in being successful on the night. We can not wait to see them in the Westend in years to come.

Free School Meal Eligibility | Here at Bexleyheath Academy we want all of our children to thrive and be fully engaged in their learning.  A healthy mind and body feed a child's drive to learn and we believe every child deserves that opportunity.   Your child may be able to get free school meals if you receive any of the following: 

● Income Support 

● Income-based Jobseekers Allowance 

● Income-related Employment and Support Allowance 

● Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 

● The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit 

● Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) 

● Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit 

● Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you may get)

Our current cashless system ensures confidentiality and funds would be uploaded daily to your Parent Pay account.

We will be more than happy to make an application on your behalf and ask you to complete this short Guardian Information form or alternatively, if you meet the criteria above, you can then apply via the following links: or to apply via London Borough of Bexley website 

If your child is eligible for free school meals, they will remain eligible until they finish the phase of schooling (primary or secondary) that they are currently in on 31 March 2024.

Lost Property Gallery | We have an ever-growing Lost Property collection, which contains coats, blazers, shoes and much more. If your child has lost an item, please look at the Gallery of Lost Property on this page. If you recognise an item, please encourage your child to go to the library, where Ms Eldridge safely stores any lost items.  At the end of each term, items not collected will be used to support other students, given to charity, or destroyed.

Blue Lollipops | There has been a trend of children buying blue lollipops which stain their mouths. These lollipops are high in sugar and can affect focus on concentration in lessons. As an academy, like fizzy drinks and energy drinks, these are now banned from the academy. Students will be informed on Monday. Lollipops found after this will be confiscated and disposed of.

Primary School Handball Event | On Wednesday, the PE department hosted a Primary School Handball event with four local schools. The event was known as ´Just for Fun´ and was an opportunity for each child to experience a new sport with expert coaching. The PE team also had the support of 06 of our Year 07 students who have recently been learning all about handball in lessons. Their leadership and coaching skills were commendable from our Year 07 students and all the parents/carer and teachers were very impressed. Despite the cold temperatures, the event was very successful with each Primary School. It was great to work with the local schools to help students learn a new sport which is not available at their own school. 

Term 02, Week 04 | Monday, 27 November 2023

Academy INSET Day | We would like to remind parents/carers that there is an Academy INSET day which will take place on Monday, 27 November. The Academy will be closed to students. Some students in Year 10, 11 & Year 13 will be invited to the academy to complete intensive coursework sessions. These will be taking place for the following subjects:

Parents/carers affected have been contacted. 

Inclusion | We would like to remind students and parents that we run 03 inclusive lunchtime and after school clubs that are specifically designed to support students with Special Educational Needs. 

If you have any questions or concerns about clubs or would like to suggest one, please contact us through the Bexleyheath Academy SEND Enquiry Form.  

Cloisters Winner | Naomi in Year 12 entered a national essay writing competition created by Cloisters. Naomi is one of 05 winners national. Ms Townsend, Faculty Director of English said:  “I'm an extremely proud teacher and head of department. Naomi, with a tiny bit of help from me, managed to write an outstanding essay and is now finally considering that maybe her destiny is to go to University!”. 

Naomi has won a £100 gift voucher. She has also won a one day actor’s training course provided by Orisun Productions. Orisun Productions is a theatre company that was set up by Shereener Browne, a former Barrister at Garden Court Chambers (now Associate Tenant) who is now an actress. Along with the other selected students, she will spend a day with a trained actor from the Orisun Team to provide her with training on key skills such as public speaking, presentation and performing – all of which are invaluable for a career at the Bar. This will take place at the offices of leading international law firm, Linklators and will be held over a Saturday in mid-January. 

Year 11 Mock Results Evening | We will be holding a Year 11 Mock Results Evening on Tuesday, 05 December. Students will receive their results for their recent mock examinations. The reason for this is so that they can experience what it would feel like to get their results. Students will be guided during the evening on next steps to ensure that there is continued improvement with their outcomes. Due to the size of the cohort, families will be given a time to attend on the evening:

If you have any questions, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal (

Parkview, A Christmas Wish | Parkview is a care home in Bexleyheath. The care home offers 24 hour residential care including specialist Dementia Care and Respite Care. You can find out more about the care home here. In the Summer Term, the care home experienced a fire which meant that residents were displaced for a period of time which caused a lot of upset in the community. Bexleyheath Academy supported residents during this time and is continuing to build relationships with the care home and its residents. Due to the incident we would like to ensure that the residents experience a good festive period this year!

During Term 02, we will be collecting donations from the local community to give to the care home residents at Christmas. We are looking for the following items that students can gift to residents:

If there are any other items that you think might be suitable we are happy to pass these on. We ask that any items are good as new/new and safe. Donations can be brought to the reception team. Students in KS3 will fill each gift bag with seasonal messages. Students will be selected to represent  the academy to take these gifts to the residents in December.

Year 07 Girls Netball Club | The Year 07 and year 08 girls netball teams have taken part in several competitions this week. The year 07 girls had their first competitive match against Bexley Grammar school on Wednesday evening, where the girls won 5-2.  The girls quickly took the lead with fantastic shooting from Lila and great interceptions by Natalie in defence. The girls all showed excellent resilience and sporting ability to keep ahead throughout the whole match. Well done Girls and we look forward to our next match! 

On Tuesday, the academy hosted Haberdashers and Trinity who came for a small tournament. The girls played amazingly with two draws, 1 win and a loss. Ms Duffy, PE Teacher and Netball coach said: “Our Netball teams have really developed their skills and knowledge of their game this year. We have previously not entered matches against other schools but this year the talent has developed and we have had many wins. We look forward to the team members thriving this year.” 

Year 09 Rugby Club | The Year 09 Rugby team played their first competitive game this term away at Bexley Grammar on Tuesday evening. The boys were outstanding and showed real character through the game. Whilst the students did not win this match, they held their heads high and congratulated the winning team. Students will be training hard for next time!

Band Club | Bands Club provides students with an opportunity to experience playing different musical instruments, such as the guitar, piano and drums to name but a few and also help develop their vocal skills. Students will learn and practise playing a musical instrument and collaborate with others as they become more skilled. Bands Club takes place every Thursday after school from 15:10 - 16:00. Students are currently preparing for their Christmas Concert. 

The Big Ambition | The Children’s Commissioner for England has recently launched ‘The Big Ambition. The Big Ambition is a survey that will collect the views of children and parents/carers so that these views can be considered by policy makers a head of the next election. Students at the academy will be completing this survey at the academy. We request that parents/carers complete this survey by Friday 08 December. A leaflet to explain more about the survey can be found here and the survey can be found here

Term 2 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | This term we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year.

Year 11X Band & Sixth Form Parents' Evening | Wednesday, 6 December 2023 | 16:00-19:00 | Priority appointments available for booking from Wednesday, 15 November 2023 for TWO weeks. Year 11Y Band & Sixth Form Parents' Evening | Thursday, 07 December 2023 | 16:00-19:00 | Priority appointments available for booking from Wednesday, 15 November 2023 for Two weeks. 

If you are not sure which band your child is in, please look at their timetable. Their English, Mathematics and Science lessons will have an X or a Y code next to the subject. 

From Monday, 27 November 2023, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Year 07, Year 08, Year 09, Year 10) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. Parents that completed the Google Form last term requesting support for booking, we will aim to book these for you but these might fall across different days. 

If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening dates, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager:

Winter Secondary HAF Provision | Bexley Borough host activities for young people during the holiday periods. This provision is free for young people who receive free school meals.  There are opportunities to get involved in a variety of activities/trips, meet new people and receive a free meal.  Please read through this letter and  document from London Borough of Bexley on how to book Holiday Activities.  Parents and Students have been sent an email this week, please check your junk mail too.

Lunch Cards & Parent Pay | To ensure that students are served quickly in the canteen, students must bring their lunch cards to the academy which allows a faster service. Please could we ask you to check that your child has a lunch card. If this has been lost, this can be purchased from the canteen at the cost of £1.50. Can we also remind parents that use Parent Pay, that it is important to top up accounts before students arrive at the academy. Further delays are caused when students are waiting for their accounts to be topped up.


Canteen Menu | The updated canteen menu can be found here

Term 02, Week 03 | Monday, 20 November 2023

Academy INSET Day | We would like to remind parents/carers that there is an Academy INSET day which will take place on Monday, 27 November. The Academy will be closed to students. Some students in Year 10, Year 11 & Year 13 will be invited to the academy to complete intensive coursework sessions. These will be taking place for the following subjects:

Parents/carers affected will be contacted next week. 

Diwali | This week our; Hindu, Sikh and Jain community members have been celebrating Diwali. Diwali is a five day Festival of Light. This is a festival of new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. Devotees will decorate their homes with small oil lamps called diyas. Fireworks are used to mark the celebrations and sweets are shared amongst family and friends. Happy Diwali from Bexleyheath Academy. 

Year 11 & Sixth Form Mock Exams | This week, the Year 11 and Sixth Form students have been sitting a series of mock exams.  These are vital as some qualifications will be completing examinations as early as January 2024 so practise and preparation is important. The mock examinations will be a combination of examinations in the examination halls and in the classroom.  The mock exams are designed to allow students to:

The outcomes of these examinations will provide the students with their most likely grades for their final GCSE and A-Level outcomes. It is important that students prepare for these examinations using the revisions resources provided. The examination timetable can be found on our Assessments & Examinations Page

During the week of the exam, please ensure that students:

You can help your child prepare for their exams by encouraging them to revise over the half term. Students will have access to revision resources through Google Classroom. Some subjects have also provided students with printed resources, past papers and revision guides. Other strategies that you could use to help you child success are as follows:

During the week beginning, Monday, 13 November, there will be no before or after school interventions for Year 11 ONLY.  The afternoon examinations will be completed by 15:45. If you have any questions about the mock examination series, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Year 11 Interventions | Year 11 interventions resume this week. On Monday, students in the X Band will have Mathematics on Monday, 20 November at 08:00. 

Sixth Form Open Evening | We are excited to invite Year 11 students and parents/carers to the Sixth Form Open Evening which will be held on Thursday, 23 November from 16:45 until 18:45. The event will take place virtually which will allow parents/carers to also attend the events. This is both a critical and exciting year for your child as they complete their GCSEs and begin to consider what they would like to do/study from September 2024. It is important that they attend this event to start thinking about the options that are available to them. 

The event is designed to:

The links to all the events and timings can be found here. These links will be available from 16:00 on Thursday, 23 November. 

Term 2 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | This term we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year.

Year 11X Band & Sixth Form Parents' Evening | Wednesday, 6 December 2023 | 16:00-19:00 | Priority appointments available for booking from Wednesday, 15 November 2023 for TWO weeks. Year 11Y Band & Sixth Form Parents' Evening | Thursday, 07 December 2023 | 16:00-19:00 | Priority appointments available for booking from Wednesday, 15 November 2023 for Two weeks. 

If you are not sure which band your child is in, please look at their timetable. Their English, Mathematics and Science lessons will have an X or a Y code next to the subject. 

From Monday, 27 November 2023, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Year 07, Year 08, Year 09, Year 10) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. Parents that completed the Google Form last term requesting support for booking, we will aim to book these for you but these might fall across different days. 

If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening dates, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager:

Year 07 Football Team WIN! | Our U12 Girls team beat Hayes this week in 03 - 02 win. They are not in the next round of the cup. Ms Sheehan said: "Our Year 07 students are new to the academy but have taken training very seriously. They have come together as a team very well and are very supportive of one another on the pitch. I am confident with further training the wins can only get better."

Inclusion | Students with Special Educational Needs may struggle with their organisational skills. This can affect their ability to come to school prepared with the right equipment. It is important that these students pack their bags every evening with support to check that they have their: pens, glue sticks, rulers and charged Chromebooks ready for the next day. If they have any issues with missing equipment they can talk to their pastoral manager as soon as they get into school. If you have any further questions and concerns about supporting students with organisational skills, please contact the Inclusion Team via the Bexleyheath Academy SEND Enquiries Form. 

Rewards Trips | Students with the highest rewards points or students who had 100% attendance last half term were entered into a raffle for an exclusive  cinema trip this week.  Students can be awarded points in a number of ways:

Academy Car Park | Driving safely in our car park is crucial to ensure the safety of our; students, pedestrians, other vehicles and passengers in other vehicles. Here are some tips for parents/carers to drive safely in our car park:

We would like all users of our car park to be mindful when using it and to follow our tips to help prevent accidents and keep everyone safe.

Science Masterclasses | We will be inviting our Year 11 students who are projected to gain Grade 7, 8, 9 to Saturday Science Masterclasses. These sessions were meant to start today however, due to IT issues with Google this weekend, these will start next week. The masterclasses are designed to support students in securing the higher grades in Mathematics. The hope that we are getting them as close to a Grade 9 as possible. The Masterclasses will take place virtually on Saturdays at 10am. 

The Science Masterclasses will taking place on the following dates:

Saturday, 25 November 2023 | Top Marks Data Analysis 

Saturday,  02 December 2023 | All Things Calculations  

Saturday,  09 December 2023 | Acing Six Mark Practical Questions

If you have any questions regarding the Science Masterclasses, please contact Ms Ghai, Science Subject Lead ( or Ms Brunt, Science Subject Lead ( 

Vaping, A National Crisis | Vapes are designed to help smokers quit smoking, they deliver nicotine in a safer way than smoking tobacco products. The legal age to purchase vapes is 18 and they should not be used by young people who do not smoke. Only legally sold vapes are regulated, so people who use illegal vapes or refillable vapes are at an increased risk of vaping THC and SPICE either through choice or accidentally.  

THC is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, it is a Class B drug that gets you high, this is why THC products are illegal to buy, sell or consume in the UK (except where prescribed). THC smells like cannabis although this can be obscured by flavoured oils. SPICE is a collection of synthetic Class B drugs, they are cheaper to produce (usually in makeshift labs by criminals) and mimic the effects of drugs like cannabis. There are over 700 different types, so it’s impossible to know which type you are consuming, what it contains, or how much you can have without overdosing. Vaping SPICE is extremely dangerous for young people, it can lead to an inability to move, breathing difficulties, chest pain, heart palpitations, seizures, extreme anxiety, paranoia, suicidal thoughts, psychosis, gastrointestinal issues (vomiting or diarrhoea), acute kidney injury and in some cases a single dose can kill. 

As an academy, we educate our students about the harm of vaping through Personal Development lessons and assemblies. To ensure that our students are safe, we conduct bad searches to assure ourselves that students do not have these items. We ask that parents check their child's bag before and afterschool. If these items are found, please report this to the academy so that we can ensure that students are educated about the affects and supported. We are working with the local police to set up workshops for parents/carers whose children are found with items. The workshops will be for family attendance. We thank the local police for supporting us with this. 

Please find a useful leaflet to read about vaping which you can talk through with your child here

BBC Children in Need | On Friday, our students raised money for BBC Children in Need. BBC Children in Need use the money donated to funding the grassroots organisations and project workers across the UK that provide the vital positive relationships children need to help them navigate the challenges in their lives. 

Children in Need funds thousands of charities and projects in every corner of the UK, that support children and young people to feel and be safer, have improved mental health and wellbeing, form better, more positive relationships and be given more equal opportunities to flourish.

Mr Zah lead this charity event said: "Our students have been very generous to this charity. During our assembly on Wednesday, many students were amazed that children of  the same age as them did not have the same support networks available to them consistently across the country. Our students really are 'Big Hearted' and a credit to their families."

As an academy, we raised £244.04 for this charity. 

Term 02, Week 02 | Monday, 13 November 2023

Year 11 & Sixth Form Mock Exams | Year 11 and Sixth Form students will be sitting a series of mock exams across Term 02.  These are vital as some qualifications will be completing examinations as early as January 2024 so practise and preparation is important. The mock examinations will be a combination of examinations in the examination halls and in the classroom.  The mock exams are designed to allow students to:

The outcomes of these examinations will provide the students with their most likely grades for their final GCSE and A-Level outcomes. It is important that students prepare for these examinations using the revisions resources provided. The examination timetable can be found on our Assessments & Examinations Page. The first day of examinations will take place on Monday, 13 November.  

During the week of the exam, please ensure that students:

You can help your child prepare for their exams by encouraging them to revise over the half term. Students will have access to revision resources through Google Classroom. Some subjects have also provided students with printed resources, past papers and revision guides. Other strategies that you could use to help you child success are as follows:

During the week beginning, Monday, 13 November, there will be no before or after school interventions for Year 11 ONLY.  The afternoon examinations will be completed by 15:45. If you have any questions about the mock examination series, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Year 11 Food Science | This week, our Year 11 Food Scientists completed their practical examination where they investigated the outcomes of different sugars as part of their course. Ms Gaskin said: “Students conducted themselves like a true scientist. They had completed their research module in preparation for the day and had come up with a hypothesis based on their finds. Students conducted their experiments over the course of 06 hours. I am so proud of the way that they have conducted themselves and know that this can only mean great things for their final grade.” 

Academy Car Park | Driving safely in our car park is crucial to ensure the safety of our; students, pedestrians, other vehicles and passengers in other vehicles. Here are some tips for parents/carers to drive safely in our car park:

We would like all users of our car park to be mindful when using it and to follow our tips to help prevent accidents and keep everyone safe.

Extra-Curricular Update | Extra-curricular clubs have resumed from Monday, 06 November. Students will be continuing with the extra-curricular clubs they selected last term. There are also some new clubs that will be featuring this term which students are able to sign up to, such as table tennis club which happens every lunchtime run by Ms Goodrich. Ms Goodrich said: “We only started the Table Tennis club on Monday and the numbers have been fantastic. Students have been learning the rules and the different techniques for the game. We soon hope to be able to run tournaments once students have developed their skills.”

For a full list of our clubs, please click here. If you have any questions about extra-curricular club, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mr Choudhury, Assistant Principal: 

Science Masterclasses | We will be inviting our Year 11 students who are projected to gain Grade 7, 8, 9 to Saturday Science Masterclasses. The masterclasses are designed to support students in securing the higher grades in Mathematics. The hope that we are getting them as close to a Grade 9 as possible. The Masterclasses will take place virtually on Saturdays at 10am. 

The Science Masterclasses will taking place on the following dates:

Saturday, 18 November 2023 | Top Marks Data Analysis 

Saturday, 25 November 2023 | All Things Calculations 

Saturday,  02 December 2023 | Aceing Six Mark Practical Questions  

Saturday,  09 December 2023 | Tackling Topic Six Mark Questions 

If you have any questions regarding the Science Masterclasses, please contact Ms Ghai, Science Subject Lead ( or Ms Brunt, Science Subject Lead ( 

Inclusion [SEND and EAL]  | A warm welcome back to all our SEND & EAL students. We would like to just remind you all that we have a homework club running on Thursdays lunchtime and after school in C113. If you have a child in Year 11 and would like some additional support with their revision or coursework, they are also welcome to join. There is also an EAL club running on Wednesday after school in C104. This is a fun way for  students to meet and practise English conversation.   

Term 1 Progress Reports | Report Cards have been shared to your Parent Portal Account.  These sit under the Student Profile area, under reports.  If you need access to your account or have forgotten your password, please contact Ms Lynch via to request access.

Academy Council Elections Results | We had over 300 votes over the last two weeks of who you wanted to represent you as an Academy Council member. The two parent/carer positions for 2023/2024 are:

Congratulations to the elected members and everyone that has taken part in the process.  They will be shortly invited to the academy to meet with the Principal. 

Term 2 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | This term we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year.

Year 11X Band & Sixth Form Parents' Evening | Wednesday, 6 December 2023 | 16:00-19:00 | Priority appointments available for booking from Wednesday, 15 November 2023 for TWO weeks. Year 11Y Band & Sixth Form Parents' Evening | Thursday, 7 December 2023 | 16:00-19:00 | Priority appointments available for booking from Wednesday, 15 November 2023 for Two weeks. 

If you are not sure which band your child is in, please look at their timetable. Their English, Mathematics and Science lessons will have an X or a Y code next to the subject. 

From Monday, 27 November 2023, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Year 07, Year 08, Year 09, Year 10) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. Parents that completed the Google Form last term requesting support for booking, we will aim to book these for you but these might fall across different days. 

If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening dates, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager:

Poppy Appeal, THANK YOU! | Thank you to all our community members that have supported the Poppy Appeal this week. We have sold over 500 hundred poppies as an academy which is an amazing contribution to the Armed Forces Community. Our Year 08 students did a fantastic job selling poppies in the playground during break-time and lunch time. 

Term 02, Week 01 | Monday, 06 November 2023

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Term Two commences on Monday, 06 November 2023, at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here.

Remarkable Readiness | To ensure that every student is ready to have a great experience every lesson, every day, ask that parents/carers double-check that their child has the following: 

1) A bag packed with a Chromebook, headphones, charger and essential stationery; 

2) A fully charged Chromebook; 

3) A ParentPay account that is topped up and ready (for students purchasing lunch on-site); 

4) A washed PE Kit, which is prepared for the term ahead; 

5) A full school uniform; 

6) All lashes, nail polish, and acrylic nails are removed.

Parents/carers are also reminded of our uniform expectations, which can be found here. We would like the remind parents of the following:

If a student has lost or broken their Chromebook charger, please get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager, at

Jewellery | Uniform has been looking the best it has ever been and we are so proud of our students for making sure that they look smart in their business wear everyday. To stamp out issues with jewellery, if students wear jewellery to the academy this term, this will now be confiscated and returned at the end of the term on Tuesday, 19 December at 13:15. The academy does not take responsibility for lost or damaged items. 

Year 07 Timetables | Our Year 07 students have settled in remarkably to the academy over the last term. During Term 01, their core subject sets in English, Mathematics and Sciences were based on their Year 06 SATs results. We now have updated data from all of our Year 07 students which include:

Some students in Year 07 will have changes to your classes during the course of this term which they will be informed about by their class teachers and their calendars on Google. 

We will stagger the changes over three weeks to support students with change. The stagger will be as follows:

If you have any questions regarding set changes, please contact Ms Fisher, Data Manager ( 

Year 11 & Sixth Form Mock Exams | Year 11 and Sixth Form students will be sitting a series of mock exams across Term 02. This will be a combination of examinations in the examination halls and in the classroom. The outcomes of these examinations will provide the students with their most likely grades for their final GCSE and A-Level outcomes. It is important that students prepare for these examinations using the revisions resources provided. The examination timetable can be found on our Assessments & Examinations Page. The first day of examinations will take place on Monday, 13 November. During the week beginning, Monday, 13 November, there will be no before or after school interventions for Year 11 ONLY. If you have any questions about the mock examination series, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Year 11 & 13 Intervention | Our interventions will continue this term but there will be changes to the Year 11 timetable for the options subjects as following:

The Mathematics morning interventions will remain the same. If you have any questions regarding interventions, you can speak to the following staff members:

Year 11 Intervention | Ms Kelly, Year 11 Intervention Coordinator (

Sixth Interventions | Ms Gayle, Sixth Form Lead ( 

Year 13 Pre-Apprenticeships | Bridge to M&G is a unique pre-apprenticeship programme run by The Talent Foundry in partnership with M&G plc and international headhunters, Odgers Berndtson. Bridge to M&G offers students in Year 13 or S5/6 bespoke training and coaching sessions, to prepare them for the apprenticeship application process with M&G plc. Places for these workshops are free. To find out more about this opportunity, please see the flyer here. If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please contact Ms Gayle, Sixth Form Lead (

Every Child Everyday Campaign | Attending school daily is important for a child for their academic progress, development of social skills, mental health & wellbeing and much, much more. To help us understand some barriers to attending the academy daily, we would like to find out the view of parents/carers using this survey

Poppy Appeal | Each year during November, the country comes together on Remembrance Day to hold a 02 minute silence to remember people who have died in wars around the world. The Royal British Legion sells Poppies each year to raise money to support people in the Armed Forces community. To support the Armed Forces community, we will be selling Poppies to students, staff and community members in reception during break, lunch and afterschool. There is no maximum limit to the donations but we ask that the minimum donation is 20p.

Academy Council - Parent/Carer Member Elections | To support us in the continually improving of our academy, we would like the support of our parents/carers. The role of the Parent/Carer Member of the Academy Council is a prestigious role. This member will help to collate parent/carer views and bring them to the academy as well as support the academy in decision making to ensure all of our stakeholders are considered in decision making. We have three members of the community who have successfully come through the selection process to our election stage. The decision of who the two success Parent/Carer Members of the Academy will be are down to the local community. You can find out about the three parents/carers here. Once you have decided who you would like to present you on the Academy Council, please indicate your selection using this form. Voting will close on Friday, 10 November and the elected candidates will be announced on Saturday, 11 November. 

Term 01, Week 08 | Half-Term

Navaratri | Our Hindu community members are currently celebrating Navaratri. Navaratri is a time when Hindu devotees celebrate the goddess Durga for killing the demon, Mahishasura. Mahishasura was dedicated to a powerful god named Lord Braham who had gifted him with immortality. The gift was that he could never die. There was one condition, he could only be defeated by a woman. 

Mahishasura was not a kind man, he was harming humans and destroying the planet. Mahishasura never thought a woman could stop or harm him. Durga defeated him and put an end to his reign of terror on Earth. From Bexleyheath Academy, Happy Navarathri.

Year 11 & Sixth Form Half-Term Revision | Our students in Year 11 and Year 13 have been working incredibly hard this half-term preparing for their up and coming Stop the Clock mock examinations which are due to take place next half term. To support them in preparing for these and to ensure that students are consolidating knowledge and up-to-date with their coursework, we have collated work to be completed over the half-term from each of the subjects.

KS4 & KS5 | Autumn Revision 

If you have any questions about the work that has been set, please contact the relevant year group lead:

Year 11 | Ms C Pelton (

Sixth Form | Ms N Gayle (

Year 11 & Sixth Form Mock Exams | Year 11 and Sixth Form students will be sitting a series of mock exams across Term 02. This will be a combination of examinations in the examination halls and in the classroom. The outcomes of these examinations will provide the students with their most likely grades for their final GCSE and A-Level outcomes. It is important that students prepare for these examinations using the revisions resources provided. The examination timetable can be found on our Assessments & Examinations Page. If you have any questions about the mock examination series, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Year 11 Mathematics Revision | We are inviting all of our Year 11 students to attend the academy on Tuesday, 24 October from 10:00 - 12:15. The Mathematics department will be onsite and students will be completing a walk through of the full exam paper. Mr Uwaechi, Assistant Principal said: “Our Mathematicians have been making exceptional progress since their return in September. One of the key areas that we need to work on with students is examination skills and for this we need students for an extended period of time. The walk through is vital for further developing their skills and therefore we would like all students to attend to best prepare them for their mock examinations.”

Students can wear their own clothing for this event. Students will enter through the Asda Gate and will be working in the N-Block. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Mr Uwaechi ( 

Academy Council - Parent/Carer Member Elections | To support us in the continually improving of our academy, we would like the support of our parents/carers. The role of the Parent/Carer Member of the Academy Council is a prestigious role. This member will help to collate parent/carer views and bring them to the academy as well as support the academy in decision making to ensure all of our stakeholders are considered in decision making. We have three members of the community who have successfully come through the selection process to our election stage. The decision of who the two success Parent/Carer Members of the Academy will be are down to the local community. You can find out about the three parents/carers here. Once you have decided who you would like to present you on the Academy Council, please indicate your selection using this form

Every Child Everyday Campaign | Attending school daily is important for a child for their academic progress, development of social skills, mental health & wellbeing and much, much more. To help us understand some barriers to attending the academy daily, we would like to find out the view of parents/carers using this survey

Free School Meal Vouchers | Families entitled to FSM will have received an email containing the eCode Voucher for your Autumn Term Break and Christmas Break.  If your child is in receipt of FSM and you have not received an email by Monday, 23 October, please contact us via  If you think you may be eligible and are not currently in receipt of FSM, please complete this form. If you have any questions regarding Free School Meals, please contact Debbie Fisher, Data Manager ( 

SEND | We know that the half-term can be a very stressful time for students, especially those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for whom changes in their routine can be very unsettling. ASD is a neurodiversity which creates barriers for people with social communication and interactions. People with ASD will often behave in different ways, learn in different ways and move in different ways. To find out more about ASD, please click here

It is important for students and their families to plan out their time so that there is a new predictable routine set up for the holidays. The Inclusion team has created this planner  to support students to organise their half-term giving it predictability and meaningfulness. Do not forget that rest is also important and a little bit of reading daily can go a long way! 

Term 01, Week 07 | End-of-Term 

End-of-Term Arrangements | Term one ends on Friday, 20 October 2023, at 15.10. Term two commences on Monday, 06 November 2023. 

Chromebooks | Chromebooks are vital for lessons at Bexleyheath Academy. They not only enhance the learning in lessons but they are also a key part of the way lessons are structured. We would like to remind parents, carers and students that Chroembooks are to be brought to the academy right until the end of the term. These should be fully charged ready for the day. Please can you check that bags are packed ready for Monday with the following items:

If there are any issues with Chromebooks, students can take these to the Learning Resources Centre. If you would like to speak to someone regarding Chromebooks, please contact Mrs Fisher, Data Manager ( 

Year 11 & Sixth Form Half-Term Revision | Our students in Year 11 and Year 13 have been working incredibly hard this half-term preparing for their up and coming Stop the Clock mock examinations which are due to take place next half term. To support them in preparing for these and to ensure that students are consolidating knowledge and up-to-date with their coursework, we have collated work to be completed over the half-term from each of the subjects.

KS4 & KS5 | Autumn Revision 

If you have any questions about the work that has been set, please contact the relevant year group lead:

Year 11 | Ms C Pelton (

Sixth Form | Ms N Gayle (

Ms Pelton, Year 11 Lead said: “We have been so proud of how our Year 11 students have embarrassed the additional support that they have received in the form of interventions this term. We are really looking forward to how they perform in their mock exams next term. At the end of this term, students will be provided with loan revision guides to support them with revision. These revision guides are to be returned to the academy after the examinations. We hope that these revision guides will also support parents/carers in testing their children at home across their subjects.” 

Spotlight | Drama Club | Drama Club is a growing community which allows students to:

Students develop skills in the different drama disciplines over the course of the term. We hope to showcase some of the pieces that they have been developing in Term 02.  

Mental Health Awareness | Our Sports department supports students on a weekly basis in working towards developing positive mental health mindsets through their Workout of the Week (WOW) sessions. This week, in line with Mental Health Awareness Day, during their sports lessons students have been discussing strategies of how to develop positive mental health mindsets. All students this week took part in a 'walk and talk' to raise awareness on how important it is to not only exercise but to talk to those around us when we have some worries. Students were provided with a fact sheet about mental health and some questions that they could ask each other whilst walking and talking. 

Lost Property | We have an ever-growing Lost Property collection, which contains coats, blazers, shoes and much more. If your child has lost an item, please look at the Gallery of Lost Property on this page. If you recognise an item, please encourage your child to go to the library, where Ms Eldridge safely stores any lost items.  At the end of each term, items not collected will be used to support other students, given to charity, or destroyed.

Please and Thank You! | Our reception team is an integral part of how the school operates. Ms Bird and Ms Hurst have been manning the reception desks for over a decade and know our students and families very well due to their daily interactions. They support families with their: daily queries, help students and parents top up their Parent Pay accounts, help families in applying for free school meals, provide students with replacement timetables, support families with uniform concerns and much, much more.  They are a source of help for both family and staff members and we wanted the Bexleyheath Academy to recognise the great things they do on a daily basis. We understand that sometimes things can frustrate parents/carers and the reception team are the first people that you speak to; however, we ask you to speak to them with respect and kindness just as you would expect staff to speak to you. 

SEND | We have added a lunchtime  homework club for students who are not able to join the after school homework club we run. This will take place on Thursday Lunchtimes in room 113. Any student wishing to join can speak with Mr Choudhury or their Pastoral Manager to be directed on the day. If you have any questions about homework support for students with SEND, please contact us via the SEND Enquiry Form. Next week, we will be focusing on Autism to help the Bexleyheath community understand what Autism is and how this makes people incredible. We will also be advising community members how you can support people with this neurodiversity over the two week holiday period. 

Canteen Menu and Pricing | The school canteen is run by Aspens Catering. The canteen has two service points of the day:

The canteen menu is consistent daily however, during lunchtime, the main menu will vary from Monday to Thursday. This is to ensure that students experience a range of different cuisines. There have been some changes to the pricing of items which can be found here

To allow the canteen tills to have quick service, it is important for students to bring their lunch cards to the academy. When students do not bring their lunch card, this slows down the till operations and increases the wait time for everyone else. If your child has lost their lunch card, another card can be ordered at the till at the cost of £1.50. You can pay for this card by ensuring that sufficient funds are available on your child’s Parent Pay card. 

Parents’ Evening Bookings | We have been amazed at the number of bookings that have been made by parents/carers for parents’ evenings. This is the highest number of bookings we have had in comparison to previous events. We ask that if you know that you are unable to attend a meeting slot that you cancel this slot to allow other parents to book these. On Thursday, we had over 300 year 07 bookings but 45 appointments where not attended which could have been passed on to other parents/carers on the waiting list if these were cancelled prior to the appointment taking place. If you have been unable to book a slot with one of your children’s teachers we would like to remind parents that there are still five more parents’ evenings this academic year. We will be holding two of these next term. For parents/carers who have not been able to book an appointment with specific teachers that they wanted to see, we will be support these parents/carers by booking a maximum of three appointments with subject teachers on their behalf for the next Parents’ Evenings on:

If you would like us to help you book appointments, please complete this form. We will not be able to accommodate specific dates or times for these events. The appointments that we book might fall across the two dates.  

If you have any questions about Parents’ Evenings, please contact Mrs Fisher ( 

Spotlight | U14 Girls Football Team | Our U15 Girls Football Team did it again this week. They won 14-0 against Haberdashers Knights Academy in an EPIC win. Mr Sheehan, Faculty Director of Sports said: “The girls team were training hard last night ready for their next match. We are so proud of these students who are not only flourishing in their academic studies but also managed their time to train for these matches and WIN.” Amelia (Year 10) is eager for students that ‘scored’ to get a shout out on Latest News:

We can not wait to hear about the next match outcomes.

Term 01, Week 06 | Week Commencing, Monday, 16 October 2023

Year 11 & Sixth Form Half-Term Revision | Our students in Year 11 and Year 13 have been working incredibly hard this half-term preparing for their up and coming Stop the Clock mock examinations which are due to take place next half term. To support them in preparing for these and to ensure that students are consolidating knowledge and up-to-date with their coursework, we have collated work to be completed over the half-term from each of the subjects.

KS4 & KS5 | Autumn Revision 

If you have any questions about the work that has been set, please contact the relevant year group lead:

Year 11 | Ms C Pelton (

Sixth Form | Ms N Gayle (

Key Contacts for Year 11 | There has been a change to our Year 11 team. Should you have any questions or concerns please direct these to the following staff members:

Year 11 Lead | Ms C Pelton (

Year 11 Intervention Programme | Ms D Kelly (

Year 11 Pastoral Support | Ms T Bulford (

SEND Updates | This week, we have replied to a number of enquiries from parents about helping their child with SEND to revise. Studies have shown that information must always be applied or manipulated in order to pass from short term to long term memory so activities that involve summarising, categorising or analysing will help students remember what they read. During their reading lessons this week the students have been taught how to read their knowledge organisers and answer key questions to support knowledge retention. At home, students can create flashcards with key terms on one side and a definition or explanation on the other to help them revise. If you have any questions around revision, memory and SEND please use the Bexleyheath Academy SEND Enquiry Form to make an enquiry.

Year 07 - 11 Flu Vaccinations | The NHS nurses were onsite this week to administer flu vaccinations. If your child missed this due to being absent on the day, you will now need to make an appointment directly with you GP. 

Canteen Menu and Pricing | The school canteen is run by Aspens Catering. The canteen has two service points of the day:

The canteen menu is consistent daily however, during lunchtime, the main menu will vary from Monday to Thursday. This is to ensure that students experience a range of different cuisines. There have been some changes to the pricing of items which can be found here

To allow the canteen tills to have quick service, it is important for students to bring their lunch cards to the academy. When students do not bring their lunch card, this slows down the till operations and increases the wait time for everyone else. If your child has lost their lunch card, another card can be ordered at the till at the cost of £1.50. You can pay for this card by ensuring that sufficient funds are available on your child’s Parent Pay card.

Attendance & Punctuality | There is an expectation that students attend the academy everyday as well as on-time unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students who consistently miss school are likely face the following issues:

If you need help or support in getting your child into the academy, please contact Ms Kelly, Family Liaison Officer (

Homework Updates | We are pleased that nearly all students completed their homework this week. It is good to see that parents/carers used the two weeks at the start of the term to ensure that students could access the platforms. We strongly encourage parents to continue to remind their children about homework. Homework supports learning and helps students recall what they are taught. Remember, it is not a test, students can get help from their teachers within the week if they struggle with any of the task set. The platforms that are used by the academy also support students by teaching the content before they answer a series of questions regarding it. 

When a child is issued a homework detention, during this detention students are supported in completing the next piece of homework to minimise the chance of the homework not being completed. If they are also struggling with anything, staff are able to resolve these issues with them. 

To further support our SEND students, we hold a Homework Club on a Thursday and Friday from 15:15 - 16:00 where our staff are available to support students with homework completion. If you have any questions regarding reading, please contact Mr Uwaechi ( 

Year 11 Mathematics Revision | We are inviting all of our Year 11 students to attend the academy on Tuesday, 24 October from 10:00 - 12:15. The Mathematics department will be onsite and students will be completing a walk through of the full exam paper. Mr Uwaechi, Assistant Principal said: “Our Mathematicians have been making exceptional progress since their return in September. One of the key areas that we need to work on with students is examination skills and for this we need students for an extended period of time. The walk through is vital for further developing their skills and therefore we would like all students to attend to best prepare them for their mock examinations.”

Students can wear their own clothing for this event. Students will enter through the Asda Gate and will be working in the N-Block. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Mr Uwaechi ( 

Year 09 Options | Year 09 students are set to make important decisions regarding their GCSE options in this academic year. Students will select subjects to study in Year 10 and 11 from a range of options that qualify for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) - a set of subjects that keeps young people’s options open for further study and future careers. Mr Cooper, Year 09 year group leader said: “The EBacc is made up of the subjects that are considered essential to many degrees and open up lots of doors: in addition to studying the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, pupils will be invited to select a Humanities subject (History or Geography) and a Modern Foreign Language, in addition to other subjects of their choosing. Students will receive further information about their options over the course of the year, including what the curriculum entails, guidance on how subjects are assessed at GCSE,  and the career opportunities that subjects can enhance: look out for further information about Year 09 Options Evening in the Spring Term!”.

If you have any questions about Year 09 Options, please contact Mr Cooper ( 

School Photographs | At the start of the term, students had their photographs professionally taken by Tempest. Students have collected the proofs of these from their pastoral managers over the course of the week. If you have still not received these, please encourage your child to pick this up from the relevant pastoral manager. 

Stationary | Stationary is an important part of the equipment we require students to bring to the academy. Whilst we use Chromebooks in most lessons, written communication continues to be a staple part of each lesson. Please can we ask that you check that your child is bring the following stationary to the academy daily:

If you are struggling to purchase stationary for your child, please contact Ms Eldridge ( 

Parents’ Evening Bookings | We have been amazed at the number of bookings that have been made by parents/carers for parents’ evenings. This is the highest number of bookings we have had in comparison to previous events. We ask that if you know that you are unable to attend a meeting slot that you cancel this slot to allow other parents to book these. If you have been unable to book a slot with one of your children’s teachers we would like to remind parents that there are still five more parents’ evenings this academic year. We will be holding two of these next term. For parents/carers who have not been able to book an appointment with specific teachers that they wanted to see, we will be support these parents/carers by booking a maximum of three appointments with subject teachers on their behalf for the next Parents’ Evenings on:

If you would like us to help you book appointments, please complete this form. We will not be able to accommodate specific dates or times for these events. The appointments that we book might fall across the two dates.  

If you have any questions about Parents’ Evenings, please contact Mrs Fisher ( 

Mathematics Masterclasses | Year 11 students who are projected to gain Grade 7, 8, 9 are invited to our Saturday Mathematics Masterclasses. The masterclasses are designed to support students in securing the higher grades in Mathematics. The Masterclasses will take place virtually on Saturday at 10am. xxxxxxxxx

The last Mathematics Masterclasses for this term will on:

Saturday,  14 October 2023 | Approaches to Circle Theorems Masterclass 

If you have any questions regarding the Mathematics Masterclasses, please contact Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal ( 

Year 11 & Year 13 Grades | Students sat a series of mocks in the Summer 2023. The mock results that were reported in the Term 06 reports were a reflection of how they performed in these assessments. However, students did not complete a full series of papers. The mock examinations in the summer were designed to help students:

In Term 02, in November, students will be completing their first series of full papers in most of their subjects. The results of these examinations will determine what their most likely grade will be for the Summer 2024 examinations. Therefore, it is essential that students do the following so that the academy and you can have an accurate picture of strengths and weaknesses of each student:

We will be sharing the examination timetable at the end of this term. If you have any questions regarding examinations, please contact Ms Irene Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Term 01, Week 05 | Week Commencing, Monday, 09 October 2023

SEND Support | Clubs are very important for students with SEND as they help develop  social and communication skills. There are two clubs run by the Inclusion Team which are tailored to the needs of students with SEND. On Mondays after school we run Lego Club, which is an evidence based intervention for students with social communication needs and ASD. On Thursday and Friday after school we run Homework Club to support any students who may struggle to complete their homework online independently. Attending this club will mean most of the homework expected will be completed on site with support, and students will not need to worry about homework at home. We understand that some students with SEND struggle with attending any provision after school. If this is the case, then please support your child to choose a lunchtime club. If you need any support around the mandatory clubs for your child with SEND please contact us via this form.  

Attendance & Punctuality | There is an expectation that students attend the academy everyday as well as on-time unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students who consistently miss school are likely face the following issues:

If you need help or support in getting your child into the academy, please contact Ms Kelly, Family Liaison Officer (

Football Success, Again! | Our Year 10 girls football team won 7-0 against Chislehurst School for Girls. What an amazing win! Bexleyheath talent shines again.  Our Year 10 girls were joined by some of our new Year 07 and 08 students who worked together for this epic win. With this quality of performance, we will win the Under 15s Cup soon!

Spotlight | Warhammer Club | Warhammer clubs is a popular club which runs on Friday afternoon. The club is run by our local police officers PC Watson and PC Whitcombe. In this club, students build their own action figures and paint them with detail. Students will then use these action figures to play a table top miniature war game.  Students in the club have said the following:

Online Safety | The banning of mobile phones in the academy has had a significant reduction on the sharing of inappropriate content. However, children still require support to help them make the right decisions when they leave the academy. There has been a national increase in inappropriate and sexual behaviour online through mobile phones. We continue to educate students in the academy regarding the dangers when using the internet. Often, content is shared with children beyond their control, sometimes your child might see content online that is upsetting, like violent or pornographic content. However, they may not feel comfortable sharing the fact that this has happened. We recommend that parents/carers do the following:

To help parents/carers understand the issues linked with mobile phones and how to help their child, we have provided links to articles created by the NSPCC below:

We would like to remind parents/cares that mobile phone use is banned in the academy. Should students be caught using their mobile phones, these will be confiscated. 

Mathematics Masterclasses | Year 11 students who are projected to gain Grade 7, 8, 9 are invited to our Saturday Mathematics Masterclasses. The masterclasses are designed to support students in securing the higher grades in Mathematics. The Masterclasses will take place virtually on Saturday at 10am. Mr Uwaechi, Assistant Principal said: “Today, we focused on Advanced Probability. Students spent the golden hour this morning understanding how to approach these questions in their up and coming mock examinations. It was great to hear such intellectual conversations this morning as students problem solved the morning away. We look forward to seeing students next week.”

The Mathematics Masterclasses will taking place on the following dates: 

Saturday,  07 October 2023 | Algebraic Fractions Masterclass 

Saturday,  14 October 2023 | Solving Quadratics Using Completing the Square Method Masterclass 

If you have any questions regarding the Mathematics Masterclasses, please contact Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal ( 

Year 11 & Year 13 Grades | Students sat a series of mocks in the Summer 2023. The mock results that were reported in the Term 06 reports were a reflection of how they performed in these assessments. However, students did not complete a full series of papers. The mock examinations in the summer were designed to help students:

In Term 02, in November, students will be completing their first series of full papers in most of their subjects. The results of these examinations will determine what their most likely grade will be for the Summer 2024 examinations. Therefore, it is essential that students do the following so that the academy and you can have an accurate picture of strengths and weaknesses of each student:

We will be sharing the examination timetable at the end of this term. If you have any questions regarding examinations, please contact Ms Irene Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Term 01 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | This term we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year. Year 07 Parents' Evening | Thursday, 12 October 2023 | 16:00-19:00 |  Priority appointments were available booking from Monday 25 September 2023 for ONE week. If Year 07 parents/carers missed the opportunity to book an appointment with some of their teachers there will be two Parents’ Evenings next half term that they can book appointments for. 

From Monday, 2 October 2023, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Y08, Y09, Y10, Y11, Y12 and Y13) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher. As many of our teachers do not teach Y07, this will provide all parents/carers with additional opportunities to meet with their child's teachers.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager (

Year 07 - 11 Flu Immunisations | The NHS staff will be onsite on Friday, 06 October to administer the Flu Immunisation to students in Year 07 - 11. Only students who's parents/carers have provided consent for this will be able to have this immunisation. The closing date for consent is Monday, 02 October. The NHS have provided this letter to parents/carers to read about the immunisation. You may also find the following documents from the NHS useful:

Term 01, Week 04 | Week Commencing, Monday 03 October 2023

Yom Kippur | Tomorrow, our Jewish community members will be celebrating Yom Kippur. This is the holiest day of the Jewish year. During this period devotees will ask god for forgiveness for the wrongdoings of themselves and other fellow human beings. From Bexleyheath Academy; “Good Yuntif”. 

Term 1 Priority Parent’ Evening’s | This term, we will be providing Parent’s/Carer’s the opportunity to book appointments with all their child's subject teachers to discuss their engagement, progress, and attainment this year. Y07 Parents' Evening | Thursday, 12 October 2023 | 16:00-19:00 |  Priority appointments available for booking from Monday 25 September 2023 for ONE week. You will receive an email when the event is live. 

From Monday, 2 October 2023, parents/carers in the remaining year groups (Y08, Y09, Y10, Y11, Y12 and Y13) will also be able to book appointments with any available teacher. As many of our teachers do not teach Y07, this will provide all parents/carers with additional opportunities to meet with their child's teachers.  These events will take place virtually. Parents/carers can book virtual appointments using our online booking system. Appointments are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. Information on booking appointments can be found on the Parents' Evening page of the Academy's website. If you have any questions regarding our Parents' Evening’s, don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager (

Football Success! | Our Year 11 football team played their first match for the Kent Cup this term. Our team came head-to-head with Stationers' Crown Woods on Tuesday in an away game. Our Year 11 team won the match 7 - 1.  A great win for Bexleyheath Academy. Mr Sheehan, Sports Faculty Director said: "Our team have been training consistently for the past few years. The win against Stationers' Crown Woods highlights the sheer talent of our students as well as the team training them. We are now in the next stage of the tournament and  the team are focused on continuing to work as a team to ensure the next win is as successful."

Extra-Curricular Clubs | Students across KS3 have had the opportunity to sign up for extra-curricular clubs this week. All extra-curricular clubs will start from Monday, 25 September 2023. Please see the timetable for extra-curricular clubs here. Ms Choudhury, Assistant Principal said: “Students have been excited to sign up to clubs this week. There has been some disappointment as some of our students did not manage to book onto a club in time before it became full. We have asked students not to be disheartened as they can sign up to these clubs next term, these students will still be attending their second preference. This shows the commitment and passion from our Bexleyheath Academy students who value clubs. We will update you on the club's successes over the next few weeks.” If you have any questions about clubs, please contact Mr Choudhury, Assistant Principal ( 

Year 13 Intervention Classes | Year 13 will be starting Period 00 (08:00 to 08:40) and Period 05 (15:10 - 16:10) from Monday, 25 September. This allows students additional lessons for all of their subjects which we know makes a measurable impact in both bridging gaps in knowledge and boosting attainment. It is important to note that period 00 and period 05 classes are not optional and form part of the Academy Day for students in Year 13. Ms Gayle, Assistant Principal said: “Our Year 13 students are eager for success and these tailored interventions will support them in their academic success. I have been very proud of the Year 13 students who have returned to the academy with focus and drive to end their year on a high. It has been amazing to see their contributions during their Personal Development lessons when talking about pathways after Sixth Form. They have the right mindset! I look forward to seeing their mock results in November.” If you have any questions regarding Sixth Form, please contact Ms Gayle, Assistant Principal ( 

Year 13 Letter to Parents

Careers Meetings | Our careers meeting for Year 11 and Year 13 have started. Students have been meeting with a careers advisor to discuss what they would like to do in the future. During the meeting the careers adviser:

Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal said: “I have spoken to all the students that have had their careers meetings so far and it has been interesting to see the depth of thought that they are not giving to their future plans. I have been proud to see some of the students starting to work on their action plans and so students who return to lessons with a renewed sense of focus in order to improve their grades. All students will be seen by January 2024.” If you have any questions about careers, please contact Dr Lucas ( 

Uniform Expectations | We have a high expectation of our students and this includes the way they address the academy. We would like to thank parents/carers for checking their child’s uniform to ensure that they are adhering to the academy uniform policy. The academy uniform policy can be found here. Wearing school uniform is important for many reasons:

If you have any questions regarding uniform, please contact Ms Delver, Vice-Principal ( 

Attendance & Punctuality | There is a national expectation that students attend the academy everyday as well as on-time unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students who consistently miss school are likely face the following issues:

We thank parents and carers for working with us to ensure that students attend the academy daily. If you need help or support in getting your child into the academy, please contact Ms Kelly, Family Liaison Officer (

Mathematics Masterclasses | We will be inviting our Year 11 students who are projected to gain Grade 7, 8, 9 to Saturday Mathematics Masterclasses. The masterclasses are designed to support students in securing the higher grades in Mathematics. The Masterclasses will take place virtually on Saturday at 10am. Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal said: “It was great to see so many keen mathematicians joining us this morning to help them in their pathway to securing a grade 7 - 9 and most importantly, proving opportunities to help students move closer to a grade 9. We look forward to seeing them all next week for the Advance Probability Masterclass.”

The Mathematics Masterclasses will taking place on the following dates: 

Saturday, 30 September 2023 | Advanced Probability Masterclass 

Saturday,  07 October 2023 | Algebraic Fractions Masterclass 

Saturday,  14 October 2023 | Solving Quadratics Using Completing the Square Method Masterclass 

If you have any questions regarding the Mathematics Masterclasses, please contact Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal (

Open Events | Our Year 06 Open Evening last Wednesday was a huge success. We have had over 500 parents join us for this event. Along with Open Mornings, we have a series of events for prospective year 06 students and families to join which can be found on the school website and booked  online. Unlike most schools, we are opening our academy doors to parents/carers for a period of 04 weeks. We believe the best way to make a decision about your child's education is by seeing the academy in operation. Each week, we are inviting 150 families to the academy. We released our booking slots on Thursday, 21 September for the week commencing Monday, 25 September and they were booked in 5 mins 23 seconds. We will be releasing booking slots for the week commencing Monday, 02 October on Sunday, 01 October at 12:00. 

Homework | Homework is set on Monday mornings and due the following Sunday at midnight. Students in Year 07-10 complete homework in core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science. English and Science is completed on Tassomai. Students are expected to reach 100% of their weekly goal each week. They do not need to answer a particular number of questions. Maths is completed on Mathswatch. Students are expected to complete 100% of the work set, with over 50% of the questions answered correctly. A homework reminder will be sent to parents every Thursday. A homework report will be sent to parents/carers on Monday of each week. If students do not complete their homework they will stay after school until 16:00. Each subject has a different detention day: Wednesday for English, Thursday for Mathematics and Friday for Science. Parents/carers will be contacted about the detention ahead of time. If students need support with their homework or if you have questions, please speak with Mr Uwaechi ( 

SEND Communication | Last Thursday, we held our first SEND Information Evening which was well attended and where our new SENCO Ms Comiskey introduced herself. The students and their families enjoyed hearing from their Learning Support Assistants as well. We have launched our new Bexleyheath Academy SEND Inquiries Form to ensure that parents/carers and professionals are able to receive advice and feedback for their enquiries more quickly and efficiently.  

Free School Meal Eligibility | Here at Bexleyheath Academy we want all of our children to thrive and be fully engaged in their learning.  A healthy mind and body feed a child's drive to learn and we believe every child deserves that opportunity.   Your child may be able to get free school meals if you receive any of the following: 

● Income Support 

● Income-based Jobseekers Allowance 

● Income-related Employment and Support Allowance 

● Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 

● The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit 

● Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) 

● Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit 

● Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you may get)

Our current cashless system ensures confidentiality and funds would be uploaded daily to your Parent Pay account.

We will be more than happy to make an application on your behalf and ask you to complete this short Guardian Information form or alternatively, if you meet the criteria above, you can then apply via the following links: or to apply via London Borough of Bexley website 

If your child is eligible for free school meals, they will remain eligible until they finish the phase of schooling (primary or secondary) that they are currently in on 31 March 2023.

Year 07 - 11 Flu Immunisations | The NHS staff will be onsite on Friday, 06 October to administer the Flu Immunisation to students in Year 07 - 11. Only students who's parents/carers have provided consent for this will be able to have this immunisation. The closing date for consent is Monday, 02 October. The NHS have provided this letter to parents/carers to read about the immunisation. You may also find the following documents from the NHS useful:

RSE Curriculum | During the course of the year, students will be taught about relationships and sex. You will be able to see the content covered in Personal Development lessons here. We will also hold drop down days in the summer term that specifically focus on these topics. If you have any questions or would like to opt out of the drop down days, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Term 01, Week 03 | Week Commencing, Monday, 23 September 2023

Rosh Hashanah | This weekend, our Jewish community members will be celebrating Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah is a Jewish festival that marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year. This holiday celebrates the creation of the world according to the Jewish Faith. From Bexleyheath Academy; “Shanah Tovah Umtukah”. 

Thank You! | We would like to say a big thank you to all our Bexleyheath Academy community members. We asked for your support in mitigating uniform infringements and now the students are looking even more smarter this academic year. We asked for your support in stopping mobile usage in the academy and the feedback from parents/carers has been incredible. We would like to share some of the feedback with you:

We are still working to correct skirt lengths. Skirts must be knee length at the shortest length. Our pastoral team have been working with parents to ensure these are corrected over the next few weeks. 

Rewards Points | Students are issued Remarkable Character Points when they demonstrate remarkable characteristics both in and out of lessons. Students will receive points for the following characteristics:

Students can also gain Remarkable Character Point for the following:

If you would like to see how any points have been awarded and why your child has been awarded these points, please click here for a one minute guide to this. If you have any questions about rewards points, please contact your relevant year group lead. 

Year 07 & Year 08 Lead | Mr Choudhury, Assistant Principal (

Year 09 & 10 Lead | Mr Cooper, Assistant Principal (

Year 11 Lead | Cherise Pelton (

Sixth Form Lead | Ms Gayle, Assistant Principal (

Fizzy Drinks & Chewing Gum | We would like to remind parents/carers that fizzy drinks and chewing gum are not permitted at the academy. If found, these items will be confiscated and disposed of. 

Mathematics Masterclasses | We will be inviting our Year 11 students who are projected to gain Grade 7, 8, 9 to Saturday Mathematics Masterclasses. The masterclasses are designed to support students in securing the higher grades in Mathematics. The Masterclasses will take place virtually on Saturdays at 10am. Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal said: “Students will be invited to Google Classroom where there will be a meeting link for these events. We are very proud to have such talented Mathematicians and would like them all to have the opportunity to secure a grade closer to a Grade 9 by providing them a bespoke curriculum. This cohort of students will have the strongest Mathematics results in the history of the school's examination results.”

The Mathematics Masterclasses will taking place on the following dates:

Saturday, 23 September 2023 | 3D Pythagoras Masterclass 

Saturday, 30 September 2023 | Advanced Probability Masterclass 

Saturday,  07 October 2023 | Algebraic Fractions Masterclass 

Saturday,  14 October 2023 | Solving Quadratics Using Completing the Square Method Masterclass 

If you have any questions regarding the Mathematics Masterclasses, please contact Dr Lucas, Assistant Principal (

Vaping | Vaping or e-cigarettes were developed to help smokers quit cigarettes. The NHS and government guidance is clear that vaping is not for anyone under the age of 18 as they often contain highly addictive nicotine. This is because their developing lungs and brains are more sensitive to its addictive effects. To help students make informed decisions, students are taught about the harmful effects of nicotine and vaping in their personal development and science lessons. We are aware that vaping and being in possession of vapes is a national issue and concern for young people. We would like parents/carers to complete the following steps to ensure that vapes are not brought to the academy:

The academy will conduct random bag searches to ensure that our students are safe in our academy. The academy has a zero tolerance to these items so sanctions will be applied should students be found in possession of these. 

Homework Begins | Our Year 07 - 10 students will be set their second piece of homework for this academic year on Monday, 18 September. They will only receive homework for core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science this term. Last week, we asked parents, carers and students to check if:

 This was to help students to get back into the habit of completing homework but to also resolve any issues that they might have with using their platforms or with logging on. This week, should students not complete their homework by Sunday, 24 September, Homework Workshops will be issued to students for the following week. 

The platforms that we will be using for homework for each subject are as follows:

Parents have asked questions this week regarding the use of Maths Watch. Please find a video to help you use this platform here. Students do not need to provide their username and password to login, they can click on Google Sign in. 

Homework is issued on a Monday and the window for completion closes on Sunday. If you have any questions regarding homework, please contact Mr Uwaechi, Assistant Principal ( 

Issues with Emails | Many schools are currently experiencing issues with sending emails to parents/carers using certain email providers. We are currently working with the email providers to resolve this issue.  If you have not heard back from a staff member after sending an email you might have sent, please contact reception to receive a call back instead.  These may be due to them not receiving or being able to send a response. 

SEND Update | Bexleyheath Academy is an inclusive school and we hope our students and their families feel supported as we begin our new academic year. We look forward to speaking with parents/carers during our SEND evening on the Thursday, 21 September and hope to work with you all  to achieve the best for our young people with SEND. If you have any questions and concerns about SEND or your child specifically, please contact Ms Leonie Elliott-Graves, Assistant Principal ( A link to the event will be sent to all parents by Tuesday, 19 September. 

Extra-Curricular Clubs | Our Sports clubs started this week and attendance has been strong. It was great to see so many Year 07 students wanting to join our sports activities. A club will help develop the child's self-esteem, self-confidence, moral, social and interaction skills. Clubs can also help build friendships as they share interests. Attending clubs helps to broaden children's interests, introducing key skills which will be useful later in life. At Bexleyheath Academy, we would like our students to attend one club per term. The club's calendar can be found here. A club preference form will be emailed to students this week so that they can request a place for a club as spaces are limited. Each term, students can reapply to attend a new club so each club has fair access for everyone. If you have any questions about Clubs, please contact Mr Choudhury, Assistant Principal ( 

Year 07 - 11 Flu Immunisations | The NHS staff will be onsite on Friday, 06 October to administer the Flu Immunisation to students in Year 07 - 11. Only students who's parents/carers have provided consent for this will be able to have this immunisation. The closing date for consent is Monday, 02 October. The NHS have provided this letter to parents/carers to read about the immunisation. You may also find the following documents from the NHS useful:

RSE Curriculum | During the course of the year, students will be taught about relationships and sex. You will be able to see the content covered in Personal Development lessons here. We will also hold drop down days in the summer term that specifically focus on these topics. If you have any questions or would like to opt out of the drop down days, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Term 01, Week 02 | Week Commencing, Monday, 18 September 2023

Janmashtami | This week, our Hindu community members were celebrating Janmashtami. Janmashtami is the celebration of the birth of Lord Krishna. During Janmashtami, devotees will fast, pray, sing and prepare Krishna’s favourite dishes. We hope that those who celebrated Janmashtami had a great day. 

Academy Photo Day | On Tuesday, 12 September, we will be holding our annual academy photo day. Students will have their professional photos taken by Tempest. Parents/carers will be able to purchase these photos directly from Tempest next term. We would like to remind parents/carers that in line with our academy  uniform policy, students are not permitted to wear:

Extra-Curricular Activities | Extra-curricular clubs help students develop their self-esteem, self-confidence, moral, social and inter-personal skills. Clubs can also help students  build friendships across the school community. Clubs also helps to broaden students’ interests, introducing key skills which will be useful later in life. At Bexleyheath Academy, we would like our students to attend one club per term. 

Over the course of the next two weeks, students will have the opportunity to join an extra-curricular club. Clubs  will run at lunch times and after school giving all students an opportunity to participate. Students will rotate clubs each term, providing them with an opportunity to try different things and develop a range of  skills. Please see a list of clubs being offered below with the skills that each club will help students develop and an outline of what students will be working towards in each club.  The clubs list can be found here. We will be sharing the finalised clubs timetable next weekend. If you have any questions about Clubs, please contact Mr Choudhury, Assistant Principal ( 

Year 11 Interventions Begin | The ‘Year 11 Extended Day Study Support’ commences on Monday, 11 September at 8am. Students in Mathematic X Band will need to arrive to the academy at 08:00. This additional academic provision is testament to our dedicated teaching staff and their aspirations for all students at our ‘big-hearted’ academy.  For further information, please see this schedule.

SEND Update | Bexleyheath Academy is an inclusive school and we hope our students and their families feel supported as we begin our new academic year. We look forward to speaking with parents/carers during our SEND evening on the Thursday, 21 September and hope to work with you all  to achieve the best for our young people with SEND. If you have any questions and concerns about SEND or your child specifically, please contact Ms Leonie Elliott-Graves, Assistant Principal ( Due to issues we are currently experiencing with certain email accounts, we will send a Google Meet link to the meeting closer to the time to ensure that everyone receives the link.  

Homework Begins | Our Year 07 - 10 students will be set their first piece of homework for this academic year on Monday, 11 September. They will only receive homework for core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science this term. For the first week, we will not be issuing any homework workshops for lack of completion. This is to help student to get back into the habit of completing homework but to also resolve any issues that they might have with using their platforms or with logging on. This week, please can you check the following with your child:

The platforms that we will be using for homework for each subject are as follows:

Homework is issued on a Monday and the window for completion closes on Sunday. If you have any questions regarding homework, please contact Mr Uwaechi, Assistant Principal ( 

Issues with Emails | Many schools are currently experiencing issues with sending emails to parents/carers using certain email providers. We are currently working with the email providers to resolve this issue.  If you have not heard back from a staff member after sending an email you might have sent, please contact reception to receive a call back instead.  These may be due to them not receiving or being able to send a response. 

Year 07 - 11 Flu Immunisations | The NHS staff will be onsite on Friday, 06 October to administer the Flu Immunisation to students in Year 07 - 11. Only students who's parents/carers have provided consent for this will be able to have this immunisation. The closing date for consent is Monday, 02 October. The NHS have provided this letter to parents/carers to read about the immunisation. You may also find the following documents from the NHS useful:

RSE Curriculum | During the course of the year, students will be taught about relationships and sex. You will be able to see the content covered in Personal Development lessons here. We will also hold drop down days in the summer term that specifically focus on these topics. If you have any questions or would like to opt out of the drop down days, please contact Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal ( 

Term 01, Week 01 | Week Commencing, Monday, 11 September 2023 

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Year 07 and Year 12 | Term one commences on Wednesday, 06 September 2023, at 08:30. 

Start-of-Term Arrangements | All other year groups | Term one commences on Thursday, 07 September 2023, at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here.

Year 07, Getting Started | We will be holding a Virtual Getting Started Meeting on Tuesday, 05 September 2023. Parents/carers will outline everything you need to know to help you prepare for your child’s first official day of Year 07 on Wednesday,  06 September. The points discussed will include:

Parents/carers have already been sent a link to this meeting. This can be found on the Year 07 | First Day letter. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Mr Choudhury (

Remarkable Readiness | To ensure that every student is ready to have a great experience every lesson, every day, we would recommend that parents/carers double-check that their child has the following: 

1) A bag packed with a Chromebook, headphones, charger and essential stationery; 

2) A fully charged Chromebook; 

3) A ParentPay account that is topped up and ready (for students purchasing lunch on-site); 

4) A washed PE Kit, which is prepared for the term ahead; 

5) A full school uniform, including their lanyard; 

6) All lashes, nail polish, and acrylic nails are removed.

As we mentioned in our Back to School meeting, students will be provided wipes at the gate should they arrive at the academy with makeup. If students arrive with jewellery, this will be confiscated until the end of the day. The academy does not take responsibility for lost or damaged items. 

Parents/carers are also reminded of our uniform expectations, which can be found here. We would like the remind parents of the following:

We understand that there are some families waiting for ties to be delivered and have been given a projected date of when these can be expected from Stevensons.  We are happy for students to wear an alternative tie which  is black or navy blue in the mean time for those parents/carers who would like to do this. We also have a list of the students that are waiting for a tie from Stevensons, should we have a spare, we will provide this to students in the mean time. 

If parents/carers require guidance or support with their child's uniform, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Seamons at If a student has lost or broken their Chromebook charger, please get in touch with Ms Fisher, Data Manager, at

Mobile Phones | Mobile Phones are important for safety. However, they are not required during the course of the school day. The impact of mobile phone usage during the school day is as follows:

This year, we will be changing our policy on Mobile Phones. Students must switch off their phones and put their phones in their bags as they enter the gate. If phones are found during the day, these will be confiscated for a period of time. As we mentioned in the Back to School meeting, the academy does not take any responsibility for lost or damaged devices. In preparation for this, we encourage you to purchase a wrist watch over the summer holidays for your child so that they can use this to tell the time through the day. 

Should you need to contact your child during the day, you can do this by leaving a message through reception. Should students wish to pass on messages to their parents, they can also do this through the reception or pastoral team. 

Key Contacts | We have had a change to our Assistant Principals who lead different year groups. The Pastoral Manager for each year group remains unchanged. Please find contact details of the different year group leads below. We will be introducing you to each member of staff through this term:

Parent Pay Accounts | As previously mentioned, it is important that parents/carers have topped up student accounts before they return to the academy to ensure that they are able to buy break snacks and lunch. Students must also bring the lunch cards that have been issued to them previously to ensure that service in the canteen is quick. When students do not have their lunch cards, this causes long delays in the canteen which is unfair on other students. Our Year 07 parents/carers will be sent their Parent Pay login details by Tuesday, 05 September. Our Year 07 students will be issued their lunch cards on Wednesday, 06 September. If students lose their cards, they can purchase a replacement card from the canteen at the cost of £1.50. If you have any questions regarding Parent Pay or cards, please contact Ms Hurst, Reception Team via email ( 

Student Timetables | All student timetables will be available on your child’s Google Calendar and Google Classroom from Monday, 04 September. Students in Year 07 will be provided their timetables on Wednesday, 06 September. It is natural for sets to change in our core subjects. These are: English, Mathematics and Science. Sets are decided based on assessments and in-class performance through the previous academic year. There are no sets in non-core subjects. There have also been some band changes so there is an equal distribution of students across bands to ensure that class sizes are appropriate. Students in Year 07 will have some timetable changes in Term 02 when we have some time with them. 

Roll Call Groups | Roll call groups are a vital safety measure for the academy to support evacuation procedures. We ensure that there are three practice points during the course of the day so students know their roll call group and their position in their roll call group. In an emergency evacuation, this helps us register students quickly and pass on information to emergency services if we can not locate a student. This year, there have been changes to our roll call groups due to an increase in student numbers. Students can find their new roll call groups on their timetable, parents/carers can also find this information on their Parent Portal App. Please make time to ensure your child knows their roll call groups before they attend the academy from Wednesday, 06 September. If you are struggling to find this information, please contact 

Homework | Our homework cycle will start again from Monday, 11 September 2023. Students in Year 07 - 10 will focus on core subjects only across Term 01. We will be holding a virtual information evening about Homework and Clubs on Thursday, 07 September. This meeting will outline:

We will send a link out to parents/carers on the day of the event. If you have any questions regarding Homework, please contact Mr Uwaechi, Assistant Principal ( . If you have any questions about Clubs, please contact Mr Choudhury, Assistant Principal (  

Term 01, Week 00 | Week Commencing, Monday, 04 September 2023

Start-of-Term Arrangements | Year 07 and Year 12 | Term one commences on Wednesday, 06 September 2023, at 08:30. 

Start-of-Term Arrangements | All other year groups | Term one commences on Thursday, 07 September 2023, at 08:30. Parents/carers can find the complete list of term dates for 2023/24 here.

Remarkable Results | We have had an 18% increase in our GCSE Mathematics and English grade 4+ results in comparison to the 2019 results. Every subject has outperformed our 2019 results in both GCSE, A-Level and Vocational studies. This demonstrates the efforts of all our stakeholders across the last three years. We look forward to next year's results whilst celebrating our achievements for the cohort of 2023.

We are very proud of all of our students that received their results this summer. The results days were the culmination of years of tireless effort, countless hours of study, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. It's a testament to our students' perseverance and resilience, demonstrating that students have the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. These results not only reflect their academic achievements but also the growth they have undergone as individuals. 

We also want to acknowledge the unwavering support of our teachers, parents, and carers who have stood by our students every step of the way. Their guidance, encouragement, and belief in our students' capabilities have played an integral role in their success. Let us take a moment to express our gratitude to them for their dedication to students' education and personal growth.

There are many success stories from our Year 13 & Year 11 cohorts this year. A Year 13 Bexleyheath Academy student is celebrating securing a place on a prestigious training programme with global asset management firm BlackRock. The future is bright for Bexleyheath Academy student Louie who will join the company in September this year.

As part of the programme, Louie will receive a relocation package and a City graduate-level salary upon joining the company. 

The 02 year apprenticeship programme is designed for sixth form students working towards a career in the financial sector. To succeed, Louie overcame a rigorous and competitive selection process across the country to be named one of BlackRock’s Transition Management Apprentices in the company’s first ever cohort of Higher-Level Apprentices (HLAs).

HLAs mix work and training, provided by BPP University, who will support Louie to gain a Level 4 qualification – equivalent to a university foundation degree – as a Business Specialist. After the two-year programme, Louie will be eligible for promotion and a career with BlackRock, while he will be supported in his current role with a buddy, a line manager, and a senior sponsor. 

We have had the highest increase in our grade nine achievements at GCSE level this year which demonstrates the quality of provision that we offer at Bexleyheath Academy. 5% of students in our Year 11 achieved 5 or more grade 9s in their subject outcomes. 

Three of our Year 11 students have secured a place at BRIT School. This is the first time our students have gotten a place at this prestigious performing arts school. We can not wait to see their talents flourish. 

A full breakdown of our results can be found on our Exam Results & Inspections page of our website. 

Sixth Form Enrolment | We still have Sixth Form places available for 2023/2025. If you have successfully achieved a grade 4 or higher in both Mathematics and English there could be a place for you at Bexleyheath Academy Sixth Form:

Academy Council Update | Thank you to those that have expressed interest in being a part of our Academy Council for 2023/2024. The form is now closed. Ms Shalo, Vice-Principal, will be in contact with parents/carers that have expressed interest at the start of the term to outline the election process where our community will vote for the parent/carer that they would like the represent them on the Academy Council. Together, we will do great things. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Shalo via email on 

Academy Return Meeting | We would like to invite parents/carers to join a virtual meeting on Thursday, 31 August at 18:00. The meeting is to help parents/carers and students with returning to the academy successfully. We will send you a meet link via email on Tuesday, 29 August 2023. During this meeting, we will: